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Everything posted by MILKAUTICO

  1. Thank you as well! another question, I know I'm very questioned, I really like it. but with this I decide to buy it. What scale do you calculate that you have in helicopter mode?
  2. Could you take a picture with some valks with Blackout?
  3. Wow!!!!!!
  4. Damm, I need it!
  5. If it happens to be for that price, include me I hope some day you do the VA-3. please! please!
  6. Estimated price?
  7. OHHH Lord!!!! please !! please if you do this with the VF-9, what would you do if you did the VA-3 ... Give the Invader a chance
  8. I past for now
  9. Damm, wtf.!!
  10. Estoy interesado. De donde eres?
  11. Nice chapter Men!!
  12. Each time the chapters are more engaging. Excelsior!!!!
  13. IDEM..
  14. tenes varias te paso algunas amiami.com http://www.anime-export.com/search?search=macross hlj.com esas te vas a entretener bastante buscando en las distintas escalas que busques. Saludos desde San Luis.
  15. Is this version in 1/60 scale?
  16. VF-0S premium version eeeeeee....
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