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About isamu-ad

  • Birthday 09/08/1975

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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. isamu-ad

    Hi-Metal R

    My little HMR VF family
  2. thoses one ?
  3. May be for me the biggest one was the SDF1 1/3000 I like too my vf4 from metal-r hope that some new color will be made in future
  4. when i see the price of this vf1 DX i said really it s a crazy i own a vf1s movie type from yamato with fast pack and special translucent part i ve never paid such a price Delta macross goes crazy too when i see price for super pack i said this world is really gone bad ...
  5. Up at NY http://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/5088-macross-f-dx-chogokin-vf-27-lucifer-valkyrie-super-parts-set.html
  6. Still some here at a high price but surely less than ebay : http://www.nin-nin-game.com/macross-f-serie-en/6532-macross-f-vf-27-lucifer-valkyrie-super-parts-set-bandai-dx-chogokin-en.html edit: $261.98 shipping from $23.08
  7. I don t know if someone have post it before but on NY there is a picture with the difference beetween the old release and the new release
  8. for late buyer you can find it in stock here : http://biginjap.com/modeles-complets/7316-macross-f-dx-chogokin-vf-171-nightmare-plus-mass-production-machine.html good chase !!!
  9. does it look better like that ?
  10. Vertical take off Have a nice day ...
  11. yes exactly tail fins skull is the Skull squadron signature not ?! I use them from an old sticker set of vf1 yamato 1/60 Totally agree with u but in a point of vue purple bits are fold crystal so color must match but for the canopy no reason ....
  12. I just receive the bird yesterday, It s nicer than in picture in fact just a little couple of seconds after the bird goes out of the box a little cleaning ...et voila Next thing try to to rebuild the green canopy Have a nice day ...
  13. No!No!No! what have u done Kawamori SAN !!! it s just Awfull in this new scheme !!! U have destroy my teenage dream with the new blu ray version of "macross do u remenber love censored version" and no you continue with this garbage new scheme ..fluo yellow everywhere purple and black don t match together the original scheme was so far better !!! it s a anniversary version not a clown version !!!! I really dont know if I will keep it or resell it very quickly very very disapointed green match so much better with the black .... Mr Kawamori stop to imitate spielberg altough Spielberg said that the 20th anniversary edition of E.T was an horrible mistake How can people prefer this scheme to that and clearly the 1/72 yf 29 canopy was orange not purple :
  14. Just preoder one more just to be sure to receive at last one ... don t be late like sheryl said for people who want to grab this beautifull bird here is the link : http://www.nippon-ya...lto-custom.html Hurry up 12:56 GMT+1 Too late preorder just stop now !!!
  15. Preorder for me in biginjapan shop for 4680Y about 42€ shipping include. Just few pictures of my YF29 who just arrive this week... Too bad that antenna rubber style bend ...but whoo big improvement over the old vf25 line !!! no bending wings The head of the yf29 is ....particular...in fact for me that kill the look of batroid so I ve decided to make a push toward alto custom style take a look to the head hope u enjoyed ;p bushido style inside lol Have a nice day
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