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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. I'd imagine a raw torrent will be posted within 24 hours of the show airing.
  2. I think it's pretty safe to assume that since it's a Japanese show, and most civilized nations are abhorred by the idea of private armies, that it won't actually end up being private defense contractors.
  3. One of these days I'm going to have to go check out the set, It's like 20 minutes from my apartment. Maybe I can get a photo of me sitting in one of the Viper mock-ups... that would be rad.
  4. Canadians RuLLLLeeEEE~! eh? 604 339640[/snapback] Hey, I'm not the only one in Vancouver. Woo. Yeah, we're probably 'socalist weaklings' too according to Agent One. But then again I don't mind strong labor laws, free medical coverage, well funded schools, givernment subsidized post secondary, high literacy rates, low crime rates and a middle class that shows no signs of dissapearing (unlike some other North American nations, *cough* *cough*). But yeah I guess if you're from a rich family, it only makes sense to be right wing, after all it takes money to make money, and if you can't be bothered to help your fellow man you can make a hell of a lot more. In my case, I started with nothing, my family is very poor. Now I have a great life thanks to our lefty goverment granting me most of my tuition and offering free employment services that got me on track once I was out of school. As a result I'm now paying taxes to help others do the same. If it wasn't for our social programs I (like many americans today) wouldn't have been able to afford school, and I'd be stuck trying to save money working at some minimum wage job as a corporate slave. It's great that everyone here gets a chance, not just the children of privlege.
  5. Whats wrong with Paris?
  6. Doesn't suprise me that you'd be posting bodyshots of yourself on a forum full of guys.
  7. Said the pot to the kettle...
  8. No, no! Thank you and your girlfriend for all the effort!
  9. How is the colouring progress going? I can't wait to see the final result!
  10. My ride: 1987 Corolla GT-S I've invested a lot of time, money, blood, sweat and tears into this car. It's been a DIY (do-it-yourself) project from start to finish. One of the first major modifications I did to this car was a complete suspension. overhaul. After driving the car in almost stock trim for about a year an a half, I felt that I knew the car's limits intimately. After months of research and consideration I decided that a front short stroke coilover conversion would be the most logical route to take, I'd have any spring rate I want avaliable to me in the form of standard 2.5" race coils, as well as the ability to run MR-2 shock inserts which open up a much larger selection of the aftermarket to me. The rears were a no brainer, TRD offers every spring rate imaginable at reasonable prices, and Camaro shocks are bolt-on, and provide much greater travel from a lower stance than stock sized AE86 shocks (and again, big aftermarket support). The staging ground.... all the parts I had collected up to a week before installation. Here is a pic of the stock struts before being disassembled. One of the problems that is common when lowering these cars is that you end up sacrificing overall suspension travel due to the length of the shock body above the spring perch. If you lower the car too much, the shock runs out of travel under very hard compression and bottoms out. When one of your suspension components bottoms out or your coils bind your spring rates jump from lets say... 6kg/mm to infinity kg/mm, dangerous to say the least. In order to overcome this I decided to use shock inserts intended for an MR-2, they are approximately an inch shorter than the stock Corolla GT-S shock inserts which means a lower stance without sacrificing travel. This diagram is kind of crappy and totally not to scale, but it should illustrate the reasons for going with a short stroke setup. 1. The strut with the black coil is a stock strut unit. 2. The strut with the blue coil is a typical lowering or race spring. The shock rod is compressed into the shock body and has signifigantly reduced travel due to the shorter spring. 3. The strut with the red coil is a short stroke setup. (I pwn3d teh ms paynt!!11) To accomidate the shorter shock inserts I sent my stock strut tubes off to AMT Machine Works in downtown Vancouver. This is how they looked when I got them back. The stock spring perch was removed, as well as as inch from the center of the strut tube. Adam welded on a new perch with retainer for the ground control coilover sleeves to sit on. He also machined retaining rings for the top to keep the sleeves sitting snugly. I sprayed them with a couple coats of VHT chassis paint and assembled them. This is what they looked like all together; GC Coilovers, TRD Upper Strut mounts, T3 RCA's, and KYB AGX shock inserts. I did all the work myself (sans machining), it took me about 5 hours total on the street with a floor jack and hand tools. Here are some pics on the car... The rear setup is pretty simple, short stroke KYB AGX's (Camaro) with TRD Japan race coils. The car handles like dream, I've honestly never driven any vehicle as nimble and tossable as this car. What it lacks in power it more than makes up for with it's epic levels of grip. The only problem I had once I was done with the suspension was wheelspin, I found that whenever I would floor it at the apex of a corner, I would light up my inside rear tire... this in turn would cause me to lose a lot of speed on my corner exits. The solution? A