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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. Funny how cheap you can get a 3000GT these days when compared to a 300ZX or a Supra! Another big product of Mitsubishi is elevators. I think I saw their elevators (and escalators) in at least 2/3rds of the buildings I went in in Japan.
  2. I hope that means they there will also be a USS New Jersey!
  3. I'm finding Konosuba to be much funnier than Slayers!
  4. My Gunpla haul from this weekend.
  5. I'll be going to Katsucon this weekend where I'll probably be picking up a few Gundam models even though I haven't even built most of the kits that I picked up during my Japan trip this past September.
  6. I don't remember how old he was, but my mother's father lied about his age so that he could enlist to fight in WW I.
  7. There's an arcade in Chicago that actually had that game in it!
  8. Damn, those first 0083 kits were terrible! Once the MG versions of them came out, I got rid of the old 1/144 kits.
  9. I was watching a new show from this season, Myriad Colors Phantom World and came across a character name that could possibly be a homage to Macross. The main character just happens to be named Ichijo Haruhiko and uses the same kanji for the names. Or maybe I'm just over-thinking it.
  10. I've always loved the opening theme to Space Adventure Cobra! It's probably my favorite openings from the early 80s!
  11. Speak for yourself. I've followed Macross since I first discovered it in 1985, and I'm perfectly happy with this first episode. Hell, I know quite a few people that consider the songs in the original Macross series as crappy J-Pop.
  12. I only have the small B-Club Visual Comic book for Dangaio. I used to have another book, though I forget which one it was. At least, I think it was a Dangaio book, but it also could have been a Hirano art book. I lent the book to a friend of mine that I haven't seen in years. The only other piece of Dangaio merchandise that I own is the CD for 2 and 3. I used to have the first CD as well, but that's been lost to an ex-girlfriend that I haven't talked to or seen since we split up over a decade ago.
  13. I didn't get to see the entire special, just the raw of the first episode. So far, I like what I see. I can't wait until April comes around!
  14. To this day, I still wonder what happened to Kumi.
  15. Aaand another delay. What in the world is Mikimoto working on that's keeping him from producing Macross The First?
  16. ^^^ That's the same way that my '05 Sentra SE-R SpecV is, totally stock. The only thing that I'd really want to do to my car is change the front end and wheels to the '02 Sentra SE-R style.
  17. That doesn't sound too different from the 1/60 Gundam F91 kit from the early 90s. It had an already assembled inner-frame.
  18. My most recent Macross toy purchase was back in September. I picked up the Perceval when I was on my trip to Tokyo.
  19. Looking at the picture, the shorts look like they could possibly be stickers, too.
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