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Everything posted by connor99

  1. Welcome to MW,NEOSLASHOTT !! Might wanna try GREATTOYS.net, if yer based in P.I. The re-ish VF-1S ROY's are of somewhat reasonable price still. Good luck !
  2. connor99

    1/48 Yamatos

    reddsun1 Posted on Jun 3 2005, 01:34 PM Not if you're a big fan of MACROSS, you won't !!!
  3. armentage Posted on Jun 3 2005, 07:33 AM Well, I'm hoping common sense will prevail among the folks over at YAMATO and they'll see that releasing more 1/48 FP's would mean more money for them . Oh, and LUCLIN999, welcome to the forums !
  4. Gerwalker Posted on Jun 2 2005, 01:56 PM Man, I was hoping JOYRIDE was gonna fix this problem with their series 2 VIPERS, but I guess I was wrong. Damn, don't they ever do QUALITY CHECKS . Thanks for the heads up, though, GERWALKER .
  5. I'll check it out, but it might have to wait until after I see BATMAN:BEGINS !
  6. I started off by collecting TF's and G.I.JOE's back in Jr. High. I've been a long time MACROSS fan, just like most of you guys are, but have not started collecting valks until the very first 1/60 YAMATO's came out. Now, I have both 1/60's and 1/48's in my collection .
  7. Black Valkyrie Posted on Jun 1 2005, 01:50 PM Man, now that's some will power ! I've been trying to tell myself for the last 4 weeks that I'm gonna pass up on the 1/48 CF, since I'm little short for cash. But no such luck!! I just put in a pre-order for the darn thing .
  8. I'm with you on this one. Be thankful we are getting one for the 1/48 line. All indicators point to Yamato's backing out of the macross market. If you don't like it don't buy it! It just means more for me! Yeah, you guys are right. We shouldn't be complaining and we should be grateful instead, of the fact that we're getting a 1/48 GBP. But you guys also have to admit that this latest pic is making the 1/60 GBP version look better .
  9. I'm starting to agree with you guys here, after seeing those new pics of the GBP. The damn thing IS really that out of proportion , specially that chest piece . But who am I kidding, I'm still getting me one of those.
  10. Sweet!! Thanks for all the info, SPIDER-X!! I'm just glad that these things aren't as huge as the toy versions. Can't wait to get 'em .
  11. Excellent work, MECHAMANIAC!! That tweaked out Gunpod looks bad-ass !!
  12. I beg to differ on this one and I too, will have to use DYRL? as a referrence. Look back to the MAX 'n MILIA showdown scene in the skies above the alien city ruins. You might recall that when they were battling, MAX was constantly switching from Fighter to Battroid modes and was doing all sorts of maneuvers to attack and avoid volleys of RPGs/Missiles (specially the ones fired from the shoulders of MILIA's Q-Rau Armor!). MAX might be better "robot" pilot, but I don't think that makes him any less than HIKARU when batlling in Fighter mode.
  13. I was just thinking the same thing. It would make sense to rerelease the FP's, specially right after the 1/48 CF's come out.
  14. Well, I've got another 1/2 hour before I get to see the finale, but as far as the whole season goes, I think it's really good. This might be 1 of the only 2 shows on Television that is actually worth seeing and staying in tuned for. The other would have to be BSG on the Sci-fi channel.
  15. Nicely put, HATERIST!!
  16. Hey guys, that MILLENIUM FALCON wouldn't happen to be the rumored soon-to-be released version by FINE MOLDS, is it ?
  17. Welcome to VALKAHOLICS Anonymous !!
  18. I've already bought valks for my 2 year old boy, 4 BANDAI 1/55's, a Toynami Masterpiece ROY (don't ask why!), a couple of YAMATO 1/60's and a set of 1/48 Re-ish VF-1S with FP's. I'm plan on giving him all of these in about 5 years, except for the 1/48 which I'm gonna wait until he's a little bit older. I'm doing this so that I can see him develop a real appreciation for the finer things that is MACROSS (hence, the 1/48!). I'm giving 'im the 1/55's first, 'coz I gotta let him have some fun too, and just like you guys said, those little bastards are tough and can withstand abuse from a child. I'm probably gonna get him his own 1/48 CF, but I might also wait on having to give him that . I just hope the YAMATO does come out with the 1/48 CF .
  19. Oh, great! Now I'm gonna be in the same boat as those folks trying to track down a(n) FP for reasonable prices because of this . But hey, at least, we're all getting our much beloved 1/48 CF (I hope!) !
  20. Ahhhhh......never get tired of looking at a 1/48 HIKARU VF-1S, specially when it has the FP's on and it's accentuated with either a(n) TAKATOYS or ANASAZI37 custom decals . Nice pic, WICKED ACE !
  21. kensei Posted on May 7 2005, 11:14 PM Hey dude, we gotta look out for the future fans of this anime phenomenon that we all so love and adore, right?! I'm telling you guys, my son JACOB will love this 1/48 I've bought for him. Heck, he's only 2 yrs. old right now and he already loves playing with toy planes, so, there you go !
  22. Spiff Posted on May 7 2005, 07:45 PM I believe GRAHAM had mentioned a couple of weeks ago that the 1/48 GBP might be the last of YAMATO's when it comes to anything MACROSS. So, the possibility of anything being re-released is probably nil .
  23. I would just like to second our good brothers' SHIN and HATERIST on this issue of whether a(n) 1/48 is fragile or not. I believe it has been said here on the forums before that a 1/48 is a TOY. It is meant to be played with. And just like most of the collectors here on the forums, I have more than one 1/48 in my possession, so I'm speaking from experience .
  24. Excellent work as always, KURT! I think this is the best one yet .
  25. snip312 Posted on Apr 27 2005, 09:39 PM !!! $90-$100 for a set of FP's, now that's just plain ridiculous!! Hey SNIP312, these prices wouldn't happen to be Tisinc's prices now, would it?! If it is, I guess it's not that surprising to beging with .
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