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Everything posted by connor99

  1. A small pair of scissors works on the Skull Insignias, but it is best to just use the Exacto knife on everything else. And SDFCommander, let's see some pix when yer done !
  2. Yeah, I know what you guys mean. For something that goes for that price, it should be really poseable and all that, but I bet this has been discussed already in this particular forum .
  3. Congrats, KEVIN! She is just absolutely beautiful!
  4. Hey, DATTERBOY, looks like we're in the same boat! I'm getting ready to move my wife and my 1 1/2 yr. old boy here in CALIF. Thankfully I've gotten wind of the MWer's advice to use 1/55's as "curiousity pacifiers" for my JACOB, and that's why I've been buying re-issues for the last few months. Hopefully, it will do the job, 'coz from the stories that his mom had already told me, looks like I'm gonna have to do a really good job of taking away his soon-to-be-laid attention on my precious display case. Wish me luck . BTW, yours is a good-looking little boy, and he does look really cute w/ that valk in hand !
  5. Hang on just a second guys, while I pick up my jaw from the floor!! Damn, DEVIN, when ya said you were busy, you weren't kidding!! That is just absolutely beautiful!! Vermillion One, ya lucky son-of-a-gun !
  6. Congrats, PFUNK! Best wishes to you 'n the lovely wife!
  7. Very impressive pic, HATERIST! Let's see some more, specially that of the 1S KAKIZAKI !
  8. Hey guys, is it really THUNDER HAMMER or HUMMER? 'Coz in the pages of the magazine section of MW, it says 5TH SOG THUNDER HUMMERS. I always thought it's lame ! I think HAMMER goes better w/ the VF-1S, and I think all ya will agree!
  9. Did you even need to ask?! THUNDER HUMMERS all the way, baby !
  10. Protoplast Posted on Sep 17 2004, 12:00 PM I highly doubt there will be more releases of 1/48, they covered the basic VF-1S/J/A YAMATO will be coming out w/ da 1/48 GBP Armor next year. Whose to say there not gonna offer this to go w/ a 1/48 1J as a set?
  11. I rather go in for a root canal, than read any of those .
  12. Hey, that dude on the sketches looks like a 20 something DAVID BOWIE !
  13. He-he, I did forget about the age thing, didn't I ?! Oh, and DEADZONE, your family isn't the only one who thinks yer a nut in having to collect toys. I get the same kind of treatment from my own brood ! I just tell 'em, "Hey, I missed out on having to collect 20 years ago, so I'm not gonna let a 2nd chance pass me by!" . That seems to end the arguement, thank God!
  14. Hey, CALVIN, welcome back! To tell ya guys the truth, one of the things about MACROSS that I like so much is the fact that the fanbase isn't as big as that of, let's GUNDAM or TRANSFORMERS. This appeals to me only because I get to talk to a group of people who realy loves MACROSS 'n everything about it, not just 'coz it's the cool thing to do or 'coz every single one of their friends is into it and they just want to jump the proverbial band wagon. It's funny that thinking back to when I first saw the series on TV, I still feel the same way about having to associate w/ the same folks that DO love it!
  15. I'm Thinking of customizing a 1/60 HIKARU 1A to KAKIZAKI colors and I have no idea on how to get rid of the original accent color. Would definitely appreciate any tips and advice. Thanks in advance, you guys ! Joel
  16. From yer lips to GOD's ears, KENSEI !! I too cannot wait to get my hands on a 1/48 CF 'n any or all of the 2 seaters. I hope YAMATO does shape up and tap this particular "mine of gold"!
  17. connor99

    1/72 GBP?

    Dax415 Posted: Sep 2 2004, 06:40 PM I was just wondering if anyone has built a 1/72 GBP armor for a hasegawa battroid. Or is everyone just waiting to see if hasegawa comes out with it? Thx Yeah, does anyone know why HASEGAWA's taking it's good time in officially releasing a 1/72 GBP? I mean, they already came out with the Super Battroids. It shouldn't be that hard to add-on the GBP attachments to that !
  18. Boxer Posted on Sep 7 2004, 11:45 PM My whole question was weather or not the VF-1 would look sort of 'as is shown' in Macross or weather it would have stealth capabilities (If, somehow we got transformation technology.) QUOTE Let the kids have their fun. Most of us old-timers will just sit back and let the kids make fools of themselves. Well excuse me for asking anything. I suggest being more specific the next time you pose a question, that helps out a lot !
  19. Macross_Fanboy Posted on Sep 7 2004, 10:00 PM Yes, I have thought about a transforming jet before. But there is no way it is possible until we can develop the neccessary materials and fuel supply for those would-be fighters. I agree completely! There's just way too many factors that go into the creation of the VF-1 and with the current technology available right now it is just not possible to build one.
  20. mantisfists Posted: Sep 6 2004, 03:48 PM Also....I was thinkin bout buyin the GBP armor for it....would it fit? Hey, MANTIFISTS, ya might wanna check this out: LINK. Our MW brother SCAND did a modification to his 1D and voila!
  21. Hurin Posted on Sep 4 2004, 01:04 PM To me, that's a more sound long-term business model than the gouging we've seen by others. Respected, trusted, fair sellers who pack their items well like Valkyrie Exchange (Kevin), Twin Moons (Tam), Neova, and now Chibitokyo, really do expose and hilight the less than stellar behavior and practices of stores like TISINC99. H Amen to that, Brother! Amen to that!
  22. Die, Alien Scum! Posted on Sep 4 2004, 02:09 AM Actually tisinc's raised prices on most of the 1/48s he's got in stock. I think the only ones he hasn't increased yet are the TV Super VF-1Js. I know he's getting $175 for the Hikaru VF-1S now. The Hikaru VF-1A and Hikaru VF-1J have both gone up like $5 each. WOW, that is just something else!! I don't think I can be this greedy, even if I tried !
  23. Not to get off the topic or something, but do ya guys wanna hear something funny? I know HURIN would specially get a kick out of this! Anyway, here's the story. I had a chance to speak w/ one of the guys from tisinc earlier this week and he said that they have specially made boxes for sending out 1/48 valks to their respective buyers. Upon hearing that, I got to thinking--if they cared so much about shipping the valks 'n their containers, now why would one of my fellow MWer get a 1/48 box w/ a big ass warping crease ?! The guy probably thought I wasn't gonna notice when he's blowing smoke up my ass . But I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, 'coz after all they're the ones who gouged the prices on their 1/48 ROY's.
  24. A very impressive collection, WOLFX! Thanks for sharing, man. And I have to agree with the guys, that glass cabinet from IKEA is just totally complementing yer valks. Heck, I should know, I've got one myself ! P.S. --- Those things were on sale a couple of weeks ago for $59 (regular price is about $99). So for those who's thinking of getting one, ya guys might wanna check IKEA first before buying elsewhere.
  25. This thing should've come with the caption: "The next holy grail" . Looks absolutely gorgeous.
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