Panzer Posted on Oct 8 2004, 11:05 PM
QUOTE (VF-19 pilot!!! @ Oct 8 2004, 10:50 PM)
I own about 12 1/48's and some times they are a bit to big looking, when comapred to the rest of my pieces.
dear God man... thats almost $2,000.00 in toys if you consider shipping and tax.. either your real rich or real.. nevermind.
Well, you obviously have not heard of GODZILLA, KENSEI and/or HATERIST's collections! Yeah, like most of you guys, that's pretty much how I look at my YAMATO collection: 1/48's for display and 1/60's for everything else (although, ya can play w/ a 1/48, too, as most folks would know !).