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Everything posted by trueblueeyes

  1. A black targetmaster Jazz with fugly flame decals. (TM fits on a post on the spoiler). Was originally released only in Japan. Now we get it as a reissue..meh, I'd rather have Artfire.
  2. Nice work akt_m. Not until we hear from Ken that he has picked a winner. Very true Exo! Thanks to everyone for the work that went into these designs. Good luck to everyone. I'm glad I am not the one who will have to pick a winner...lots of great designs.
  3. What about Thunderboat Row? Am I the only one who shamefully admits to actually liking it?
  4. I am wondering about the shadow alpha. Has anyone heard if it will just be a recolor like the superposeable was, or will they do the remolding for a real dark legios?
  5. I don't have any trivia to add, but I do have a question. I am in the process of modeling an F-14 parked with gear down and canopy open. But I am at a loss to model the afterburners. Now, I've always *ass*umed the afterburners would be closed when the jet is shut off. But I noticed that the 'cat on display at my airshow had one afterburner open and one closed when it was parked out on the field. Someone please enlighten me. I'd like to get my model as accurate as possible! Closed? Open? One open, one closed?? Help! ..me no spel gud!
  6. I'd love to see a Spider-Man movie with Venom! Mmm, Brainsss....
  7. I thought Universe was just a toy line that featured transformer repaints of toys from various lines. I didn't think there was any plan for a TF Universe television show. Was I misinformed somehow?
  8. Ah Shin, you forgot The Final Countdown. Cheesy movie concept but worth it just to see the Jolly Rogers in action. And the real Jolly Rogers at that...not those "sluggers" who inherited the bones.
  9. I have a couple of Valkyrie's re-casts of the 1/72 Club M VF-4 fighter kit. I need a scan of the assembly instructions for the kit. Please let me know if you can help. Most of the assembly is common sense of course, but I would still like to have a scan to prevent any mistakes. Thanks in advance! Ken did a great job with the re-casts and I can't wait to get started on mine. Melissa
  10. Toynami 1/55 (MPC): 12 Bandai 1/55: 15 (vintage + re-issues) Bandai 1/65: 5 Bandai 1/72 (HCM): 3 (2 MIB, 1 loose) Bandai 1/100: 2 takatoku 1/55: 1 Yamato 1/60: 31 Yamato 1/48: 17 Yamato 1/72: 8
  11. Since the Osprey was brought up in a previous post, I have a question. Did they ever get the damn thing to fly without crashing? Just wondering where they are on that project. ......... And for David and other modelers who might know...I spotted a new Osprey model in my local shop a couple of months ago. Can't remember who made the kit but I think it was in 1/48 scale. Just wanting some info on the kit before I purchase it. Thanks, Melissa (who doesn't want to fight with another model right now after spending way too much time and effort on the Airfix B-29 model I'm currently working on...talk about an aggravating, poor-fitting, excessive flash, and don't get me started on pin holes and ejector pin marks, model!)
  12. Does anyone have any pics or links to pics of the IHP VF-17? Who else would love to see a variable VF-17 from Yamato issued under the VF-X2 license? I can at least dream right?
  13. 1/100 scale, just like the IHP model was. ..... Does anyone know if we have any chance of still seeing the original Destroid monster produced? Or has it been usurped by the Konig? Don't get my wrong, I love the VB-6! I was just quite looking forward to the coffee table sized original monster.
  14. Guilty as charged. Although I actually like Macross 7 quite a bit...almost as much as I like SDF Macross & DYRL. The Nightmare is my second favorite Macross mecha, right behind the VF-4. I know that I shoudn't have attacked Keith. It is just that his some of his statements frustrated me quite a bit. Mainly his inferrence that anyone who is a soldier is just an ignorant tool. I take offense to that especially today on Memorial Day. A day that my father who was in Vietnam is haunted with memories, and a day that my mother looks just a little sadder for thinking about the father she never knew who was killed on some island in the Pacific during WWII. A day to think about all the young soldiers who have lost their life in Iraq, which is infinietly sad...no matter your political feelings. Of course peace is always preferable to war. Always. Even my father who was a Vietnam vet and returned to start a long career in law enforcement is most proud of the fact that he never once had to use his firearm while on duty as an officer. Figure that...a gun toting tool who was proud to have not had to harm even one person in his career in law enforcement. Boggles the mind eh? I'm glad we have soldiers and weapons of war on our side. I've even happier when we don't have to use them. Remember the phrase that defined Teddy Roosevelt's political strategy? : "Walk softly, and carry a big stick" I would say to Keith to be glad that there were those who were willing to use weapons and to fight and die so that we would have the freedom to argue about these things on a messageboard. I do apologize to all for helping to de-rail this thread. Just needed to say these things. Now I a really stupid question that has been bothering me about the VF-17's gunpod and operation in normal gravity. We see it shooting out of the leg in space to be caught by the hands, which would seem to be easier in zero gravity. What about atmosphere? Seems it would be much more difficult for some pilots to perform this maneuver successfully in atmosphere. Could the compartment simply be opened to remove the gunpod? Or would it just use the arm lasers? Enquiring minds want to know.
  15. trueblueeyes

