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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. Latest episode of Portlandia (S3E9) has a sketch about 'Japanese Toy Consultants' dressing up a guy's office desk; prominently featuring a Hikaru figure.
  2. Is there a BRDrip fansub that has been released without all the idiotic scene-destroying karaoke?
  3. This is based off the storm attacker lengths. It's from 4ch but the guy took the lengths, put them side by side, cut up the pics, then 'transformed them', then this layer was made on top. IIRC Chronicle places the SDF-01 as being slightly taller than Battle 07 when you incude it's shoulder guns. So by the looks of things he was pretty close. As for quarter's size, who knows.
  4. So is there a torrent of the patched ISOs anywhere?
  5. I would LOVE more Macross 7. Just sayin.
  6. In Canada prior use always negates trademarks; I'm sure it is the same in the US.
  7. Wow, the VF-9 is *tiny*
  8. Why do humans sing? Why do we dance, paint, play, and write? Why do we set sail on perilous seas, and seek the distant skies? Why do humans do anything beyond our base instinctual programming to consume and reproduce?
  9. Max would like a word with you.
  10. I'd donate towards 7th Chord
  11. He's certainly no Harry Ord.
  12. Any chance someone could snap some pics (not asking for HQ scans or anything) of some of the mecha in 7th Chord? It sounds awesome.
  13. VF-25 Biplane... what am I looking at?
  14. If they only reanimated certain scenes it would end up looking like Zeta Gundam: A New Translation, and it would be terrible. The animation in the pachinko game looks cheap. It's very cool as a tribute, but it's soulless and would destroy a classic.
  15. Totally against a remake. A great way to suck the magic out of a classic would be to redo it. Now if they made some side stories set during Space War I with a mix of new and old characters, I'd be all over it.
  16. VIP is using the Central Anime/Psycho KORps scripts.
  17. That was one of my favorite scenes in the whole series, and quite possibly the most awkward high-five ever animated.
  18. That site is brutal, it took like 30 clicks to get through. Why not use something reliable like megaupload or rapidshare?
  19. Once you guys have finished up the M7 DVD subtitled project, is there any chance that you'll throw up a batch torrent?
  20. VIP is almost done releasing the remasters using Central Anime's scripts, and they are glorious looking. Once the final batch is done it wouldn't take more than a day to download.
  21. The compendium is just listing the ships that have appeared on screen or in off-screen works (radio daramas, etc.).
  22. I still have no idea where you got the idea that there are only odd numbered fleets. There is no evidence at all to support this hypothesis, and it simply doesn't stand up to Occam's Razor in light of each emigration fleet's numbering. Marcross 7 = 37th Macross 11 = 41st Macross 21 = 51st Macross 25 = 55th It's all internally consistent and tidy, I have no idea why you're trying to make it more complicated than it is.
  23. Can't unsee.
  24. Yeah, in the sequels we get a mix of both DYRL and TV story and design elements. Like you mentioned the TV series' story is usually used, and the DYRL designs are usually used, but there are some funny diversions form this. For example; in Macross 7 we see Milia flying a DYRL style VF-1 while wearing a TV style flight suit. In Macross Frontier we see the DYRL uniformed Zentradi squaring off against TV uniformed Zentradi on Gallia 4. And you know what? It's aaaaaallll good.
  25. Rule of Cool
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