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Everything posted by MILKAUTICO

  1. Yeah, I know, if we compare the old post dimensions and corresponded to 1/72 scale. It's a real shame followed with the illusion that it would look on 1/60, I will continue with my role model or expect Bry finish printing the monster.
  2. 1/60 scale!!!!!! Yes. Yes.yes!!!!!
  3. Great chapter Man!!!!!! I need more chatarra. More,MORE,more!!!!!!! Jejeje
  4. Thanks, thanks, :hail: :hail: , Thanks!!!!!
  5. Lol jajjajaja this is pure smoke, let my friend
  6. Please AgaveCacuts you don't want do some ortho( top side and front ) from VA-3? please,please,please....
  7. son torrents (son muy pesados para descarga directa) pero ahora los chequeo.
  8. Que enlaces necesitas estimado?
  9. Displaying comments as boxes have reached them, so I think they have been dispatched.
  10. More Bad Guys!!! Tharsis, It is now the kataphrackt of Mars Knight, Slaine Troyard and was once the aircraft that belonged to Count Cruhteo. It is known for it's high maneuverability, and is 17m high.
  11. Edward Herrmann in richie rich,
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TgLe98ts0QU
  13. R.I.P Edward Herrmann Edward Herrmann, whose formidable figure made him as familiar on television and in film as his distinctive voice made him instantly recognizable as a narrator, has died at the age of 71. Per his agent, Herrmann died Wednesday at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York after months of treatment for brain cancer. http://www.avclub.com/article/rip-edward-herrmann-star-gilmore-girls-and-lost-bo-213386
  14. Yes!!!!!!
  15. WTF!!!!!!!
  16. Here are several models, if you contact the administrator and share talves can all be benefited with several models in 3d. https://sketchfab.com/comunidadmacrossrt/models I had no luck, maybe you can convince me to share and so to make the world smaller.
  17. More toys come!!! Now is the turn of KG-7 Areion It is a shame that not scale 1/60 ....... http://www.taghobby.com/tag/megahouse/
  18. Hello people, here I found a user of a community that develops games that have multiple 3D models, take a look. https://sketchfab.com/comunidadmacrossrt/models
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