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Everything posted by connor99

  1. Nice collection, AAAJIN! But do you really think it's a good idea to be using that kind of light source in the case on your 1/48's? I was gonna install the one I bought for my DETOLF case (same model lamp from IKEA), but when I checked to see if the lamp works I found out that it's putting out an awful lot of heat. You might wanna double check and see if it is indeed safe to be used with you're valks .
  2. Yeah, it'd be nice to get another HIKARU 1S....or two ! Whatever the reason is, it must be one of life's great mysteries !
  3. connor99

    Heads up!

    me too.. I thought it was gonna be about $60. 327031[/snapback] Looks like someone from YAMATO's been checking out the GBP threads here on MW !
  4. I heard that! Man, this damn thing is gonna be expensive, but we all know that it is a definite must-have !
  5. I believe it was a Supervision Army ship that just bit the dust, so to speak. I can't totally be sure. Can anyone confirm this for us? Please .
  6. Well, I guess we all waited for the 1/48 CF 'n GBP all this time, what's another few months right ?! Good things are worth waiting for anyway .
  7. Man, that sucks! Shoulda just waited for this sale, instead of paying $70 for MOSPEADA that I got from Fry's.
  8. Here's the newest addition to my collection! Nothing fancy or new to the folks over here at MW.com, but I thought I'd share .
  9. If those 3 companies were to ever bring this Valk to life, then it would probably be the holy grail of everyone's collection. It would definitely be worth my time and collection space .
  10. Ahhhh...the gods are smiling on us once again ! Thanks for the pics, GRAHAM! Can't wait to have this one in my collection and hopefully we can find someone to translate those text.
  11. connor99

    1/48 VF-1S Hikaru

    I heard that! I happen to think that the black HS looks good on ANY of the Skull 001's shown in DYRL? It would've been nice if the animators took this concept to heart and stuck with it .
  12. Welcome to MW.com, KANZAKI ! Ya might wanna take >EXO<'s advice and just jump right into collecting the rest of the 1/48's. You've already got enough 1/60's, in my opinion .
  13. I totally agree. Cutting those custom stickers and slapping them on a 1/48 is one pain-staking process. If not for the fact that they make the valks look even sweeter, I probably will think twice about having to use 'em .
  14. Yeah, but up until a week ago everyone thought that YAMATO canned the VF-0 project for good . Right now I'm being very optimistic and thinking that anything is possible.
  15. connor99

    SDF-1, TV and DYRL

    Thanks for the pics, WOLFX! I'd be nice to have one of those Yellow Submarine kits, specially when it's well done like that !
  16. Thanks for all the info, guys! Just might have to buy both .
  17. For those folks who are interested on the re-airing of last fri.'s episode, The Sci-Fi channel will have one in about half an hour from now (U.S. west coast time) .
  18. Good news, indeed!! Answers the question of whether I should pick up another 1/48 ROY or not !
  19. I think it already has , just check out the threads in the wanted section of the boards!
  20. connor99

    TV-1A head

    Nice work, dood!! Too bad this wasn't ready to be shown at the last MW con, but hey, good things are worth waiting for !
  21. Yes, inquiring minds wanna know !
  22. My sentiments exactly !
  23. Given that this is Toynami, I'd have to say that we won't see it for a while still. I'm fully expecting it to be about another year or so. Possibly longer if they have to keep changing things up. That's good! With all of the good stuff that's coming out (1/48 CF, SOC VOLTES, 1/48 GBP,etc...), I'm gonna need time to save up for the BETA !
  24. Excellent work, COBYWAN!! That miniature BSG just looks awesome .
  25. Our good brother >EXO< hooked me up with a Shadow Alpha this past week, so I'll probably be doing the same thing .
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