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Everything posted by MILKAUTICO

  1. My house, San Luis, Argentina.
  2. This is the only mail I have, info@anime-export.com, You should make the payment only to Paypal but also to the card for duplication of payment. I hope it serves you
  3. It's the ARX-7 with steroids
  4. Sorry I thought it was appropriate to put it here. If the administrator is kind enough to relocate it, I'll appreciate it
  5. Try not to cry after seeing this...
  6. Wow!!! 20 men!!
  7. I'm still waiting for some day to come out in PG 1/60.
  8. It is not a bad idea to convert this bird, into something more adaptable, I wonder if you could do something that resembles a spaceship in 1/60 ..
  9. Hello people, the other day browsing the web https://www.bigbadtoystore.com I found some interesting models in 1/60 scale. They look pretty good and with multiple purposes I leave some images and the page where makes a complete review of them. https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/rihio-multiabyss.1161750/ I think I'm going to buy some to see how it looks with my valks on the same scale LOL I leave some link that I have got out there in case anyone is interested in addition to the one of bb. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Search?Company=959 http://www.rihio.com/col.jsp?id=103 https://es.aliexpress.com/item/Show-Z-Store-Rihio-Multiabyss-MM001-V-Link-Mecha-Striker-Logistic-Set-Green-Blue-Desert/32932428835.html?spm=a219c.10010108.1000016.1.471450935qziqj&isOrigTitle=true See you
  10. Feliz año nuevo !!! Espero ver algo de mechas este año lo veo feo, en anime hay puras lolis o me estoy volviendo mas viejo....
  11. more pics
  12. I hope this I can help you is a model that I found on the web a few years ago, I have never had the luck to make it true maybe you give it a better destiny. Happy New Year!! F-203 Dragon II STL (3D Print).rar
  13. Te agradezco, pero paso el dato a mis conocidos que andas buscando?
  14. Que tenes para ofrecer?
  15. yes!!!!!
  16. Try this page https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/search/?q=macross&searchTab=model
  17. Please make it BARBATUS or RX-93.
  18. If you write to this address saying what project you are going to share it with no problem macrossvoxp@gmail.com
  19. Hi please check this page https://sketchfab.com/comunidadmacrossrt
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