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Everything posted by connor99

  1. Hey, ARROW, yer lucky ya found a 1/48 down there. I'm in manila every 6 months and last feb. I was looking around and couldn't find a single 1/48. must have been looking at the wrong places! Could ya do me a favor n' let me know where ya saw 'em so I can let a few friends know (fellow MAC fans! ). Thanks, dude!
  2. cambodian tire Posted on May 21 2004, 12:18 AM Hey Guys just wondering if anybody could help?.... I went to a local comic book/animme store to order/purchase SDF Macross DVD's ,he actualy had the nerve to point me to his Robotech section and denied there was any difference between RT and Macross other than "ones in japanese and ones in english". He said I should look at A&B Sound because they have "the japanese version of Robotech" - dumb a-- , anyway I did and that's where my horror started. Finding SDF Macross with japanese characters I was STOKED! They had boxed sets and individual DVD's with different episodes on each. When I read the descriptions on the back they described the character interaction with........with.... Rick and Lisa?? WTF? Someone's gotta tell those guys from HG to lay off the retard sandwiches! Oh, and maybe that guy from yer local comic book/anime store, too, C.T.!!
  3. I hope it does go through a 4th season, I gotta have my TREK fixx!
  4. Hey, MACROSS=ROBOTECH now but all I know is I'm not buying stuff from Toynami anymore! They may own the rights to everything MACROSS here in the U.S. but that don't mean they can tell us how to spend our money! If I have to fly out to ASIA to get my MAC stuff, I'll do it! (hoping I won't have to though! ).
  5. Hey, G, that thing looks sweeeeeeeet!!! Don't forget to post more pix when ya find time to!
  6. Hey, JLYC, welcome to forums! I hope ya find them 1/60 custom decals coz I'm not even sure if they're out there! But if they're not, hey, ya can always get a !/48 Valk and buy it's appropriate custom decal!
  7. Ok, now we're talking!! Hey, G.C., do we know when the release date is for this MAX Q-RAU? But ya know what it's just like SCAND & IGNACIO said, first thing's first---a definite release date for the GBP Armor!!
  8. I'm as frustrated as everyone else about having to wait for the GBP. Just keep telling myself that it is worth waiting for, but of course that's just me!
  9. I've been thinking of checking out M7 for a while now, but having read the posts on this thread---well, let's just say that I would rather see MACII over and over again!
  10. You lucky son of a gun!! congrats on completing yer collection. Just love that HIKARU 1S, absolutely beautiful!! T.Y. for posting the pix!
  11. None for me, Thank You! At least, not until after they come out w/ a KAKIZAKI or a CF!
  12. Yeah, yer right, RICHTERX!! My bad! And who da hell gives a damn?! It's MAX, and he looked cool doin' it!!
  13. RichterX Posted on May 5 2004, 10:45 PM It was just an animation effect for coolness edited to add: also in that battle scene the transformation of Max's VF-1A is not shown clear, he might had switch the way the gunpod was attach for the melee SURE. but why would he re-attach the gunpod back to the valks right arm as oppose to having to hold it with the valks hand, specially during combat?
  14. VF-19 Posted on May 5 2004, 05:22 AM This one was brought up in a previous thread, and one argument was that this was a one time only usage. Max could have ordered the arming crew to put the gunpod on backwards, so that, when he transformed into battroid mode for the first time, the gunpod would be facing towards the victim. When he transformed his 1A back, the gunpod was probably switched around again This is not possible because I just saw DYRL? again and in that part where the valks are on the intercept course to engage the battle pods and MISA was giving them course corrections, MAX, who also was adjusting his flying patterns by using the fast pack side boosters, had his gunpod on the valk the usual way. So, it couldn't have asked the arming crew to attach the gunpod backwards on the valks arm.
  15. connor99

    Kids and your toys

    I have a 1 yr. old boy but he doesn't live w/ me right now. I guess I'm one of the fortunates, but come next yr. he'll be moving out here in the states and I have to say that w/ him I think I might have to go with the "Curiousity Pacify-ing" route. Actually, I've already bought him his own MAC toys and hopefully those will keep 'em away from mine. One can hope!
  16. wolfx Posted on May 4 2004, 09:53 AM In the beginning when Max pwned 3 zentraedi battlepods, the last one his gunpod was strapped to his arm facing the OTHER way and it fired on poor zentraedi's head. Animation error? Heh. The gunpod can't face that way strapped to the hand. (I thought he was holding it with his hands at 1st) "ANIME MAGIC" perhaps?!
  17. Man, I hope they come out w/ a 1/48 KAKIZAKI!! But I'll also settle for a VT-1, VE-1 and/or a CF, like CALVIN said, it shouldn't even be that hard to do the latter coz basically it's just gonna be a repaint! One can hope though, right?!
  18. Would love to complete my 1/60 collection, but, alas, family's gotta come first! I've got a lil boy now, so gotta be wise on spending dough! At least, I already have my VT-1, and I'll be gettin' the 1J w/ da GBP armor---so I'm good!
  19. I'm not sure if pilots use the head lasers more if and when the missile payload is depleted, but I know (and we all should!) that pilots use 'em for combat. Someone already mentioned that ROY used the head lasers to destroy a Regult on the TV series, but they forgot to mention that MAX used the head lasers on his 1S when he was dogfighting MIRIA on DYRL? above the ruined ancient city. If this isn't enough proof for anyone, I don't know what would be?!
  20. REMINATOR mentioned that Roy's GBP had the # 4 on it's red palette. Can anyone confirm this for me coz I'm planning on dressin' up my 1S FOKKER when the armor comes in next month (keeps fingers crossed! )?
  21. Panon Posted on Apr 29 2004, 12:31 AM Click on the link at the bottom of that page that leads to the Japanese version of that page and read that description. Read the Macross compendium, and you'll see that the first of three box sets of the original series was released 25/1/2000, just like what you've linked to. Do you somehow think a reanimated OVA version of Macross was released four years ago and Macrossworld just somehow happened to not notice it? Use your brain here My feelings exactly, Thank you, PANON!
  22. Drad Posted on Apr 29 2004, 12:10 AM It's not a bootleg. It's an officially licensed product, Region 2. CDJapan sells only licensed products. It's also not the old SDF Macross series on DVD, it's an OVA version with new animation. Anyone? Any reviews or information? Hmmm...new animation?! I'm kinda intrigued by this now. How different can it be from the old TV series? Has anyone seen this at all that could shed some light on the subject?
  23. Looks like a bootleg to me! Ya better off picking up the ANIMEIGO version.
  24. Radd Posted on Apr 28 2004, 12:32 A.M. Now, inferring from what we know from the compendium, there were working VF-1 prototypes at this time, nuclear and everything. Problem seems that they had trouble mass producing the nuclear engines. Now, would the UN develope a jet engine based fighter, then make it otherwise more advanced than the nuclear counterpart? If so, why? Thank you, RADD, I too was asking this very same question. Can anyone please clarify this for the rest of us?
  25. Hey, REMINATOR, congrats on the DYRL? copy. I got mine from KEVIN, too, and it is just excellent!
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