limited slip differential was needed. Sooo not too long ago I got my hands on a slightly used TRD 1.5 way LSD form ebay and got to work. I popped the axles out of the housing, dropped the driveshaft, removed the 3rd member and sent it to the local Toyota dealership to have them install the diff into the member. I was going to do it myself, but it is extremely precise work and would have required investment into expensive tools that would probably only be used once. A pic of the car waiting for the diff. Problems arose once I got the 3rd member back, I bolted it up to the axle housing, but when I tried to place the axles back in the splines didn't line up... turns out that the seller had mislabeled the auction, what he sold me was a diff for the 1985 model year which had different shaped splines from the 86-87 models Luckily one of the members of a local Oldschool Toyota club was generous enough to give me a complete 1985 rear axle for free! I got it home, ripped it apart and sure enough the axles slid in with butter (after cleaning the rust off the bearing caps). Anyhow, the LSD cured my wheelspin problem, I can't believe how much it has tightened my lines. Oh and I can do WICKED doughnuts now. Anyhow, I've done a lot more to the car, but the suspension and LSD made the biggest differences so I figured they would be worth writing about. List of all the stuf I've done to the old girl.... (all with basic hand tools) ---------------------------------------------------- Front Susp: TRD upper strut mounts Shortened (-40mm) OEM strut housings /w grond Control coilovers Eibach 2.5" id race coils KYB AGX MR-2 damper inserts (4 way) T3 roll center adapters Rear Susp: TRD Japan race coils KYB AGX Camaro shocks (8 way) Brakes: Brembo blank rotors Hwak HPS pads Wheels / Tires: Riken Reverse Mesh 14x6.5 (+10mm) Yokohama AVS ES100 Drivetrain: TRD 1.5 way LSD Chassis: SAFT(?) strut tower brace Whiteline poly bushings (lower control arms, rear 4 links) Energy Suspension swaybar links & poly bushings Misc: Deleted power steering Deleted clutch fan 10 inch rad mounted electric fan /w adjustable temp activated switch replaced stock airbox with cheapo mushroom filter JDM Kouki Trueno bumper & brackets
  11. I signed up again in December of 03, so my "esictance" is a tribute to S&G's site. Looks like I hit the nail on the head with regards to your persona, I mean look at you relishing in this negative attention; exactly what I would expect from someone of your caliber, or lack there of. My guess is that you were raised in a military family, moved around too much to make real friends, and were neglected by your parents. Am I close? It would explain the cries for attention you so desperately make on this little forum. Frequently boasting about (likely imagined) physical attributes, social status, attractiveness to the opposite sex, etc. You exhibit many of the behaviorial patterns I see in adults who never fully developed social skills at a young age. I hope you don't act like this in real life, braggarts are always the bore of the party.
  12. I'm a member from several years ago actually, I just lost my old account when the boards were purged and never bothered to sign up again. In actuality I don't even care for Macross 7, I just think your behaviour is reminiscent of a child starved for attention. Wy act mature and be ignored when you can act like a pre-pubescent kid and get all the negative attention in the world? You're like a Somethingawful.com joke gone wrong. There is nothing like a 12 year old E thug / otaku who claims to be "the toughest guy he knows" rockin out behind his screen to make me realize how far the quality of membership on this forum has fallen in the last three years.
  13. edited: That was uncalled for. However my point stands, trolls who feel the need to attack every single Macross 7 related thread should be banned. Simple as that, there is no need to turn every thread into a debate about the merits of M7. This kind of childish misbehavior ruined alt.fan.macross, and it makes MW look bad. PS. Agent One, grow up. It's rare that I see anyone, on any forum, act like such a freakin clown. Your internet tough guy routine is rediculous, and the fact that nobody here has called bullshit on your e-thug persona is a real slam to this forum's integrity. PSS. Your avatar has manboobs.
  14. Heads up, Episode 5 and 6 were put out this weekend. http://torrent.anime-kraze.net:6969/ Get em while the Torrents are still hot.
  15. Bah, I said it before and I'll say it again, your release was so good that I'm not going to bother downloading any other releases. I think I speak for the majority of Macrossworld when I say that you guys did a great job. I was wondering though, I rember back when you released Volume 2, there was mention of goig back and subbing Vol. 1, did that ever happen? The reason I ask is that I would love to replace my ANBU/AONE release with an Infusion release. While ANBU/AONE usually does acceptable work, their release of Vol. 1 was abysmal; terrible grammar, bad timing, and a cheesy font. I would just love to see an Infusion release.
  16. True that! I for one think you guys have outdone yourselves. Your Macross Zero Vol. 2 release blew the ANBU/AONE release out of the water and thanks to the SUPERB quality of Vol. 3 I'm not even going to waste my bandwidth on any other Fansubber's releases. Thanks Spike, and the rest of your crew.
  17. With episode 2 the Infusion release was superior to the ANBU/AONE release IMO.
  18. I'm getting a whopping 70kB/s down and 45kB/s up. I'm using Shaw Cable (Canadian).
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