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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. I don't know, as of right now, I'm convinced that Neo IS Mwu. If it wasn't for the fact that Neo pilots a mobile armor that closely resembles the Mobius Zero, I might have overlooked Neo being played by the same voice actor and having the same hair color.
  2. Most of these cosplayers sounded like they barely knew what show their character was from. Most of the cosplayers that I know sound much more knowledgable!
  3. Aren't you forgetting the most common Tokyo invasion of all? What is Gojira (Godzilla), chopped liver? Besides, one man's typhoon is another man's hurricane. You want a typhoon? Just visit the state of Florida. You'll get yourself a nice Atlantic Ocean thyphoon, a hurricane!
  4. Heh, the govenment wouldn't go for it considering that the oil companies pretty much ARE the government!
  5. That kit is very impressive, I own one myself. I bought mine at AX 2002. I actually had to take mine home as checked baggage on my return flight! Unlike Armor, I've been quite lazy with Gundam kits and most of mine are merely assembled without any painting. You are definitely doing an awesome job, Armor!
  6. Hmm, I think I may still have these in my collection on VHS straight off of the original Japanese LDs. They have no subtitles. I can try to transfer them onto my computer and burn them on CD since I don't own 2 VCRs anymore.
  7. I remember having several of the models of the Dorvack mecha in the mid-80s. I, too, have always wanted to see this show.
  8. Wow, I'm actually the first person here to get, or more likely to admit to getting Chris?
  9. From my experience, the variable fighters in Macross Zero are probably the most accurate in their proportions when transforming. CGI helps quite a bit in this case.
  10. This is the one Gundam series that I wish they'd animate. The story ran in Newtype magazine back in the late 80s, early 90s and had quite a few cool looking mobile suit designs.
  11. That's probably because you got a Son May (SM) release of OST 1 and not the original Japanese release of the CD....
  12. It's about time! I've been dying for a second volume of this since I bought the first volume last year! I hope the format they're using for the date means that the CD comes out on October 11 and not November 10
  13. Just checked those and didn't see it in either of the three I also didn't see it in the movie TIAS book as well. Yet, I know I've seen that pic somewhere!!!
  14. The illustration isn't in Perfect Memory. If it is, I've been missiong it in the 15 years that I've owned it!
  15. That's because it is Shogo's voice that you hear. The credits list two people as Won, I din't remember the first name listed, but the second name is Kazuki Yao, who played Shogo in Megazone 23 part 2. According to a translation of the Megazone 23 timeline, the Dezalg aren't aliens, but instead are genetically engineered humans that colonized Mars. Here's a link to said timeline: http://mickey.cis.yale.edu/eve/mzonebg.html
  16. Actually, those are Garland GR-002As, the production model Garland, that you see chasing Shogo and his gang.
  17. I hope they do some of the other Megazone 23 mecha, especially some of the ones from part 2. I'd LOVE to see a Wilde Sau, or Garland GR-0002A!
  18. Certain changes can be more easily explained than others, like the difference between the carriers and ARMD on the Macross. Since the Macross was heavily damaged at the end of the Macross tv series, it is quite possible that they decided to replace the carriers with the ARMDs when the Macross was rebuilt. Other changes are not so simple....
  19. Even though there are a few movies that I liked on the list, I'm nnot bothered by it since all of my most favorite movies aren't on the list.
  20. Can someone please enlighten me as to why the F/A-18 is considered a "bad" aircraft? Is it just because it's replacing the F-14 as the Navy's main carrier aircraft or is there some real problems with the aircraft that I just haven't seen? Don't get me wrong, the F-14 is still my favorite jet of all-time, but I haven't seen any reason to hate the Hornet.
  21. Nope. The VF-1's engines are fusion-based, not fission-based. Plutonium is a by-product of uranium-based fission reactions. I'm sure those of us who are better-versed in nuclear physics can explain this further than I can.
  22. Macross' popularity is still big enough for Hasegawa and Yamato to keep coming out with a few toys and models every now and then. Granted, it's nowhere near as popular as Gundam, but it's not totally dead.
  23. The Columbia (not Challenger) incident happened because of missing thermal tiles and hole in the wing due to being hit by a piece of the insulating foam that broke off of the main fuel tank during launch, not its speed of re-entry.
  24. Someone said because Stiq slowed down. There is also the question of whether or not the other ships where entering the atmosphere at the correct angle. Come in too steep, you burn up, come in too shallow, you skip off the atmosphere and back into space. The amount of damage done to the ships were also probably a consideration. Remember, damage to its heat shielding is what caused the Columbia to burn up during re-entry.
  25. Despite its differences from the novel, the 1953 film version of War of the Worlds does keep to the spirit of the book. To this day, this film remains one of my favorite science-fiction movies of all time. For a film that was made 51 years ago, it still looks pretty good!
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