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Everything posted by MILKAUTICO

  1. MIcro HM missiles http://www.mtranslation.host-ed.me/Stats/Statistics/AerospaceCraft/aif-9b.php VENTRAL MISSILE BAY: For additional offensive power, the AIF-9B Ghost has a concealed missile bay mounted on the bottom of the aircraft between the engine nacelles. When launched, the doors concealing the bay open and the missiles fire downward out of the craft, where they then move to intercept targets either in front of or behind the drone. The missile bay is designed to use the new Bifors BMM-24 all-environment high-maneuverability micro-missiles, but can use any type of UN Spacy mini-missile if HMMMs are not available.
  2. Wow, wow, wow +wow!!!
  3. Por mi esta bien. en eso coincido al 100%!!!
  4. 34.800 JPY?????? WTF!!! I thought my country was the only that prices were crazy
  5. Fan Racer..... no Pegassus First 100% mexican aircraft https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=L2TtdXzkXPQ http://www.efe.com/efe/noticias/english/business/oaxaca-aerospace-unveils-1st-prototype-airplane-developed-mexico/4/60/2599362
  6. Hola podrias mirar aqui esto es en Argentina Hello you could look here in Argentina this is http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-557083002-vendo-vf-1-en-buen-estado-imperdible-para-colecionistas-_JM o esto or this http://listado.mercadolibre.com.ar/takatoku#D[A:takatoku-] espero te sea util, y en lo que se pueda ayudar a otro fan, para eso estamos I hope you will be useful, and what you can help another fan, for that we are
  7. Some pics of a friend ( Javier Cossio) who makes models with cardboard and epoxy putty, really an artist and Macross Fan https://www.facebook.com/javier.cossio.94/media_set?set=a.1630493977162454.1073741841.100006056021470&type=1 I hope someday follow modeling again, I must ask you to design the VA-3.
  8. "One day humanity reminded why I should be afraid of Titans." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calbuco_%28volcano%29
  9. NICEEE!!! good charpter Mr Gerli!!!!
  10. Why, Why Bandai, that does not make the RX-93 in 1/60 scale perfect grade.
  11. Hablando de eso sera cierto lo de Cese y decista de HG a Collection DX miren... http://www.collectiondx.com/ tiene fecha de recivido de hoy mmmmmm..
  12. Jajajaja, y los juguetes de toys story cuentan la llegada de los juguetes de japon... jajajja ya empesaron con los casting en los grupos de facebook " de nuevo" si realmente hacen una pelicula.... realmente no sabria que decir, pero es lamentable que la gente de HG joda con la ilusion de muchos fans al punto que deberian acusarlos de fraude.
  13. Last episode really good.snif, snif, Leave this picture showing the sizes of the different katapractos with the federation mechas. I hope you liked it and I liked it. very good animation history and good mechas .
  14. Vean el caso de Gundam unicorns por ejemplo cuanto estuvo para terminar todas las ovas.
  15. I really do not want to destroy the franchise only a few new pictures of macross 7 artbook for me. I understand and do not want to generate discomfort. thanks people! Thanks for the links !!! and they are right. Not really know what was still being printed, so the order. Sorry if generate some kind of rejection, I thank you as always input.
  16. I'm not asking me give it away, only that share some images of the artbook. I think there are a lot of selfish people and forget that here everyone likes the same.
  17. if you can provide me some link where they sell better.
  18. Someone could scan images of the artbook the first cd? please !!!
  19. Yes, it is a joke and does not end there you have to pay 50% of the purchased plus shipping plus a surcharge of 35% on the cards so everything's cheaper to buy abroad. So in this way the illegal trade grows. Regarding Bry I wrote you but I have no news about his project. I think he was kidnapped, so the monster 1/60 does not crush the Valkyries, this is a conspiracy monster
  20. If it's huge, but serious Giant 1/60 . But no matter will be a good model to have as long as I have money and my country (which customs restrictions let in only 2 purchases per year ) it may bring.
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