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Everything posted by connor99

  1. connor99

    1/72 GBP?

    Excellent pics, you guys, and to mention excellent build-ups. But we would like to see more, he-he!
  2. Hey, HURIN, even if it is a $40 price hike it's still better than what TISINC is selling for--1st edition or not!
  3. doodler7 Posted on Sep 1 2004, 11:47 PM all i need now is a LOW VIS VF-1A. Check the FS section of the forums OR go to ebay.com, I believe there's one right now that's going for $300, or what some might call here "an arm 'n a leg"!
  4. Love everything about this particular VF-0 variant, except for that tail marking! It's just fugly to me, rabbit or what not!
  5. doodler7 Posted on Aug 29 2004, 01:17 AM How about 1/48 Thunder Hummer armors? izzyfcuk Posted on Aug 29 2004, 03:43 AM the thunder hummers were custom scratchbuilt isn't it? Scratch-Built it is, but I sure wish HASEGAWA mass produced this for the general public. Man, after seeing that pic of the T.H. for the first time here on MW,I had to pick up the lower half of my jaw from the floor!
  6. Man, the VF-0S is a real disappointment. Might have to settle for a HASE kit. 1/48 GBP Armor and 1/60 MONSTER-----be mine!!
  7. Thanks, WOLFX, owe ya one! I know it's not much of a pose and HIKARU's looking like he's had a little too much to drink, but hey, I think it's cool ! Just hope ya guys thinks so, too !
  8. Oh, man, this is gonna sound really dumb, but could someone let me know how to post a pic w/ one of my replies ! I would love to contribute to this thread. Thanks!
  9. Transformers for me, just like everyone else, and the Centurions coming in at a close second.
  10. Yes, the Yamato stocks are NOT that bad. But for me personally, if I'm shelling out $150 for a Valk, I'm not gonna put anything on it but the best-looking type of decals--namely the TAKATOYS and ANAZASI's. Just my 2 cents .
  11. eugimon Posted on Aug 24 2004, 01:42 AM well, if you notice what happens to his VF-1s, the arms are blown off as well... whatever hit him was packing some pretty impressive firepower so I'm going to go with the added armour of the FP and his arms saved hikaru's life. course, if it was max, he would have jettisoned the FP armour so that there was some distance between him and the explosion and saved his arms I HEARD THAT !! I guess HIKARU's just not that fast eventhough he's an excellent pilot. Thanks for the responses, EUGIMON 'n AZRAEL! I never even realized the 1S was backing up as it was being hit by the missiles. Just goes to show how the FP's are built so damn tough!
  12. I had a chance to see Episode 27 (Love drifts away) of SDF-1 again last night, and I noticed something that I really wasn't paying attention to before. It has to do w/ the scene where HIKARU just took out a Zentraedi ship w/ his RMS-1's and immediately afterwards he was hit by a volley of enemy missiles AND survives by putting the NP-AR-1's in front of the battroid's upper torso. My QUESTION is: was it the mere presence of those micro-missile launcher pads that saved Mr. Ichijo or was there something else to the story? I know that we can probably chalk it up to "Anime Magic" or the series creator's wish not to off their hero before the series ended, but I was kinda hoping someone would know a much better, technical answer. Thanks in advance and sorry for the long-ASS, detailed query!
  13. Hey, ONORE, ya might wanna check the for sale section of the forums. I think there have been a couple of VF-1S that were put up on sale in the last 2-3 weeks. Goodluck on the VALK hunt, though, and I hope ya find one soon!
  14. valkyrietestpilot Posted on Aug 15 2004, 12:01 PM i have a great customizer i can refer you too also,if your other offer falls through Hey, VALKYRIETESTPILOT, does your friend work on 1/48's, too? I'm thinking of getting my 1A customized to KAKIZAKI's DYRL colors 'n markings. And, Damn, BUKAJUICE!! Who the hell is that in your avatar?!
  15. Are the 1/48's that fragile that people are so damn afraid of transforming them? I've got 4 and I play with 2 of 'em all the time. They're actually very flexible and have yet to break anyone of 'em. And plus they look like a million bucks! I don't think anything else would come close to KAWAMORI's line-art ! The 1/55's are great to play with but when you want something really good to gawk at, it's gotta be the 1/48'S !
  16. My vote would have to go to Lynn Kaifun's death............oh, wait! That's right, he never died in MACROSS! But should have though, lil prick! And I wish it was HIKARU who put him out of his misery, like maybe unloading his VALK's gunpod on Kaifun's ass!
  17. Valk-1S Posted on Aug 17 2004, 10:36 PM Hey Connor99, Yes I read that post and it's referring to the VF-1S and not the Max and Hikaru and besides I am just pointing out what I saw at Hobby Search Oooppssss, sorry dude, my bad! But I sure hope YAMATO does come out with another round of the 1A 'n 1J 'coz I wanna pick up another set for my little boy!
  18. Hey, VALK-1S, have ya read any of the posts on this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=10270 *EDIT* Dammit, can't get the link to work. Anyway, check out the thread ENTITLED "No 1/48 VF-1S anytime soon" by DEJR8BUD.
  19. Just like ANUBIS, I too am still waiting for the CF. At least, I've got the HIKARU variants to keep me busy! But of course, that's not to say I'm not wanting to get my hands on a ROY, he-he!
  20. Still no new pictures of this up-coming YAMATO release, huh?! Man, that thing just looks fugly! I think I just might have to settle for a HASE kit if don't get anything else in way of toys!
  21. 2 thumbs up, H! I agree w/ everyone, very nice set up indeed!
  22. e_jacob77: Which would be easier for you to apply on yer MAX 1J? Would you prefer waterslide decals or regular, run-o-da-mill stickers? If it's the latter, then I suggest you pick up the TAKATOYS version. Otherwise, ya might wanna take CDR.FOKKER's advice 'n get the ANASAZI's waterslide version. Both look excellent and will very much compliment that beautiful VALK of yours. Both are also available at TMPANIME.com 'n VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.COM.
  23. And let's not forget about the liner notes that come w/ the ANIMEIGO version, I just absolutely love those (Thanks, EGAN! ).
  24. Not to rub salt on an old wound, VF1 FURY, but ya know what they say--you snooze, you lose! Fortunately for me, I like the re-painted HIKARU 1S version better, so I'm not regretful about the ROY one bit! But if YAMATO did come out w/ another re-lease of this very iconic VALK, well, let's just say that none of us are going to miss out a second time!
  25. Dude, don't be afraid to explore yer 1/48. It's a toy, not a model kit (although it kinda looks like one! ).
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