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Everything posted by MILKAUTICO

  1. Bry any updated? I look forward to your project do not miss!
  2. Okey.
  3. sorry but I still have the thread post, I'm just posting the YF-19 who want cheap, are for sale in hlj. nothing more.
  4. BLACK Friday!!!! weekend sale!!!now!!!!
  5. For those who want to get cheap hlj the YF-19 is lowering all for black friday! ¥26,568!!!!! http://www.hlj.com/product/ACA82042/Sci
  7. Please, if you can find it I'm really interested after install the patch I could not play more is more I could not even see it to start the mod. if you can give Community support all crazy about this game we're going to make a statue in your honor.
  8. Al igual que vos al ver Robotech en un VHS que mi viejo estreno en una videocasetera me volo la cabeza y tenia como 3 o 4 años, avion que agarraba le ponia piernas de algun muñeco.jejeje Para mi sorpresa me entere por la revista Lazer, me la presto un amigo en la secundaria seria como en el 97-98. y cuando la lei sobre eso se me cayo una parte de mi niñes, pero me abrio un universo mas rico y extenso, la peli en VHS de DYRL salia con el nombre de " Macross: la ciudad robot " con una traduccion en español horrible que no se entendia nada y para colmo pirateada de vaya saber donde, esta peli la consegui en una casa de videos juegos llena de tierra que estaban vendiendo los primeros animes. Antes de eso habia visto unas paginas como horace.org que tenia artbook de macross plus a lo que no entendia un "pomo" y para colmo para descargar una imagen tenias que esperar una 10 horas. Gracias a internet y a esa revista pude encontrar mas pelis y las series originales que nada que ver con la estafa de HG. Esa es un poco resumida mi historia con Macross. Saludos gente
  9. Ups!! sorry
  10. ARCADIA Just upload this to face http://hobby-maniax.com/archives/3797 some pics!!
  11. DyRL? in 1/60 please!!!
  12. Wow! There are very talented people, and it's amazing to see them in their pure essence.
  13. Here in my country, printers are selling the almost four times its value to the U.S., are crazy. I'm trying to see how to buy one or at least try to build one, but it's a nightmare. for now I'm playing with paper models, is what I can get.
  14. Chan!chan! uff of course I want a copy, just to get that amount of money eeee I'll have to become a woman. LOL I think I told you it's amazing the work you're doing. really leave me speechless when you post something BRY.
  15. VA-3!VA-3!VA-3!VA-3!VA-3!
  16. This model you're doing it to sell later? forgive the question but it is really amazing.
  17. It's huge that knee, I envy you, I really would like to have a model paper even this monster
  18. I think to same, is more prefer the VA-3 has better transformation, VA-3 is ugly but the YF-30 is very much ugly
  19. I keep repeating everywhere, I want my VA-3 1/60 ARCADIA!! OKEY! And Regult 1/60 and CHEYENNE 1/60 PLEASE!!!
  20. I think there is no point of comparison with mecha I've seen, the biggest I've seen was the HY2M MS-09RS Char Custom Rickdom Extra Finish Ver. 1/60 And should be viewed as a toy compared to a monster, I bow to you sir. try one with papercraft and I came out so ugly that I did not want to do it again to not disappoint.
  21. Yes! I knew! that arcadia not disappoint me with the YF-19!!! Just need to make a model of the VA-3 in 1/60, and I can die in peace.
  22. Thanks, I hope to more pics.
  23. Men, you are amazing, I really think that one has a mental picture of how it should be big this beast, but seeing that foot next to a VF-1 is indescribable. On what material you're doing? if I may ask.
  24. WOW!!! please tell me which is the foot of the monster?
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