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Everything posted by trueblueeyes

  1. And does anyone know for sure when and in which order we are getting the next Binaltech releases. (Meister, Tracks, Dead End) Several places list Meister as next in line, but I am wondering since we have only seen unpainted protos of him but we have seen fully colored prototypes of Dead End and Tracks. And while I am wondering: Will we get two Binaltech releases at the same time again or just one? Getting Hound and Streak together has spoiled me! Of course, that could be contributed to Streak just being a slightly modified and re-painted Smokescreen. What think?
  2. Could you make the pic a little bigger? Not quite enough to crash my poor computer and dial-up connection! J/K All kidding aside VF-0S, the pic is appreciated but please remember us unfortunate MW'ers with dial up connections and keep the pics a bit smaller! Thanks, Melissa
  3. Quick, somebody call Cyc: Mospeada Shoes
  4. Did they have the whole pyrotechnics set up for this show too? Scared the heck out of me to hear this unexpected loud bang and bright flash of light when the A-10 flew low. Priceless!
  5. No Raptor for us, but NAS Meridian actually had a Super Hornet demo this year (with two planes actually...one static on ground display and one flight display). Pretty cool....We even got an F-14 demo (that wasn't even listed as being planned on the program). I have lots of pics if anyone wants. Lots of things on the air and on the ground. F-18's (vanilla & super), F-16's, A-10's, Harriers, and lots of old warbirds (P-51, F-4U, B-25, B-17, Avengers, even a replica Zero)... Was a great show for us this year. I enjoyed it so much (the static displays most of all) that I am thinking of traveling to Pensacola in July for their show.
  6. You sure Pat? I mean that certainly makes sense, but I thought they didn't use the old name bluestreak because Hasbro lost the copyright for the name like they did with the name "Jazz" and a few others? Or did I just hear that from the voices in my head? that's just hasbro. Takara I believe can still call them whatever they want. I'm just saying this because if you wanted to stay consistant with character names, then "silverstreak's" real name would be bluestreak. That would stay true to the original cartoon. ...But didn't Takara always refer to "bluestreak" as just plain "Streak"? Not sure, but I am thinking maybe they did. And somebody tell Haskara to give us a blue bluestreak dammit! Didn't E-Hobby do the diaclone bluestreak and red tracks a while back? Be nice to see them again as I didn't get them the first time around. ......... I haven't seen Silverstreak or Hound Alternators in stores yet. If they are out, they aren't here and I haven't heard of them. Should be very soon though. Although if you can afford it, both Binaltech versions are terrific...I've had zero paint chipping on either after several transformations. Melissa
  7. Nice poll Mech! I picked "Only the best quality stuff, size unimportant (Best articulation, truest sculpt etc). I will still buy anything and everything Macross related, but have stopped doing so with a lot of other lines. For example: Every Binaltech transformer but only certain TF re-issues, only those new SOC's that appeal to me, only certain new Gundam kits, that sort of thing. Of course I will still buy every new Macross toy and model that comes out so I guess in a way their is another option on your poll that will also fit me! Too bad I can't vote twice... Melissa
  8. You sure Pat? I mean that certainly makes sense, but I thought they didn't use the old name bluestreak because Hasbro lost the copyright for the name like they did with the name "Jazz" and a few others? Or did I just hear that from the voices in my head?
  9. Congrats! Now start making back-ups of your important files! .... You really should have posted this update in your first thread though...
  10. I actually would not mind having this one but at this price I believe I will pass: Yellow Submarine Minmay Doll
  11. Quick explanation: The Binaltech release is just called Streak, while the Alternators release will be named Silverstreak (just like the G1 re-issue). So you are right, it is now "Silverstreak". However, both the character and the toy from the G1 series were called "Bluestreak", and some fans still refer to him as such. ...............
  12. trueblueeyes

