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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. I was at my parent's place a while back and found boxes and boxes of VHS fansubs. The real gems were Macross 7, Zeta Gundam, and Double Zeta in their entirety. Too bad I don't have a VCR anymore, lol.
  2. Came across this today
  3. Would you be open to releasing the .ass/.ssa files without the the name and other corrections?
  4. This new bird is awesome looking.
  5. I would be very interested in the .ass files if you decide to release these; as it appears that VIP has dropped the project.
  6. The new release contains the VF/B-22A Jagdsvogel as well as a bunch of new Ghosts.
  7. Another new release today, new includes are; YF-21 Prototype 1 YF-21 Prototype 2 /w FAST Packs VF-22S VF-X Ravens VF-22S SMS VF-22S Macross Galaxy VF-22S Manifred Brando YF-21 Prototype 1 is really cool. I was kind of hoping that the SMS one would have the sensor radome as described in the Frontier novels, but alas it is just a repaint. On the upside, he is working on a bunch of new stuff. More Ghosts (V-9 and AiF-7S) the VF/B-22A (from Model Graphix), Queadllun Rau, and the VF-1.
  8. He just released the VF-22S. The new pack has the following versions; Milia The President Blue Gazer Diamond Force SVF-124 Moon Shooters Generic UN Spacy (blue and white)
  9. They really need to do a Valkyries 2. He has done a whole pile of new kit boxes, some of them are seriously awesome, the Moon Shooters VF-22 for example.
  10. No offence, but a 100+ mile long ship just doesn't fit with anything we've seen in Macross. This ship would be more than 10x longer than the Macross Frontier colony ship...
  11. What? This guy's got a cool hobby, and he's making the fruits of his labor available to the public. Pretty awesome if you ask me.
  12. The YF-21 is out in the latest release. Transformation is broken in OpenGL mode, but Impulse is working on it.
  13. I'm not claiming that the chart from 4ch is correct, or that the VF-3000 is the same height as the VF-1. However the VF-1 is clearly standing on a lower plane than the VF-3000 in the side by side battroid shot. Despite the 3000's legs extending, more of the airframes' length is lost to the thicker torso. In addition, the 3000's legs attach to the torso much higher up than the VF-1 (note the folding nosecone) which is why it's battroid mode proportions don't look out of wack despite the longer legs. Excuse the crappy MSPaint, it's obviously not dead on, but I feel it's a better representation than the LOLHUGE-3000 or the VF-1 sized version represented in 4ch's chart. I'll throw together a schematic disassembly of the 3000 when I have more time.
  14. It appears that way. That quote plus the fighter mode scale image on page 65 don't really add up to "largest VF ever made".
  15. This image is from design works page 56. Based on the measurement marks, the VF-3000's fighter mode is approximately 15.7m long; there is no way that it's battroid mode is almost double the height of the VF-1. There are two problems with the battroid mode image. One is that the VF-1 is actually standing on a much, much, lower plane than the VF-3000, based on the location of their hips. Second is that it doesn't even appear to be a scale image so much as an exposition of how the VF-3000's airframe folds into battroid mode vs. the way the VF-1 does (note the removal of the arms).
  16. Very high quality laserdisc scans here: http://www.otakubell.com/LDs/index.php?/category/261 Hope that helps.
  17. I would argue that religious symbolism,tradition, and language become part of culture, but that the faith/belief systems are not essential in modern pluralistic cultures. However I'm not saying that symbolism or tradition with religious roots is likely to disappear; just the underlying religions themselves. Just look at Chrismas for an example of a tradition that has been effectively secularized and repackaged for non-Christians, just as it was originally a Pagan festival that was repackaged for Christians. After all most of what we associate with Christmas, the decorated trees, the exchange of wrapped gifts, and even the Dec 25th date is all derived from Yule, a pre-Christian feast. The Christians later appropriated the holiday, retconning the birth of their prophet to coincide with it, and from them it has spread all over the world. Today Christmas is celebrated all over the non-Christian world as a secular holiday; and so carries on a tradition that has been associated with several religions; and for many in contemporary times, none at all.
  18. I'd imagine that religion never recovered after Space War I; after all humanity's origins were uncovered, thus eliminating the need for creation myths.
  19. Yeah dude, I was using the handle SuperOstrich. I've been leaving the server on as often as I can with a 3 hour reset. What I can't figure out is how to record network flights, I enabled the server record option, but I can't figure out of the life of me where it outputs to.
  20. Had a great flying session the other night with another player. No combat, just a lot of aerobatics, awesome smoke trails, skydiving and chasing each other around.
  21. I quite like the physics as-is. Look at Isamu's skywriting scene in episode 2 of Macross Plus; the VFX fighters can fly like that. Good times. Server here: Server: vfx.servegame.org Map: Edwards Test Flight Center The following are required: http://www2.odn.ne.jp/~cez71190/vfx.zip http://www.ysflight.ca/tf58_map_pack_xxy.zip
  22. It means lighten up on the stick and they fly just fine.
  23. It allows you to fly the fighters as they are depicted in the anime, once you get used to it they handle phenomenally well. I took on two AI Ghosts in a VF-19P last night and managed to knock them both out of the sky. Also, you can pull back and fly in an arc, just don't reef on the stick for normal maneuvering, controllers are analog for a reason.
  24. Any chance you could scan the box?
  25. Really? I just spent the last half hour playing around making smoke trails with some 4ch guys on a VFX server. I love how they handle, although admittedly, the VF-19A & F aren't quite as snappy as their canard-having siblings and do seem to have some wierd stall recovery issues with the Super Packs.
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