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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. I'd love to see a new Macross 7 OAV or Movie. The new album is so good, would be fantastic to get an animated feature to go along with it.
  2. Go troll somewhere else., If you don't like M7, don't read M7 threads.
  3. Nah, he started believing in Basara way earlier in the show, shortly after Sivil showed up IIRC.
  4. I'm pretty sure that the SDF/SDFN class' height includes the main guns.
  5. /signed This is a classic example of over-thinking something that is incredibly simple. Young Minmay is seen a number of times in Flashback, and she's wearing the same outfit and has the same hairstyle in every single scene. You see young Minmay arguing with her parents, packing her stuff, and stumbling around on the street with a suitcase. You see young Minmay looking at a poster for the SDF-01, which fades to Mature Minmay looking at a poster for the Megaroad-01. And in the finale you see Mature Minmay leaving aboard the Megaroad, leaving behind the person she was.
  6. Macross 7 was the most popular entry in the franchise until Frontier came out.
  7. Until Frontier came around, Macross 7 was the most popular entry in the franchise. I don't think they'll ever revisit it as a TV series, but an OAV or Movie wouldn't be outside the realm of reality.
  8. I certainly did, Frontier was downright embarrassing at times; I really hope they tone it down for the movie.
  9. Itano for president!
  10. I want more Firebomber, even if it's just a one-shot OAV or a short film. The new album is simply too good, it deserves an accompanying animated featurette.
  11. Re.Fire is in the mail, so excited! In the meantime I downloaded one of the rips that's kicking around the 'net, I can tell already that this is going to be a staple on my gym MP3 player for a while now. FIRE!!
  12. Signed. The original post is LOADED with the same typical poo I see in every other M7 troll post.
  13. I, for one, damned well hope so!
  14. It may end up being like Idon: A Contact, and Ideon: Be Invoked. The first being a recap, intended for people who had seen the TV series, to act as a refresher in preparation for the second film.
  15. Where is it mentioned that the Queadllun-Rea uses a BDI interface? Mylene Beat revealed that the VF-22 has some form of a BCS system, but I've never heard of any other fighter using it.
  16. Aphex Twin is one of the aliases used by Richard D. James, he's a prolific electronic music artist who made a lot of groundbreaking music in the 90's. There is a scene in Macross Plus Episode 1, during the Eden City montage, an advert for 'Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works 2030-2039' shows up on a bus stop. At work at the moment, will take a screengrab when I get home.
  17. The most interesting thing about the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack for me was 'Remixes for the Freelance' album. It features a number of electronic music artists who were insturmental in popularizing IDM/Braindance, including Luke Vibert, DMX Krew, 4Hero and a couple others. On a related note, I always figured that Yoko Kanno had something to do with the Aphex Twin cameo in Macross Plus.
  18. I think it is quite possibly the best anime TV series I've seen. The setting, characters, story, and music are just magical. I've heard some people complain about the pacing, but I don't think I was ever bored, not even for a second, the whole 50 run was totally engrossing. IMO Turn A didn't just transcend the Gundam franchise, it transcended the mecha genre as a whole. Opinions are like... well you know. In my opinion Syd Mead is a freakin genius; Sumo, Turn A, and Turn X are three of the most awesome mechanical designs ever animated in Japan. But that's me, and I can understand why Turn A's designs are so polarizing, they're pretty far from the norm.
  19. I was just going to say, I think her finest work was the Turn A Gundam soundtrack. The song 'Moon's Cocoon' literally brings tears to my eyes whenever I hear it. Probably helps a little that I rate Turn A Gundam as one of top 3 anime series' of all time.
  20. I think the link between Frontier and Zero was to boost sales of the Macross Zero BRD set, not that I have a problem with that, the tie-in was pretty well done.
  21. Sketch

    1/144 VF-171

    I've always really liked the old 1/144 scale Macross 7 models, and this is without a doubt the coolest custom project I've seen come from these. Awesome work, seriously, just awesome; I can't wait to see the final results!
  22. I find it funny that 4chan is more likely to have a civilized conversation about Macross than Macrossworld.com. edit; also homophobia is soooo 1990's
  23. Then I retract my statement. Nothing to see here people On the note of emigration fleets; while Macross 7 and Frontier both did an excellent job of fully fleshing-out their environments, I'd like to see a series that doesn't focus on the emigration efforts. Zola from Dynamite 7 was a breath of fresh air, and knowing Kawamori's vibrant imagination and love of setting design I reckon he could come up with dozens of way-cool backwater planets.
  24. There is no evidence to support your hypothesis that there are only odd numbered fleets, stop posting it as though it were fact.
  25. Honestly it was a complete tossup between the Macross 7 VF-19 models (The S in particular) and the VF-17. Ended up voting 17 simply because it hasn't gotten any love in the form of toys and models.
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