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Everything posted by connor99

  1. Impressive collection, ZEO-MARE! Thanks for sharing !
  2. Ignacio Ocamica Posted on Nov 20 2004, 06:03 PM QUOTE (Beware of Blast @ Nov 20 2004, 06:39 PM) At the current limited units that Yamato are commited to produce, I rather that people who only knew Robotech, stay with the MPC toys. Let those who know and will appreciate what's good have the Yamato 1/48s. Either that, or somebody install some boot prints on Yamato's arse so they make more. Well said BoB!!! Yeah, but hasn't it been said that one of the ways we can have companies like YAMATO produce more of the stuff that we love is to have more people buy those stuff?
  3. haterist Posted on Nov 19 2004, 06:13 PM QUOTE (mechatek @ Nov 19 2004, 05:39 PM) Planning to outfit this one with some GBP armor goodness. haha! great mids think alike! Amen to that, my brothers! Amen to that!
  4. I'm gonna have to agree with the guys on this one. I believe it is the familiarity with robotech that leads most americans to buy MPC's instead. I'm glad to be one of the fortunate ones to be exposed to MACROSS first ,having lived half of my life in MANILA back in the days. Another factor, as EWILEN, pointed out, is the fact that you don't really find out about the "pros and cons" of each of the different valks, until you already have it in your hands. I found this out the hard way when I took a chance on buying an MPC ROY, and only finding out about the flaws when I took the damn valk out of it's box. I'm glad that we have places like MW.com where noobs can find out anything and everything about MACROSS related toys and collectibles.
  5. Dat Pinche Haro! Posted on Nov 18 2004, 11:11 AM QUOTE (>EXO< @ Nov 18 2004, 07:23 AM) So there's only 3000-4000 made this time? I wonder how many of that will be sold to first time buyers or first time Roy1S buyers.... I'm buying one and I'm a first time 1/48 buyer I guess that makes me a first time Roy -1S buyer too Same here, well, at least, for the 1S ROY . I guess we're about to find out now that YAMATO's releasing it in the next few days .
  6. Valks were my initial attraction to the phenomenon that is MACROSS, but of course I also loved the romance and the songs. Hey, what can I say, I'm a hopeless romantic !
  7. The name Johnny Depp seems to be synonymous with "off-beat" roles !
  8. MyClone Posted on Nov 8 2004, 01:17 PM I have no clue as to whether a Fast Pack reissue is coming, but Hobby Link Japan still has 'em in stock. So does VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.com.
  9. connor99

    Yamato 1:48

    snip312 Posted on Nov 8 2004, 09:50 PM SO, how sure are they (online retailers) that the VF-1S will be reissued? Well, VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.com's got pre-orders for it, so that sure enough for me ! But if you wanna see for yourself, check here: 1/48 VF-1S ROY
  10. connor99

    Yamato 1:48

    Feyd-Rautha Posted on Nov 7 2004, 01:59 PM hey guys.. what's the lowest price you've seen a mint 1:48 go for?? 100.oo or...lower? >>also ..is e-bay my best bet too buy one? thanks much Dude, now's your chance: 1/48 Yammies For Sale !
  11. connor99

    Yamato 1:48

    Hey, FEYD_RAUTHA, ya might wanna check the FS section of this forum. Every now and then, a fellow MWer will put up a 1/48 for sale .
  12. Awesome pics, BLUEMAX!! Made me wish I didn't get rid of my 1/60's ! Thanks for sharing though .
  13. kensei Posted on Nov 6 2004, 05:22 AM Now THAT, ladies and gents, is art at its most beautiful. Thanks, KENSEI!! Coming from someone with 7 of these gorgeous lil babies, that's a lot !! But I wish I had your collection though !!!
  14. natgun Posted on Nov 6 2004, 02:11 AM ive had people who arent into anime or toys whatsoever tell me that my 1/48 yamato with fastpacks is the single coolest toy they have ever seen. i wholeheartedly agree with them. You mean like this one:
  15. kensei Posted on Nov 4 2004, 12:53 AM I did that. It looked very nice. I put up a photo in Tamim's gallery, but when he changed the server, it got deleted. I'll will try to put them up again after I finished my exams on the 17th. BTW if you want some TV stickers let me know later. I'll send you some when I finish my collection. I'm planning to get some Takatoys stickers, so I won't be needing the Yamato ones. WOW, Thanks for the very nice gesture, dude, but I also ordered a set of TAKATOYS from KEVIN . Hey, post that pic one more time for us whose waiting to get their very own TV VERSION 1S ! Thanks again, KENSEI!
  16. Sweet!! Thanks, KENSEI, 'coz I plan on putting that particular armor on my 2nd re-release VF-1S that's coming out in a few months, giving me my very own TV VERSION SUPER 1S! Yes, good times are a comin' !
  17. Hey guys, I've got a supplemental question of sorts. Will the TV Version fit on the DYRL 1/48 version valks (more specifically the ROY) or is it just exclusive for the 1J's (although, I don't see why it would not fit all 1/48 valks !).
  18. Oh,man, sorry but I can't help ya out on this one, buddy! But that was nice and gory! Totally loved it, he-he !
  19. KENSEI, yer gonna hate me for this, BUT I just got me a 1/48 MAX 1A MIB for $135 shipped from another fellow MWer !
  20. >EXO< Posted on Oct 27 2004, 06:18 PM I think it's the end of the line for the M&Ms, Hikaru 1A and Max. It's a good thing I just bought me a MAX 1A, and got it for a really good price, too! Thanks, JoLe727 !
  21. Check here:What's wrong w/ my Valk?. You'll find that yer not the only one who's had this kind of problem, and hopefully, find some solutions as well . P.S. I was gonna recommend for you to check out the TOY section of MW.com, but I guess it's a little too late for that .
  22. >EXO< Posted on Oct 27 2004, 06:15 PM Tisinc, has the best prices at F&S... I buy from there all the time. And those guys are pretty helpful Anyway I hope they ship these with the new gummy pilot that came with the Hikaru 1S. What a waste of a good sculpt if they don't. Hey, EXO, don't get me wrong. I think TISINC has a great selection on Gundam kits and Re-issue G1 TF's. It's just their prices on the 1/48 DYRL yammies that I have a problem with. I've even gone as far as recommending to place an ad here on MAC WORLD, but that was before I found out how they were adding $10 more to the price of the ROY after every sale they make. I know everyone's entitled to put there merchandise out for sale at any price they want, but I think marking up the price by that much just isn't right.
  23. Just absolutely gorgeous, dude! Another excellent work!
  24. Orange County, CALIFORNIA .
  25. haterist Posted on Oct 26 2004, 01:22 PM BTW, i can't believe a MW'er actually recommended TISINC, the king of the gougers, shill bidder of shill bidders, and the worst CS in the world ever! that guys a cocksucker, i wouldn't buy from him if he was the only game in town. Holy Shite! HATERIST, yer right! I just checked out those item on eBay right now and it's by TISINC99 . Unless someone else's offering these 1/48's, I guess I'm not even gonna consider getting them .
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