    1/60 Gbp

    Congrats Graham! Little Roys is coming. Wheee!! We expect pics and a full review of your new arrival when he gets here! Seriously, congrats Graham. I'd suggest lots of caffeine the next few days and if you don't smoke you might want to think about starting...at least until the first month is over.
  16. Can somone please give Keith back his former "Don't listen to me.. member title. I think it fits rather well....
  17. Right where it is, mounted underneath the wing. Are you sure about that Cory? I have a book with line art that does picture the gun pod stored under the wing...However, according to the art the MPC Alpha currently has the gun pod under the wrong wing. Still cool that it has that feature though. Anybody else notice this?
  18. If true: Whoa. That vette I will definately pick up. FYI people, do not expect to see a BT-09 Wheeljack. Seems Joel and the crew has fallen for a photo-chop showing Tracks as a Wheeljack repaint. The pic they saw was just a fan art and this news has been revealed on a couple of TF message boards. So no Wheeljack yet! Just wanted to warn everyone before they got too excited over a figure that does not exist! Melissa
  19. Sand fleas maybe? Nasty little buggers and almost invisible to the naked eye. I think they are only something like 1/10th of an inch in size but they can still leave a nasty bite. Our local casino was infested with the damn things and they were very hard to get rid of. Not sure what your bug problem is, but good luck! And it wouldn't hurt your friend to have an allergy test done. Chances are they are bites, but there is a possibility (however small) that she is suffering an allergic reaction to something....
  20. This should come as no suprise...I'll take both, no matter the final price! And believe it or not, these two I *will* build along with the Konig re-cast! Modeling goodness! Many thanks to Jesse, Mike, Grayson, VF-1SAlpha, Devin, and all the others who helped get this project rolling!
  21. trueblueeyes

    Part 2

    It's a DYRL? cockpit with Hikaru in it. Not too bad at all. There are plenty of pics somewhere in this thread.
  22. You should be able to find the answers to your questions in this thread: Yamato 1/100 VF-OS. ....You can also find pics of the VF-OS in the convention threads. Hope that helps! And: Welcome to MW!! Melissa
  23. VF-0B Kit Thread
  24. Dang. The funny this is that we saw Meister long before Tracks and Dead End and yet he comes months after them. Retooling? We did? Your sure about that milkman? I could've sworn we saw the protos of Tracks and Dead End long before we ever saw a real prototype of Meister. (other than the animated mock-up that is) Are you referring to the mock-up? Which when you think about it seems *very* close to how the final toy will look.
  25. You know what I think? I think the should scrap the OTs and start fresh!!! New cast and everything!!!!! That's right, I said it! Actually I more agree with you than not. Keep most of the designs, settings and artwork for Episode one. Get Liam back, get Ewan back, get a new Queen, use Hayden for an aged up Anakin (I still think he'd have potential with a better director) Get a new director/screen-writer/producer and stick George as Exc. Producer. Make a swashingbuckling story based on the interplay between Anakin and Obi-wan becoming friends, kill Qui-gon in the middle, Let Maul speak and have much more time killing Naboo etc. Take the stick out of the collective Jedi's asses, make the council washed up and lame if you wish, but keep Obi-wan and Qui-Gon kicking ass. Make Ewan the "Han Solo" figure to better fit the image of him when he's talking to Yoda in Empire (Where he reminds Yoda that he was just as reckless and with much anger in him at Luke's age as Luke does.) and cut all the CG crap and just call it "Episode I Special Edition" with 100% new footage. I don't think too many people would mind too much. I actually agree with some of your ideas LePoseur, even though I actually don't think the new movies are as terrible as some think. We can kid ourselves all we want, but Star Wars has always had it's own special blend of cheese & hokyness! But if you re-read Oihan's post, you will see he is actually talking about re-doing the original trilogy. Worst. Idea. Evar. I like them the way they are just fine...coked-up starlets and all! I would like to have the original original trilogy on DVD instead of the SE's but I've no doubt we will get it one day. People are kidding themselves if they think this is the only release of the OT we will get. I'll buy this and sell it after Episode 3 is released and we get the new super-duper box set with both trilogies. And that certainly will not be the last release. If you sell it, they will buy!
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