    Part 2

    Got my box of the figures earlier this week! The cockpit is great, but the others all suffer from the glaring QC issues mentioned by others. Sara I can glue in place and live with, but Misa will need a re-paint since the green color painted on her skirt looks more like mold than anything else... not to mention the quarter inch gap on both sides of her skirt...I am still not sure if it was worth the price I paid for the set shipped ($85.00) but if I didn't have it, I am sure I would feel differently! Question: How many who bought a complete box did not get the cockpit? It seems that many have gotten it, myself included. Just wondering if the cockpit is packed in a higher ratio as opposed to the Minmay doll from series 1 which seemed harder to find. Not for me...I got it in my box from series 1 but had to pay with losing a normal hair Hikaru.. Now Hikaru has to look at Misa through a visor lest he chance suffering ridicule due to his translucent tresses. Somebody got a regular hair Hikaru they want to sell?!? Thanks, Melissa
  13. One word: FIRE!! Was really fascinated by it as a child. I remember getting a scolding from terrified parents for playing with a box of matches under a butane tank at my grandparents house. I'd burn anything and everything from matchbox cars and transformers to my barbies (after the recquisite haircuts and surgery). I distinctly remember burning poor Raggedy Ann & Andy in my sandbox..great fun! ..even more fun sneaking household chemicals out of the house behind my mothers back or stealing gasoline from the can in the garage to make them burn better... It's a wonder I made it to adulthood without dying or at least being horribly scarred. It's almost enough to make me re-think wanting to have children... Melissa
  14. Well I expected someone to come up with a "When a mommy mod and a daddy mod love each other very much..." explanation. But you guys are just plain scary.
  15. Anyone know of any U.S. e-tailers that have them in stock still? I'd like to order one even if her hips do rival those of my mother-in-law's.
  16. Please do! I'd love to have some new wallpapers and these would be great especially with all the work that went into the designs. Thanks, Melissa
  17. Good question Cory. My dad had a modded 1932 Ford with suicide doors when he was younger that I have seen pics of, so I knew what they were. And hang around enough car shows (especially vintage hot rod shows) and you will see plenty of cars and trucks with suicide doors added. I just never really knew why or how they acquired their name. A quick google search brings up this little tidbit of info: "Rear-swinging doors showed up in the early days of the automobile's history and were popular through the 1930s. The Lincoln Continental and the Ford Thunderbird had them in the '60s. Exactly how and when suicide doors acquired their tragedy-freighted name is unknown, but the logic is apparent to Kit Foster, a past president of the Society of Automotive Historians. "I think it's obvious," Foster said. "If the latch is opened, the door gets ripped open by the air flow." What happened next hardly needs to be said out loud. In the era before seat belts, if the passenger was leaning against the door, out he went." Suicide doors indeed. As good of an explanation as any I suppose. Although you could also go with the theory that the name just sounded cool and stuck. Whatever works. BTW, no automotive company that I know of actually refers to them as "suicide doors" anymore. Not sure what Mazda calls them....I'll have to look that up later. Edit: It's later. Here are some of the new terms for suicide doors that car companies now use: "In the Saturn Ion quad coupe, they are the RAD feature, for rear access doors. Mazda has named the rear-access door on its RX-8 sports car a freestyle door. Rolls-Royce calls them coach doors, and Volvo pointedly has no name, saying only that the doors are hinged at the rear instead of the front." Melissa ...bringing you more useless information that you never wanted...
  18. Wow! Loving this one so far. I had worries about the head sculpt but no more. That is definetly Jazz! I just hope it gets either a white or silver paint scheme. But even if it doesn't, I am still very happy with this particular Binaltech. Meister lives! Oh and... Yes, the RX-8 does have rear hinged suicide doors. Melissa
  19. Sigh. . . just thought I'd supply some quotes. . . From: just got the 1/48 max tv w/fp. . . Thanks Hurin! Guess it should be obvious by now that not all of us "hypocritical whiners" that complained about the MPC M&M head lasers are just blindly worshipping at the altar of Yamato. Canon or not, I hated the red and blue head lasers on the MPC's and I don't like them any better on the Yamato. That is why I have an airbrush and some gunmetal acrylic paint. Am I the only one who is farking sick of being lumped in a category of being a hypocrite for not liking the MPC VF-1's? Guess what fanboy...I don't like the MPC's because I think they suck not because I am predisposed to hating everything that bears an HG stamp. I also do not think everything Yamato produces is terrific. So be careful when trying to use your narrow little brush to paint us all. Thanks, Melissa
  20. Come again? Why did I make a mistake? MP Convoy's the best in TF, just like 1/48 Valks are the best in Macross or Robocrap. I'm glad I bought 2 MPs, and I'm also going to get the rest of the BT's and Taka reissues like Stepper. Maybe I should buy 3 more just to make you even more greener Actually, I think hevangel2 was referring to Greyryder (who decided to buy Zoids instead of MP Prime) and not you. To each his own though. Although I do have two Takara Convoys and love them, I also don't think the truck mode is that great (although the bot mode kicks ass). I'd love to see a Binaltech Convoy/Prime that looks great in truck mode. Melissa
  21. I'm no fan of Toynami or Harmony Gold myself, but shouldn't we be waiting for confirmation before arming the lynch mob? Am I the only one that thinks it odd that one small dealer got a C&D letter, but yet some of our own favorite e-tailers who have received them in the past have heard nothing? Please understand I am not calling the MW member who brought this to our attention a liar. However, it is possible he was given faulty information. I would not be any more suprised than most if this is true and would be just as angry as the rest of you. HG has pulled these stunts in the past so we know they are capable. I am just suggesting some caution until we have confirmation. Then I'll be more than happy to pick up my own torch and pitchfork and storm their company headquarters. I just think it might be better to wait and see if we hear anything from Kevin, Tamim, or any of our other e-tailers before we start sending angry letters and threats to HG and Toynami. I'm just afraid acting on incorrect information in such a way may stir up the bee's nest and may even cause some problems for our favorite retailers. But what the hell do I know? Melissa
  22. Instead of starting yet another TF thread, I thought I would ask my question here. Anyone bought or read any reviews of Simon Furman's (TF comic writer) new Dreamwave hardcover book Transformers: The Ultimate Guide yet? I noticed it is selling for only $24.99 and I am just wondering if it is worthy of being added to the book collection. Thought I would let someone else be the guinea pig before I wasted my money to order it. What think? Anyone have it or flipped through it? Please share your opinions. Thanks, Melissa
  23. You read my mind Neova! Although I may actually skip the Yamato Konig and just get this VB-6 re-cast and Gundamhead's Monster to display together. About time that the destroids got some love! Melissa
  24. What Sunstreaker? I know people (myself included) think this was originally meant to be Sunstreaker (because of the molded autobot symbol on the chest of the prototype). But instead, details were changed and it was announced as the first Binaltech decepticon "Dead End" instead. So it really isn't a repaint as it is the first Binaltech/Alternator TF based off the Viper Competition Coupe mold. Although I hope they *do* repaint it and give us a yellow Sunstreaker eventually. Melissa
  25. I agree that it is a very nice design!(so many great designs in this thread...I feel sorry for poor Ken having to judge ) But I am wondering why is says "VR-6" instead of "VB-6"? Did I miss something?..... Thanks, Melissa
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