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Everything posted by connor99

  1. I voted for the Glass and Hinged door. I have one of those DETOLFF from IKEA, and I have to say that one of it's appeals is the fact that I can see my VALKS from anywhere in my room, from any angle. It makes me appreciate the 1/48's that I do have .
  2. I was in the same kind of predicament months ago when I was applying the same decals on my 1/48 1S 'n 1A HIKARU's. But I just used a little TAMIYA glue and those things stuck to the FP's like white on rice .
  3. Sure, I'll buy the damn thing.....as soon as I get me that $250 2nd release 1S ROY from Tisinc !
  4. I'll be getting me two sets of the 1/48 GBP, an AOSHIMA ALIENS Dropship and maybe the YAMATO SCOPEDOG!
  5. jenius Posted on Jan 12 2005, 09:57 PM the 1/48th scale price sky rocketing? Well, they're certainly getting a bit harder to get at the moment but if Yamato is planning a release of the 1/48 scale armor this year than it's more than likely (i would think) that we will see a few more valks at that time also. At the very least they're going to do a 1J with armor. What do you think? Am i nuts or does this sound plausible? YAMATO's gonna be coming out with the 1/48 GBP Armor this year (at least, that's what we're all hoping for !). I would think that they would probably offer the HIKARU 1J along with this, as sort of a combo, like they did with the TV Fastpack.
  6. Absolutely gorgeous!! Wish I had that much skillz !
  7. Does anyone know the scale for those KONAMI trading figs of the Colonial Vipers?
  8. connor99


    Very nice!! Just make sure you update the pics when you do get that MAX 1A !
  9. Finally, something worth looking forward to besides the 1/48 GBP Armor !!
  10. Ido Posted on Jan 9 2005, 03:24 AM You should make that who join the community know what Macross and robbotech are, near nobody read the FAQ or rules when join a forum... Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe we already have this. It's in the Sci-fi and Other Anime section, a pinned topic called "A Newbie's guide to the differences between MACROSS and Robotech by LEBHEAD" !
  11. eugimon Posted on Jan 8 2005, 11:20 PM get the J, you'll be ready for the GBP armour set. One of the best advices I've ever heard. Listen to the man !!!
  12. I, too, got the Alternator GRIMLOCK (from Target as well, no less!). I gotta say I'm not too crazy about him in robot mode and that would be weird considering he's my fave (hence, the e-mail addy!),but of course, it didn't stop me from buying the damn toy! I love the vehicle mode, though, just looks absolutely stunning!!
  13. I haven't seen MACROSS 7 yet, so I can't really say if I love it or hate it .
  14. Hey,GHIBLIONE, if you think that 1/48 HIKARU 1S looks good, wait until you see yours with the fastpacks on !! Damn, TOONZ, that is one hell of a pic! Just absolutely beautiful !
  15. Welcome to VALKAHOLICS ANONYMOUS !!!! and congrats on the new 1/48!
  16. Chowser Posted on Jan 3 2005, 02:05 PM i'm still waiting for Yamato to release a VF-1A Max-TV version. common Yamato, it's just a repaint!!!! PLEASE!!! I know, how hard can it be to repaint a valk? They've done it with the DYRL Max version, why not do the same for the TV Version! And while they're at it, give us a 1/48 Cannon Fodder,too !
  17. HATERIST, that is one gorgeous looking valk!!! Don't wanna sound like a broken record, but just like what AAAJIN said: "What type paint did you use?". I'm getting ready to make a custom 1/60 TV MAX 1A and I need to get my stuff ready, starting with what type paint to use.
  18. Love this particular MG Variant, but did they really have to use the word VAGEENA with it?
  19. Salamat, pare, for both the greet 'n da pic. That's awesome, wish I coulda been there, though !
  20. SHAIDER CUTTER!!!!! But dude, where's The VAVILOS pic ?! Man, loved that pic, POLIDREAD!!! It brought back a lot of childhood memories, thanks for sharing !
  21. Thanks for sharing, ARMOR! Excellent collection and what a beautiful set o' drums !
  22. I got mine the other day (from KEVIN @ Valk-Exchange, thanks BTW !) but I haven't had the chance to check it out until tonight. Everything looks great, no crooked skulls and/or missing parts. Should make my little boy happy, when he gets it in another 5 years, for his 7th b-day !
  23. SWEEEEEEEETTTTT!!! Thanks for the heads up, KEV !
  24. connor99

    Latest custom 1/48

    Damn, that looks good! If I only had the money..... !
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