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Everything posted by trueblueeyes

  1. There are three things that I believe were put on earth just to torture me... -high heeled shoes -underwire bras &-annoying and hard to erase seam lines on models. I am hoping you all can help with the last problem! Here is the story: I was working on prepping part of a model of mine. Had assembled, puttied, and sanded the seam lines. It looked to the naked eye as if the seam lines were taken care of. I spray on a light coat of primer...and poof!...there was the seam line again...as visible as ever! This is really getting irritating. I had put a lot of time into working with this piece. Just need some advice on how to correct this and get rid of those nasty seam lines. I don't know if I am sanding too much with a rough grit sandpaper or if it is just that my cheap putty (el cheapo bondo glazing spot putty in a tube) is shrinking after drying. Please help me out before I throw this model through the wall and call it quits. Thanks, Melissa
  2. I will have to admit I have bought and will buy every Macross toy Yamato decides to release (within reason of course). That said, I also buy every model I can find. A year ago, I would have been happier with my toys than with my stack of unbuilt models. However since I have started actually building some of the models, my appreciation for them has greatly increased. These days I am much more excited over an annoucement of a new model than a new toy. Nothing like actually working on something to make you appreciate it I guess. I can't wait to get the VB-6 re-cast! Melissa ...and thanks again to you Ken for all your hard work. Looking good!!
  3. D'oh! Sorry FM! In my defense though, looks like SHE's was only a prototype while IHP's kit was produced and available for sale at a Wonderfest event...
  4. Sorry for quoting myself, I just really want both of these and BBTS is sold out of their BT-03 pre-order. Anyone know a reliable store (or individual) that has or will have both BT-03 & BT-04 for sale? Help! Thanks, Melissa
  5. As a matter of fact, I have. The sheriff's department in Biloxi, MS has a lamborghini countach that they seized in a drug bust somewhere on the Natchez trace. Not painted black and white, it still sports the factory red paint..but it does have lights, sirens, and stickers!
  6. Does anybody know a reliable store that has both Binaltech Silverstreak & Hound in stock? (preferably one in the U.S. that also takes money orders/cashier's checks) Thanks in advance! ...unless someone here has them and wants to trade them for a PG Gundam.... Melissa
  7. Err....the transformable Koenig monster kit was from IHP/Liquid Stone *not* SHE (studio half eye). And IHP's owner/sculptor Mr. Sakuragawa now works for Yamato. Just wanted to clear that up and give credit where credit is due. SHE has done some great work but they didn't do the Koenig. Melissa
  8. Well, it is possible I suppose. The sculptor of the original 1/100 scale Koenig Monster variable resin kit (Mr. Sakuragawa....the head of IHP) *does* now work for Yamato. So maybe they will release a toy of the figure. It wouldn't be the first time we have seen Yamato use the VF-X2 license. Then again, maybe it was just the resin model being displayed to showcase Yamato's new designer's skill. Who knows? Until I hear anything for sure, I refuse to get too excited. Although I would like for Mr. Sakuragawa to finish that YF-19fp.
  9. Clarification requested: I had heard that Hasbro announced that they have no plans for an Alternator Sunstreaker. Can someone confirm or deny please? I don't mind Dead End since it looks nice, but I really wanted a 'streaker. Looks like I might just have to make my own if this tidbit of info is true. Thanks, Melissa
  10. This kit (the SHE VA-3 Invader) is now listed as "discontinued" at HLJ's site. Does anyone know where else I might be able to find one? Top dollar paid. Please help!! Thanks, Melissa reid8163@bellsouth.net
  11. I keep seeing commercials for Tripping The Rift which is the Sci-Fi channel's newest animated series. The clips seem funny if not a little too crass. I am wondering if the series is worth a watch? I don't trust Sci-Fi programming decisions overly much (goodbye Farscape...hello "Tremors the series"...farging genius decision that was ). So I will let you all be my guinea pigs. What think? Info and opinions wanted. Thanks, Melissa
  12. You mean Micro Kristal Klear (no that isn't engrish...that is actually the name of the product). It doesn't cause any crazing and makes a great canopy glue (and can even be used to create small windows since it is completely clear when dry.) It *might* work to repair the canopy, I am not really sure. Of course you also have to consider how "clean" the break itself was. If it was rough and left crazing on the plastic when it broke I don't know what to tell you. I suppose you could try the Kristal kleer and dunk the Canopy in future after it dries. I don't know what your other options are but I wouldn't bet on being able to get a replacement canopy from HLJ. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Good luck on finding a fix. Melissa
  13. What you have to remember is that Hasegawa probably gives kits to those Hobby Japan & Dengeki Hobby in-house model builders a few weeks before the general release. Actually, they probably get them even earlier given the long lead times involved in magazine publishing. Graham Good point Graham. Much like other hobby magazines (Fine Scale Modeler for example) I am sure they do indeed recieve the kit to review and build before it is available for sale to the general public. That said, even if they got the kit an entire year in advance , their model building rate would still be much higher than mine...
  14. Completed?!? Jeez, now I can really feel lazy when I look at my stack of unbuilt models. Those modelers work fast don't they? Thanks for the pics Graham!
  15. I know it will be nice to get that little card saying I have a package from Rob at the PO! Hopefully we don't drive our favorite Monkey crazy mailing all of them out when he gets them. ... ...And I love your sig BTW!
  16. Yeah, because we all know that to pour clear plastic into molds as opposed to grey or green plastic takes tons of re-tooling, and R&D time. If these get delayed there will be no excuse that Yamato can offer other than just plain apathy. Not saying that you are wrong Mech, but didn't we hear that Yamato recently switched and/or moved factories? If that information was indeed true, it may explain some of the delays... Just a thought. Melissa
  17. When is it coming out? Do we have a firm release date yet?
  18. Ooh, that is beautiful! Great job so far. Keep us updated on your WIP. I really wish I had even half of your skills! Melissa
  19. Just want to say that I think you did a great job on the revised second design. Good stuff! Melissa Right you are! But FWIW I think you did a great job...Good luck!!
  20. I remember Shawn posting a list of several sites that featured many completed models (mostly Hasegawa Valkyries). Now that the old board is MIA, I'm wondering if anyone has those sites bookmarked? I'd love to check them out again. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Melissa
  21. Thanks RC...I forgot about Ratchet and Ironhide! I remember getting the toys when I was little and wondering where the heads were.... I hope they show up in some form in the Alternators line. I don't care what vehicle form they take but it would be nice to have tv accurate head sculpts.
  22. My picks for ugliest TF's: 99.9% of the Armada & Energon lines
  23. Can someone tell me if it is too late to order a box?!? I have been wrapped up in helping organize the monster project that I somehow never got around to it. If it isn't too late, is there someone I can send a money order (with an extra fee as thanks) to pay via paypal for me as I don't yet have access to paypal? Please let me know if you can help! Thanks, Melissa ..please don't let it be too late! I really want the mech case although I would settle for either at this point....
  24. Just wanted to let everyone know that the VF-4 is on hold per the kit owner's request until we hear from Carl and/or his re-caster. Thanks to everyone for their interest and their understanding. The offers of help are appreciated but there are valid reasons (which I can not go into here) for taking this path. Just wanted to update. And again, thanks to the kit owner for his willingness to help! Sincerely, Melissa Reid
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