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Everything posted by connor99

  1. Same here, only because it is non-canon.
  2. connor99

    1/48 GBP

    I totally agree. Wonder why YAMATO didn't just stick with grey? But in any case, that green on the newest GBP just looks out of place.
  3. I don't think SPACEYACE2012's against love stories/love triangles per se in MACROSS. I think his/her point is why can't it be anything else but a love story/triangle. I have to agree that this particular angle in any story gives drama, but why can't it be more of a war or military angle like KENSEI posted. I for one would like to see the story focus more on this.
  4. I was actually debating on whether to buy this particular AOSHIMA kit, but couldn't really make up my mind. Thanks for the feedback, JENIUS! I guess I've just made my decision .
  5. I have always taken MACROSS PLUS as a short story of sorts (that may have direct or indirect correlation to the original SDF-1 series), and for that aspect I think it was pretty good.
  6. Sorry if I get off the subject here a little but holey moley, SHADOWERV2, that SPIRAL ZONE collection is to die for! I am so envious! Thanks for sharing, dude .
  7. I bought one of these from one of our MW brothers for about $90 MISB, but I have seen it go anywhere from 80-100+ USD (with or without shipping cost!).
  8. If it's the MAC PLUS series on dvd yer looking for, well, you can also find the 2 dvd set at yer nearest WAL-MART if you happen to be here on the continental U.S.
  9. Damn, so close to what most folks have been waiting for! Hopefully, someone would wanna make a much cheaper version .
  10. I don't know what it is about this particular 1/60 variant, but I keep coming back to it. I've bought and sold this 3 times in the last 5-6 years. I mean, it's not as stunning as the 1/48 version in fighter mode, but it looks pretty good. That must be one of it's redeeming qualities, but of course, I've always been a sucker for a YAMATO valk in it's fighter mode. That must be it then! Just wanted to share !
  11. Yeah, thanks for the heads up, COBYWAN! I've been thinking about getting my hands on the 1/72 VIPER MK II from BLACK SUN MODELS, but I think I'm gonna wait until I see these new styrene kits for myself. They might turn out to be cheaper than the resin kit, too, so that's another reason for me to wait before I make my buy !
  12. Considering the fact that I just bought the 1/60 SUPER 1J HIKARU 'N STRIKE VF-1S (again!! ) over this past weekend, I'm definitely up for picking up a new perfect variable 1/60 VF-1 with all the improvements mentioned by GRAHAM 'n >EXO<. I still think that the current 1/60 VF-1 model has better proportions than that of the 1/48, and if YAMATO can improve on this, well, they can have some more of my hard-earned money !
  13. Get a recasted 1S head from NB4M instead of having to put the broken head laser back on .
  14. Yes, the pics on the box show a bluish tinge as oppose to the green, but if you've ever seen DYRL?, you would agree that the color STRIKE parts come in is anime-correct. I agree that the bluish color looks great, but it would only make sense for it to be in green when that's how the FP's are in the movie .
  15. You just had to show a pic with a MAX 1S CUSTOM in it , man I'm so envious !!! Those MIRIA FP's don't look too shabby on the 1S either!
  16. Nice pics,CHOWSER! I love the HIKARU variant of the 1S more than I do ROY's, but for some reason, I think the STEALTH FP's look better on the latter. Must be those yellow-tipped RMS !
  17. It's too big and too chunky to be Hase kit. It's probably a painted-up Focker with a new head. 427006[/snapback] I agree with GHOSTRYDER. The HASE kit is of a 1/72 scale, smaller than that of the YAMATO toy.
  18. A 1/60 VF-1 with a swing bar? I'd probably buy one, provided that they don't change anything else on the current 1/60 VF-1 (except maybe the 1S head !).
  19. I second this. The 1/48 just looks a thousand times better with the FASTPACKS on! See for yerself !
  20. Story of our lives ! GINGAIO, welcome to valkaholics anonymous !
  21. I totally agree! The TV Fastpack color just looks plain fugly when used on a DYRL? 1A MAX. Not to mention the fact that the TV FP's are harder to find than the standard DYRL? FP's.
  22. Couldn't have said it better myself !
  23. connor99

    M+ Valks

    What he said .
  24. Man, this one's just looking too damn good to pass up. I was able to ignore the 0S when it came out, but when I saw the pics for this lil' baby, I knew it was gonna be hard to have to miss out on buying it. Thanks a lot for the info, guys !
  25. I've bought 8 1/48's in the last few years and almost all of them are out of the box, on display and with stickers on! I'm keeping one in the box and one that serves as my playpiece.
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