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Everything posted by connor99

  1. Wow, this one does look good. Here's hoping though that BANDAI will put it out someday in the MG scale.
  2. Purple markings and green tinted canopy...thanks, but no thanks! I'd rather spend my money on the VF-4.
  3. With the exception of the VF-4, the 11b is probably the last valk that I wanna get to add to my small collection. Here's hoping it pops up again in HLJ for a discounted price.
  4. If this is what Yamato has decided to do, then it's not a very good move on their part. I've decided to pick up just one of these VF-1's w/ the option parts (instead of 3) just because of fact that we may never get anymore stand-alone FP's. Unless of course, they're thinking of coming out with VF/option parts/FP's bundle packs....
  5. I'm still hoping that they would wanna do a re-ish from the 1/55 line, if not this year maybe in the next few, just so I can add something to my personal collection.
  6. I agree with that. 1/48 scale would have been perfect, but these releases from WAVE are still awesome.
  7. Impressive......most impressive! Love the set up, kamadoma! So, what's going into the empty space in the top left hand corner, more 1/60 V2 VF-1's ?
  8. I sold my only VF-0A ages ago and despite of the shoulder issue, I've been regretting it since. Love the scale, love the design and if they ever get a re-release, I would definitely buy one. Two, in fact, if YAMATO comes out with the 0D.
  9. I've never really liked the Melquiya custom before, but this one really looks awesome. Looks like I'm looking into the the DMZ line now.
  10. No problems, just wanted to state my dislike of the particular color they've chosen for such part. I know YAMATO did the same thing for the 1/48 1J Stealth and will probably continue to do so for any variant. Kinda like how some people like their VF-1's with FP's and some don't.
  11. Well, here's hoping the push back on the release date also meant that YAMATO's gonna keep the paint scheme for all the parts. Those landing gears stick out like a sore thumb because they're in the traditional off white color.
  12. Just one, but here ya go. I wonder if this is a Hidetaka Tenjin artwork. Does anyone know?
  13. Same here. Just hoping the price tag isn't gonna be too steep.
  14. That's true because if the SULACO did have a crew to run the ship then Bishop wouldn't have needed to remote drop and operate the 2nd dropship to get the survivors off LV426. I guess this is a different take on how the 2nd movie ended. Game looks good so far, though. I can't wait to play it.
  15. Interesting paint scheme, but I think Urban Camo would have looked better on this.
  16. Yes, and here's hoping YAMATO would wanna consider a re-issue .
  17. Really wanted the HIKARU FB2012 paint scheme like most of you guys, but this doesn't look too bad. I'd probably end up getting this one when it comes out.
  18. Thanks for the pics, IXTL! It seems like this particular bird was designed to be kept in fighter mode---absolutely beautiful!!
  19. I don't see why it would be a problem for YAMATO to bundle up the option parts w/ the packs and it doesn't matter to me if the packs came in a small bag or the usual plastic tray. The only thing that confuses me right now is why would they opt to release the valks as stand alone when we all know that folks would wanna get their respective FP's.
  20. Same here. Wonder why YAMATO's taking it's good time to come out with the FP's, I mean, they're not gonna be that much different from the ones that came out with the first issue V.2 valks, right?
  21. To each his/her own, I guess, but it would be nice to get another HIKARU 1S so that I can keep the anniversary/flashlight issue in the box.
  22. Amen to that. A VF-1 w/ no fast packs on just doesn't look right to me anymore.
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