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Everything posted by connor99

  1. Heck, yeah!! I'm interested. Sign me up !!
  2. Hey, excellent work, ALPHA HX!! I want that modified 1S head on my MAX-1A!!!
  3. Hey, you know what they say: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" !!!
  4. I was over at FRANK & SONS Collectible show this afternoon to pick up a 3" OTC Stormtrooper. The vendor that I got this from had a S**T load of the Alternator SHOCKBLAST. So, for all of you So.Cal. folks who aren't lucky enough to find one at yer local Target or Wal-Mart, please check there. The booth is located on the front left-hand side of the building, right next to the japanese vendor named HAJI (who also happens to sell Takara Binaltechs and MACROSS stuff) .
  5. I totally agree. The space action in BSG is great, but a good series must have more than this to keep it's viewers from getting bored.
  6. UN MARINE, best of luck to you on this project. Oh, don't forget to post pics when it's done !!
  7. Folks, not to get off the subject of this particular thread, but to those who do collect STAR WARS figures, the KAYBEE Toy Stores here in Southern California are having a sale on their 12 inch OTC figures. I just got me an OTC Stormtrooper for $15, That's half the regular price.
  8. Just bought me this series' 1st ever DVD collection and I just love it! I still find the episodes entertaining, even after all these years! And those opening gambits for the 1st few episodes are just awesome, specially for the one entitled "The Gauntlet" .
  9. I wouldn't mind picking up that RYOFU figure, right next to the VF-11B! YOWZAAA!!!
  10. connor99


    It looks funky, I like it !!
  11. 1/48 VF-0S?! YAMATO hasn't even come out with the 1/60 version yet, or who knows if they ever will! Just like most guys here at MW, I'd be happy if they go through with the 1/48 GBP or maybe a 1/48 CF .
  12. Thanks for the heads-up, A7!! On my way to Bestbuy right now !
  13. You might wanna look around first and see what's still available and THEN make your choice. There's still some 3rd issue VF-1S ROY that you can find on-line, so that might be a good candidate. But, of course, it's just like what GODZILLA said: It all boils down to your favorite.
  14. I have a feeling that my boy will be exposed to the anime of MACROSS first. I mean it only makes sense, I love watching SDF-1 and DYRL. So one of these days, he's bound to catch me checking out my dvd's and that will be his first exposure to the phenomenon that we all so love and adore. As for the MAC toys I've acquired for him, they will have to wait until he's a little older, maybe when he turns 7 or 8.
  15. connor99

    Anybody know...

    Damn, $80 for a set of FP's!! And to think I was complaining about having to pay $65 for mine. I sure am glad now I bought 'em when I did .
  16. Ahhhhh, finally, something to look forward to! Thanks for the info, TEMUCANO!
  17. 1/48 HIKARU VF-1S w/ FP's. My first YAMATO ever .
  18. I'm gonna pay-off the debt I've acquired in buying MACROSS toys to begin with. But like everyone else, I'm still hoping for a 1/48 GBP .
  19. Kung Hei Fat Choi to everyone!
  20. My vote goes for the HIKARU VF-1S, but of course when it comes to stuff like this, it's just a matter of preferrence ! But of course, it's just like what the guys are saying, ya might wanna "settle" for the ROY since the other one is really scarce nowadays.
  21. Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted on Jan 21 2005, 09:26 PM You are all lucky, turns out here in richmond we don't even HAVE scifi!! UGH!! Man right when something cool comes on too. I was so looking forward to this after watching some old sschool bg reruns and having flashbacks of 3rd grade Well, I'm not so lucky here either. I'm on vacation and visiting the the wifey here in MANILA, where everything new tv wise isn't gonna be shown until maybe this time next year ! At least, I'll be back in the west coast in 3 weeks and then I can catch up on my BSG with re-runs .
  22. Sebastian Posted on Jan 26 2005, 04:21 AM Damn, All this makes me feel like I will never see that 1/48 GBP at all./ Awww, dude, you shouldn't have posted that! You might be jinxing it for the rest of us ! But I do hope we get more MACROSS stuff from YAMATO!
  23. You might wanna shoot ANASAZI37 a PM. I bought some custom 1/60 decals from him a few months ago and they're excellent. You can get 'em as run-o-da-mill stickers or water-slide decals
  24. I've died and gone to MACROSS heaven ! Damn, G-MAN, that is one hell of a collection, and man, I wish it were mine !! Thanks for sharing!
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