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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. I'm so jealous of all the pictures of everyon's filmstrips. When I got my Gold Book way back back in 1988 with no film strip. I didn't even know that the book was supposed to come with one until about 10 years later.
  2. Depending where you are in Japan, this could very easlily be a valid question. With all of the major American restaurant chains in Japan, it's really easy to never touch Japanese food.
  3. I think that that Audi would look a lot better without that humongous grill that seems to be the current Audi style.
  4. A PG-13 rating didn't hurt Red Dawn when it was released back in 1984. As I recall, it was a fairly violent film.
  5. Speaking of two-part Dr. Who episodes, as my luck would have it, the only Dr. Who episode that I managed to catch last week while I was in London was the second part of a two-parter. Still, I guess it's better to not get to see any episode of the series while I was there!
  6. I didn't even notice those until I read this post! Good eyes, promethuem5! Still, even with the flaws, the kit looks amazing!
  7. I totally agree with UN Spacy. Episode 8 was awesome!
  8. Also, if you look, you can see Jung and Kashiwara in there!
  9. I actually wound up missing the airshow as I was out late last night and didn't wake up at a decent enough hour to go to the show. I wasn't too disappointed, though, I did get to see and tour the battleship New Jersey yesterday. Although it would have been neat seeing the F-22 up close.
  10. I had a pleasant surprise at work today. While I happened to be outside taking out cardboard, I happened to see a pair of A-10s flying overhead, probably on their way to McGguire AFB. It was quite refreshing to see something other than a tanker or transport flying overhead.
  11. As I thought. Good thing that I have a Japanese PC Engine DUO and both Macross games
  12. As far as I know, there is no English version of either Macross PC Engine game. At least not in the US.
  13. I don't think it's really a problem with the actual studio itself, but with the directors of the Kissdum project. I'm sure that Macross will probably have a totally different writing and directing staff.
  14. The movie was, but never the TV series.
  15. I just finished watching episode 2 and I was a bit surprised to see 3 Macross Zero-style Ghosts during the scene with the military unit engaging the monsters!
  16. I hate to admit it, but the MasterGrade kits have made me a lazy modeler. I don't think I've painted a model kit in years.
  17. Just be glad that you don't have to pay what the Japanese do for DVDs!
  18. I just checked the Macross Mecha portfoliio and this illustration isn't in it. I also didn't see it in any of the Macross books that I have in my collection.
  19. All it says is that the BBS (Bulletin Board System) is now open.
  20. There was only one thing that bothered me about the first episode was the few scenes that had character that were half-covered in shadow. Other than that, I had no other complaints.
  21. I just watched the raw. I know I'll probably be following the series. I personally thought this was a really good first episode. I can't wait for a subbed version to know exactly what's going on. I caught a few things here and there, but with my very limited Japanese, a lot was lost.
  22. I remember those games! I also had Valis III and Target Earth. Not being particularly good at shooters, I found Target Earth to be pretty difficult. I borrowed Warsong from a friend of mine and beat his copy without buying one of my own. A couple of years later I bought Langrisser for the PC Engine. The anime Samurai 7 reminded me a lot of M.U.S.H.A. Of the games I mentioned, I only still own Langrisser. If I remember correctly, I traded all the old Genesis games I had, with the exception of Lunar and Lunar 2, for my original Playstation. The biggest disappointing thing about most of the early Japanese games released in the States, was the changes in the box art.
  23. My first two Macross toys were the Matchbox releases of the Tomahawk and Defender Destroids.
  24. Finally got around to entering all the ME members that posted their Wii codes. Mine is: Beltane 4994 6117 1074 6138
  25. I'm really, really hoping that #100 willl be the Geara Doga.
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