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Everything posted by seventh-moon

  1. Monkey-N: I need parts BP1 and Bp8 plus part LW2. thanx this is a life saviour for a hikaru VF-1s if possible
  2. pic(very large)
  3. in Dyrl dindt a direct hit blow up the tower areas of the SDF-1 and the bridge surrvive? ill try to find a pic.
  4. Hmmm i should have known something that half assed came from macross2
  5. if you look closely torwds where the legs should be you can see burn marks. you can also see them on the bottom corners of the ARMD carriers. EDIT: it also semes that the colors are wrong. the chest and the arms are blue and the ARMD units are colord backwards. could this be a Macross 2 Cell?
  6. no, in DYRL the leg units werent destroyed. it could be from a macross game?
  7. What macross movie/series is this cell from?
  8. I think it suks balls. so where can i reserve this?
  9. man all my blockbuster has is the original robotech vhs in japaneese
  10. Dont Forget in macross plus hikarus vf-1j shows up. and the marry poppins cast in the airport.
  11. pic 2
  12. can somebody put these to pictures togeter to make a wallpaper. i know it seems easy but i have no skilz in photoshop.
  13. even thought its fan art its still pretty good.
  14. item 2 is the best version of macross DYRL you can buy. it has beter everything over the first one.
  15. i was told that the picture was from a macross reference guide. however another friend told me that it was just fan art.
  16. i found this picture of a non destroyed version
  17. is there any info on this ship?
  18. who created the "macross" and why whas it the supervision army?
  19. ive never thought that the protoculture used music as a powerfull super weapon it just sounds stupid. and i think that if you said this to kawamori hed proboly fall over laughing. i dont remember reading anything in the compendium about protoculture musical superweapons. the zentrandi/ meltrandi just reacted when the heard such a "beautiful" way to express emotion, the reaction was the activation of certain areas of there brain that put out emotion, this made theme as close to human as possible. to me the zentrandi&human peace tready was a "cought in the moment" kind of thing. the zentrans and meltrans felt the emotion so heavely( more than others such as max and millias wedding wich can be argued as a culture shock type of thing) they never thought about their fighting instingst. such as guilds fighting supressin problems. the basis here is that the song "do you remeber love?" was just a popular song in the ancient protoculture culture nothing more.
  20. ive read into the production of the first macross series, and the words "troubled production" are an under statement. the series id grosley under budget and the episode list was expanding and decreasing every week. it was all saposed to end at episode 27. but they had to increase it by 9 episodes. DYRL is the high budget, take your time on every little detail, re-do of macross thats how i see it. i also see macross7 as an attempt to intergrate DYRL into the macross tv story for a better sequel.
  21. i am a charity The Money Charity For Seventh Moon
  22. I have a 1/48 and the strike packs
  23. The only thing there is evedence in robotech that there is religion amungst, Rick, Max, Miria, Ben, Roy, Lisa, Claudia, is that they have episode 35-85 "season Greatings". science this is an american show, they celebrate christmass like every christian in the us. there is no evidence In Macross, exept episode 35-36 (the name slipes me at the moment) there celebrating christmass like all japanese, even though there in alaska. I know this much, max is Catholic, and european thata about it.
  24. do any of you have a large picture of the macross figure collection 1 box art?
  25. i thought the 1/60 GPB was out already! whens it out! and I got an ipod last month, 40 gigs
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