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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. Guess I know one of the things I'm buying when I visit Tokyo this spring! Since I was already planning on buying the new PS 2 when I was over there, I now know what game I should try to pick up while over there.
  2. Knowing the way things tend to go, I wouldn't be surprised if they meet in a similars way to how Athrun and Cagalli met.
  3. Sure it's one-sided for now. I'm sure as things progress, everything will even out.
  4. Awesome job! I would have never been able to tell which one was the original and which was the recast.
  5. The Skyline GT-R costs $90k if you're importing the top-of-the-line version of the last model year. In Japan, a Skyline GT-R costs around $60k. I notice that people aren't complaining that an Acura NSX costs $90k. Sure these are expensive, but compared to Ferraris, Lambourghinis and the like, they are relatively cheap. Despite what the naysayers may think, I think the Skyline GT-R is a very beautiful car. Not to mention that it's one of, if not the most popular sportscar in Japan. For it to be as popular as it is, Nissan must be doing something right.
  6. In its intial release, yes, Spirited Away did show in a limited number of theaters. However, once it was nominated for the Academy award, Spirited Away showed up in regular movie theaters. Unlike Appleseed, GiTS and GiTS 2, I didn't have to drive an hour to go to NYC to see it.
  7. How in the world do they expect anime films to bring in a decent amount of box office sales when they're given the limited releases that have been getting for years? Appleseed was released in what, maybe 100 theaters instead of the thousands of theaters in the US?
  8. I totally agree. Cars, just like anything else have gone up in price through the years. MSW said things quite well. Just look at houses, for example. The house that I grew up in cost my parents $18,000 when it was built in 1971. In 1979, we had an addition put on for the same amount of money. In 1997, our house was sold for around $150,000. Well, I see Hikuro and I have something in common! I've been a Nissam owner for all but the first 4 years that I was driving. Granted, I've only owned 2 Sentras (a 1992 E, and a 1996 GXE, both with manual transmissions) over the last 12 years, I've growm to love Nissan cars. Like most other Nissan fans, I too hope to be able to own a Skyline GT-R.....
  9. OK, I feel like a noob now, I've been watching all of Destiny and didn't even realize that Meyrin was Lunamaria's sister! Heck, I didn't even know that her name was Meyrin!
  10. Back in high school I showed a couple of friends that had never seen Robotech or the original Macross tv series DYRL and not a single one of them had a problem understanding or enjoying the story. I guess DYRL is one of those films that will stand alone well for others, but not for some.
  11. The LEGO SV-51 looks a bit funny with the actual SV-51 wings. I guess it just goes to show that there are some things LEGO can't do!
  12. Considering they can manipulate genes well enough to produce Coordinators, it's probably not too difficult to hardwire Wartdfelt's gun arm to his nervous system so that he can fire that weapon.
  13. The name of the song can be transleted to Sleeping Beauty. The title of the song in Japanese is Nemurenu Mori no Bijou. The song is on the Megazone 23 Part III OST, it's track 2.
  14. Z'Ha'Dum: 23,3000 VS Vorlon Homeworld: 5,270 The winner: Z'Ha"Dum
  15. The pistols were only only made to have have neon-colored accents on certain parts of them. How it makes them more "kid friendly" to me, I don't have a clue! There was also a scene where the edit out the knife that Miriaria attacks Dearka with. The strangest thing about these edits was that they seemed to have started after a dozen or so episodes aired.
  16. Quess Paraya definitely gets my vote for the most-hated UC Gundam character. I was soo satisfied when the Alpha Azieru exploded, taking Quess with it.
  17. I will not give up hope. I'm sure Bandai plans to make MGs of most of the mobile suits in the various Gundam universes sometime in the future.
  18. I think I said this in another thread about this series, but I'll say it again. The mecha reminds me a lot of the mecha from the original Dangaio OVA, which Kawamori did do some of the desings.
  19. I'm still waiting for Bandai to do a Master Grades of the Geara Doga and Jagd Doga. The designs from CCA are among my favorite MS designs, so I'm a little disappointed that only 3 kits from this movie exist.
  20. That is quite impressive!
  21. Talk about bringing back old memories!! I had this kit myself when I was a kid. I have no idea what happened to it, though.
  22. It's still early in show, and I'm sure things will balance out as the show progresses. Remember, things looked pretty one-sided at the beginning of SEED as well. It's only natutral that PLANT and Zaft would wind up hating the Naturals after having one of their civilian colonies nuked by the EA. At the moment, the Naturals' hatred of the Coordinators seems quite a bit less justified than the Coordinators' hatred of the Naturals. It was an independent faction of Coordinators, not them as a whole, that forced Junius 7 out of the bebris belt in an attempt to drop it on Earth. Seems a bit extreme to me that all the Coordinators should be held responsible for what a single faction of them did. Especially considering that it was other Coordinators that tried to stop Junius 7 from falling. PLANT was even offering aid to the EA for the damage that the fragments of Junius 7. I wouldn't even be surprised if Blue Cosmos or some faction within the EA was actually behind the plan by using captured Zaft mobile suits and having its pilots claim they were supporters of Patrick Zala's ideals. Possible, but not necessarily. I don't remember any of the countries in WWII provoking Germany into invading them. In SEED it was pretty evident that most of the Coordinators murdered by Naturals were guilty of only being Coordinators. Even the first ever Coordinator, George Glenn was assassinated by a Natural. At the moment it seems that the hatred of Coordinators seems to stem from the fact that they deviate from natural evoltion.
  23. Just like Nazi Germany, The Earth Alliance and Blue Cosmos don't deserve to win since their reasons for war against the PLANTs and Zaft is based solely on hatred and distrust of Coordinators. I don't know, I think in the end, Sai actually got the better end of the deal! I always saw Fllay as a very petty and selfish person. I fealt that Sai deserved a much better person the Fllay.
  24. That's a pretty nice selection you got there. I have the 2nd LP pictured and wasn't even sure if there were any others. If I come across anything else, I'll be sure to post it!
  25. As an owner of this kit, what Graham says is true. The kit has excellent detail and articulation, right down to the individually jointed fingers. Even unpainted, this kit looks good.
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