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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. TechTV showed only 1/2 of the series. Only the first 2 DVDs (covering eps 1-8)have been released in the US. Episodes 9-13 aren't even on US DVD yet. The next volume comes out in the beginning of April. Last Exile will take a total of 7 DVDs.
  2. SEED isn't part of the Universal Century. F91 was okay, not my favorite, tho.
  3. Hmm, I only hope that we'll be lucky enough for them to do a show in the NY area.
  4. Speaking of Giddeus, I went with a few of my San D'orians to finish our rank 3 quests. I was surprised at how easily we were able to beat the black dragon. I only got off 4 spells before the thing was dead. We never got the record since one of our players was having a connection problem I've said it before, but I find the Ifrit server to be full of capable players, both Japanese and North American. With the exception of one, all of my parties have been quite excellent. Guess I got lucky, huh?
  5. I think I'm one of the few people that didn't get his subjob until lvl 22, lol. Anyway, I saw one of the stupidest things from a player during my partying today. There was a player that had his character set to seek party. However, this idiot kept telling people that invited him that he wanted to play solo. I almost felt like telling him to turn seek party off, but figured he'd say something stupid, so I didn't even bother.
  6. Looking at my TIAS for Macross Plus, there's a frontal view of a VF-1 on landing approach. In this illustration, the barrel of the head laser appears to be offset to the left of the nose gear.
  7. Wow, areaseven I'm impressed! I wasn't even thinking of the other 2. The Heroic Legend of Arslan was the only one that i thought of, lol. The other 2 were "Sohryuden" and "Weathering Continent" BTW, I actually didn't even hear of the other two before now.
  8. LOL, sorry, sorry! Too much gaming, LOL Keeping with the spirit of Legend of the Galactic Heroes, name 3 other works by its creator, author Yoshiki Tanaka.
  9. Jeez, It's been quite a while since I've watched Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Let's see what I can remember! 1. Salamander - C. Wahlen 2. Forseti - E. Kessler 3. Königs Tiger - G. Wittenfield ( I belive his name is usually translated as Bitenfeld) 4. Barbarosa - F. Kircheis 5. Tristan - D. Reuentahl 6. Jotunheim 7. Beowulf - B. Mittermeyer 8. Brünhilde - H. Lohengramm I left #6 blank, because I don't remember Kessler commanding 2 different ships. Did you mean to list a different charcter?
  10. Yes, I'm being a bit nit-picky Actually, Britai's ship was beginning to fold during Hikaru, Misa and Roy's escape. Milia and her squad had infiltraded Britai's ship. During the battle, Hikaru's Valkyrie is blown into space by a hull breach. Just as the fold is commencing, Hikaru tries to fly his Valkyrie back into Britai's ship. However, not being actually inside the ship, Hikaru and Misa are just apparently by sheer coincidence radomly folded to Earth.
  11. I think you're just speculating there. There is nothing in the show to prove that no one is religious or not. Just because we don't see the characters practicing religion (except for Max), doesn't mean that they don't. After all, we never see the characters use the bathroom or perform various other day-to-day chores, but we know that they do.
  12. Did I ever mention that DYRL is my all-time favorite anime film ever? lol I have absolutely no problem with the movie being entirely different than the TV series. I've always thought that if a movie isn't a direct sequel of its predecessor, it should be different. What would the point be of making the movie exactly like the TV series? DYRL still followed the spirit of Macross, as it did pretty much follow the main plot points of the TV series.
  13. 8000 hours sounds rather low. I could be wrong, but that would suggest that most military aircraft have a service life of 333 days. Using 80,000 would make that 9 years which sounds more reasonable.
  14. I Found Victory to be a fair series. It wasn't the best, it wasn't the worst. The mecha designs were not my favorite. The only design that I really liked was the V2 Gundam, though I did like the ship designs quite a bit. I'm the opposite of you Abombz, I prefer the mecha designs of Zeta much more than I do the designs of Victory. I always had a certain fondness of the Zeta, though I find my favorite Gundam mecha designs are the ones in Char's Counterattack. I don't remember the soundtrack too well, though, and only vaguely remember Stand Up to the Victory. My favorite of the Gundam intros is the second opening to Zeta. It took me several years to find the full version of it. Anyway, that's all just my 2 cents.
  15. Yep, this is a DYRL picture. I'm surprised that it's nopt actually in the gold book, or the TIAS....
  16. Actually, there were a lot of toys for Victory Gundam back when the show was running on TV. I have 3 of 1/100 scale kits (1 Victory Gundam, 2 Victory 2 Gundams - the V2 Buster Gundam and the V2 Assault Gundam) and the 1/60 scale V2 Gundam. Most of the toys I saw for Victory Gundam were small diecast mobile suits. A friend of mine actually owns a human-size beam rifle that lights up and makes the sound that we are all familiar with when you pull the trigger.
  17. The Macross' return to Earth only took 10 months, not 2 years. According to the timeline, the Macross leaves Earthspace on February 7, 2009 and returns sometime in mid-November of 2009. Factoring what was able to be salvaged from the city after the fold and at Mars, food was clearly not a problem. As for space for 70,000 people, that's not as difficult as it seems. Being a bit conservative, I figured that each "leg" of the Macross has enough space to fit the volume of 3 football stadiums (that's with only using approximately half of the entire volume of each "leg") Giants Stadium in New Jersery can seat 80,000 people, enough for the entire city population.
  18. Renato's right, there was a Kekko Kamen live-action movie that was released sometime in the early-mid 90s.
  19. This is why I lke conventions I got my copy of volume one this weekend at Katsucon 10 in VA. I am quite happy with what I saw so far.
  20. For a good example of vernier thrusters, look at just about any mobile suit in Gundam. All those nozzles placed all over the body are vernier thrusters.
  21. I was at Katsucon tis weekend in Virginia and happened to see a girl dressed as a Mithra. The bad news is that I left my camera in my car and couldn't get a picture Of course, once I had my camera I never saw her again that weekend
  22. To answer your question, the SDF Macross title is almost identical to the Robotech title. SDFM title, "Rainy Night", RT title, "A Rainy Night"
  23. Dammit, Jester, don't do that! When I saw the post, I thought that there was a book out already.
  24. My scanner works.. It's just that I coan't find where I put the power supply when I totally revamped my bedroom. LOL
  25. There are Super VF-1As in the TV series. There's one particular shot of the SDF-1 with its complement of Valkyries in front of it. If you look closely enough, you can make out several Valkyries with a single head laser.
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