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Everything posted by apaje

  1. Why does everyone have to be so hard on HG? I understand you guys are all hardcore Macross fans. But seriously, they gave us Macross in the form of Robotech. Then based on their distribution rights they license Animeigo to give us a remastered version of our beloved Macross in it's original form. Now they license ADV to give us Macross with a decent (but not perfect) English dub. Those are some nice things for the Macross fans. This is not the place to argue over the distribution rights or anything, but hey... you guys are Macross "purists," so even if Bigwest did the English dub, I bet it still wouldn't have been perfect and you guys would be having similar discussions. Let's leave the HG bashing comments out of this thread and talk more about the ADV English Dub. I am not a purist, so MuhCross vs. MahCross vs whatever is not a big deal to me. The English dub translation is fairly accurate/close to the Animeigo translation as far as I can tell, the 5.1 sound is pretty amazing and does not take away from the classic sound, image quality is of course amazing, and voice acting sounds fine to me. Mari's english is a little hard to understand at times. Hopefully they will work with her to improve her English in the rest of the series. Remember, anyone new to Macross is not gonna care about the differences in the japanese and english dubs. I am looking forward to the rest of the ADV Macross English dub releases.
  2. However, that being said, I still maintain that the point is that for 20 years, on both sides of the Pond, and notwithstanding Asian naming conventions, Lynn Minmay's name has been...well..."Lynn Minmay." To say "Minmay Lynn," while obviously more correct, would sound wrong, even to we few, we happy few, we band of nitpickers here on MW. Sometimes the error in a name sticks better than reality. Take a look at General and President of the US, Ulysses S. Grant. His real name was not Ulysses Samson Grant, but Hyram Ulysses Grant. But a clerical error during his time at West Point created the name that everyone knows him by. The same thing here. Someone in the dim mists of history forgot to take Asian naming conventions into account when they romanized Minmay's name. Everyoen and their uncle calls her "Lynn Minmay." 359414[/snapback] Ahhh. I get it. Accuracy is all important unless someone tries to "move your cheese"... The "accuracy" being, the correct romanized/anglicized name for Japanese characters. Interesting.... The reason why "Everyoen and their uncle" calls her Lynn Minmay in North America is because of Harmony Gold's RT where they first heard her name. That is where the majority of Mac fans started from. They learned of Macross through RT and then discovered the real show afterward. I for one am not interested in perpetuating any part of HG's interpretation of the show in this dub. I stand by my point. The majority aren't always right <place your own political comment here..>. 359417[/snapback] Well to be totally "accurate", I guess you could say this is ADV's interpretation of the show in this dub.
  3. So I went to my local Best Buy in San Diego, CA hoping to pick up a copy of Samurai 7 Vol. 1. All they had was Vol. 2... but right on the upper rack was: Macross Volume 1 (English Dub). So I picked it up and watched the first episode. I was first introduced to Macross via Robotech. Then Macross Plus came along and blew me away. Since then I got a hold of DYRL, FB 2012, and then more recently Macross Zero (I skipped M7 and don't really care to check it out). I eventually got the Animeigo set of Macross remastered. I have always been a fan of dubs. Macross Plus IMHO is one of the best anime dubs out there. Ghost In The Shell and Akira are also on my list. So I have to be honest and say that since I grew up with Robotech first, I couldn't really get into my Animeigo set of Macross subtitled. So after watching the first episode of Macross Vol. 1 with the new English dub, I can finally watch the original Macross series the way I want to watch it... in it's (VISUAL) original form and dubbed. You might all think I am crazy, but since the new set also has the japanese audio track, I will be getting rid of my Animeigo set. Too bad I got rid of the box and the dvd cases
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