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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. Yes, it is. There's also a mecha collection from the same series.
  2. The print comes from This Is Animation Original Illustration Super Dimension Fortress Macross Character Edition. This is a folder of 10 B4 size illustrations published by Shogakukan in 1983. If the picture wasn't too big for my scanner, I'd post here at a better reslotion.
  3. Excellent! That's what I need since my router uses the WPA-PSK encryption.
  4. The reason you only see episodes 1-17 on sale is because Geneon isn't finished releasing the series yet. You can't buy what doesn't exist yet! Volume 4 was just released a few days ago, and volume 5 comes out at the end of September.
  5. Is it at all possible to actually insulate the fuel tank from the inside instead of the outside?
  6. Hmm, I guess this means that I should get my JPN PSP its 2.00 upgrade... The only problem I have with my PSP is the fact that I can't get it to work with my wireless router, due to it not supporting the type of encryption that it uses. At least, I think that's what the problem is, if I 've read everthing correctly.
  7. What a small world! I was in Japan at the very same time! Too bad we didn't know that until now.
  8. I've been enjoying both shows as well, and I still haven't decided which one I like better. My only complaint about Aquarion is how long it's taking for the fansubbers to release it. When Aquarion first started, it was only a few days between the Japanese airdate and the fansub release. Aquarion is now somewhere in the teens in episode count, but has yet to be fansubbed. I wonder if Media Factory has anything to do with this. Either that or the fansubbers are students and only work on it during the school year.... Hopefully, Eureka 7 won't go the same way.
  9. Funny, that's about the same time, place, and price that I got mine for! At least I think I bought mine in Nakano. I'm assuming you got it from one of the Mandarake stores in the Broadway Building....
  10. Aye, it's sad to see him go.
  11. I hope you've made a few excursions to Tokyo since it's only about an hour or so away from where you are!
  12. The only problem I see animating Hathaway's Flash is the fact that, as far as I know, is only a single novel. On the other side of things, I don't see SEED Destiny as suffering, but this is just one man's opinion. Sure, it's not perfect, but it is surely good enough to keep me satisfied and waiting for each episode.
  13. Yokosuka, huh? I visited there in May when I was over in Japan for a vacation. It was a pretty nice little city. If you get the chance, I recommend visiting the Mikasa, if you haven't already done so. If you're into J-Rock, the Hide Museum is also there, but not for much longer.
  14. No biggie! After all, I know I'M not the one that posted a major spoiler of the novel.
  15. No, it doesn't. If you're looking for Hi-Speed Jecy art work, you need to find a copy of Mikimoto's Movement book. Unfortunately, that book dates back to 1988, so it may be a little difficult to find it.
  16. If it comes from B-Club, it is official from Bandai. I can't speak for the other garage kit manufacturers, though.
  17. A little off-topic, but first off, welcome back, Macross World!! Now to get back on-topic. Pretty much the only thing that would make me buy the ADV dub of Macross would be if they were able to get Mari Iijima to dub the English voice of Minmay. Other than that, I'm sticking with my AnimEigo bosxets.
  18. I don't know if there were any others, but there is at least one book, Complete Gundbuster that was released. I know the designer of Gunbuster itself was done by Koichi Ohata. I believe the other designs were done by a different artist. Of course there is Mikimoto as character designer.
  19. I got my PG Skygrasper and Aile Striker this past weekend. Even though I do not own a PG Strike Gundam, this kit is worth it just for the Skygrasper alone.
  20. I always just guessed that the long period of time was caused by the effect of the black hole created by BM 3, not the remaining collapsing motor in GunBuster itself.
  21. The first disc in my set also said Macross Plus Movie Edition, however, the content on it was still episodes 1 and 2.
  22. Actually, the transformation of the VFs via the throttle control was introduced in DYRL. Plus, a few books seem to treat that style transformation as an upgrade to the VF-1.
  23. I don't really see the Tannhauser as being an anti-matter based weapon. If it was, then shouldn't ANY use in the atmosphere casue a huge explosion? After all, last time I looked, air is still matter.
  24. Miyasato Kumi was the one who played Eve in parts 1 & 2. That was her only role in anime. She also released 3 albums back in the late 80s. As far as I know, she hasn't done any work since then. I heard a rumor some years ago that she only did those works to earn money for school or something of the like.
  25. What was the yen price on the Skygrasper and Aile pack? I have friend picking me up some stuff in Tokyo later this month and just might have him pick me up one.
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