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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. Why does the power supply to my scanner have to disappear? I have plenty of pics of Britai that I coud scan...
  2. OK, you asked for it. The cast of Macross in the first photo: From left to right starting with the front row Ootori Yoshino - Lap Lamiz, Takada Eri - Milia, Hase Arihiro - Hikaru, Iijima Mari - Minmay, Doi Mika - Misa, Yoneyama Atsuko - Jamis Merin Back row Ichikawa Osamu - Bodolza, I can't identify this person, but it could be Oobayashi Ryuusuke - Exedor, Kanie Eiji - Britai, Nakahara Shigeru - Machizaki Kenichi, Hayami Sho - Max, Suzuki Hiromi - Walera, Fujii Tsutomu - Rori, Kamiya Akira - Roy I don't know how accurate this is as it was hard matching some of the people from this photo with the ones in Macross Perfect Memory.
  3. According to the timeline on the Macross Compendium site, the Anit-Unification wars start in July of 2000 and end in December of 2007. The wars are actually pretty much over by the time Macross Zero takes place. The timeline also states that the events in Macross Zero are kept secret for at least five decades.
  4. Saw the strangest thing the other day while in W Sarutabaruta. About 20 people fishing off of the coast. Actually, Skull Leader, I did run into a problem with the lobby server as I was logging off tonight.
  5. LOL, Hey, I've gone through Battalia Downs twice at lvl 14 without aggro. Guess I'm one of the really stupid
  6. By some miracle I made it through the Jugner Forest (and eventually) Jeuno)at lvl 14 without getting killed. Jeuno is quite an amazing city. I don't know if this appllies to other servers, but I found on Ifrit that Jeuno is populated mostly by Japanese players. Getting back to San d'Oria through Jugner was a different story,a s I wound up dying and losing a lvl To make it worse, my homepoint was set in the beginning of the forest, makingg me have to go through the entire region again. Luckily, two players were kind enough to escort me safely through the forest to the La Thiene Plateau.
  7. Heh, I can see subbing two red mages for a white mage... But to use just a person with white mage as their subjob is just plain crazy! I had the shortest party membership today. I was in a party for a mere 30 seconds only to be kicked without any explanation. My only guess was that my level (19) was too high. I finally reached lvl 20, buit still don't have a subjob. None of the parties I was in fought any ghouls. I've spent almost a full week trying to get a magicked skull, the one item I still need. I nver thought it would be this hard At least I have no problems finding parties. Being a red mage does have some advantages. As Abombz!! and Vostok 7 said, Valkurm is a good place to party.
  8. Reading this thread has been quite entertaining. It sounds like you guys are on the servers from hell. Maybe I've just been lucky or haven't been playing enough, but most of the players that I've encountered seem to be quite competent. All of the parties I've been in have always managed to run quite smoothly. Sure, I've had battles that didn't go too well, but I found that everyone still played their part properly. Maybe the Ifrit server just happened to be bkessed with most of the good players I'm finding these emergency server maintenance shutdowns to be the real annoyance!
  9. Lot's of valid points on this thread. I tend to agree with MSW. the PC gaming industry does seem very stale at the moment, with very little in the way of originality. The industry seems only to be able to churn out endless and similar FPS, RPGs, RTS, and MMORPGs.
  10. I'm on Ifrit, the server that not a single person I know is on, . I have made a few friends on Ifrit, it's just that most of the people I know outside of the game are on other servers If any of you wind up on Ifrit, just look for Kaelanis, a male Elvaan Red Mage. You can usually find me in the areas around San d'Oria.
  11. Yeah, but then what types ofgames would we be left with? It would leave quite a few of us without any games to play.
  12. I experienced the very same thing earlier today (Sat, 1/17). Entered the Valkurm Dunes from Selbina only to find about 6 goblins and a bogy just outside town. I zoned REALLY quickly back into Selbina. There was a good 20 or more people gathered around the gate. LOL I mamnaged to find a really good party and gained 3 levels. 3 more to go and I can finally ride a chocobo
  13. I take you are referring to that horrible English version of the first opeining song?
  14. Looking at the box art, I can tell that it's not Transformers at all. While I can't remember the name of the show right now, I do recognize the characters.
  15. Yes, that is Kawamori-san. The little tag does indeed say "Kawamori" on it. Even without being able to read what everyone is saying, it's still pretty easy to see why Max is embarrassed. Jenius-san is saying "Ahoga....." ("Idiots") While I don't know what Aegis!'s source is, I have the image in the Mikimoto art book, "Movement"
  16. Cool pics! This is definitely on my list of things to see. I should make a run there sometime to see the new museum. Hmm, maybe I should go in February when I go to KatsuCon.....
  17. Some past planes with the YF designation are the YF-17, which we know today as the F/A-18 and the YF-12A which went on to become the SR-71.
  18. Aaarghhh! Figures that my scanner isn't working when this question pops up! I have a Megazone 23 book that shows exactly how the Garland transforms.
  19. Last time I went exploring I wound up losing a lvl. Lesson learned, don't travel alone at lvl 14 through areas with monsters that are tough and higher *sigh* I just hope I can get back through Jugner forest and the La Theiene Plateau without getting killed again. I never should have changed my home point from West Ronfaure.....
  20. Since I have a multitude of Macross items in my collection, I voted others. Just out of curiosity, how many of us own Macross LPs? I have one, the BGM to DYRL.
  21. Everything you say? Does he happen to have the human-sized EVA-01? I saw one of those about 5 years ago in some store in Tokyo.
  22. I Joined the Army after highschool but, unfortunately, wound up being discharged halfway through basic training due to medical reasons. Basically, I should never have passed the medical exam but, for some reason they passed me anyway. I always wonder what my life would be like if I stayed in.
  23. My favorite Shirow work is and always probably will be Appleseed. Appleseed is also the very first manga that I read.
  24. $90 for a gold book witht he film strip is an awesome price! Escpecially these days!
  25. What's to say that they just didn't stick the cockpit section and head unit of a VF-1D on Max's VF-1A? We know from the beggining of the tv series that the cockpit section is removable. Seems it would be easier to just repaint these two components than an entire fighter.
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