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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. That's a pretty awesome picture! I loved both Kamina and Kittan's strong personalities.
  2. The one thing that will be kind of cool is the fact that the new Macross series will be released when the original series was set to take place in!
  3. Gotta go with the sub side! For the first five or six years that I was watching anime the only thing available was raw. I got so used to hearing things in Japanese that dubs actually sound a bit weird to me. Even though I only know very little Japanese, the language actually doesn't sound foreign to my ears.
  4. It's out of a regular issue of Newtype. If you want, I can probably find the issue where that artwork is from out of my collection. I believe it's either a late '94 or early '95 issue.
  5. It's not too insane if you've seen pictures of Mari from when she originally played Minmay back in 1982. She was 19, but looked like she was 12!
  6. Finally got the proper file for the raw. This show just keeps getting better!
  7. I was about to watch the raw of episode 22, only to find that the file was misnamed and turned out to be the new Dr Strange moive.
  8. Is this the same Stephanie that did a couple of UY songs back in the 80s?
  9. All I want now is the military production model from part 2!
  10. Rossiu definitely needs a good ass-kicking!
  11. I have an LG LCD monitor with a 2ms response time and have never noticed any blurring.
  12. VF-X 1 takes place in 2047. The VF-19 and VF-22 are playable in that game. The VF-11 was already old when the game takes place.
  13. I saw another screenshot from this game that did have a scene with Eve in it, more specifically, the part 1 Eve style.
  14. Check to see if the store where you bought your PS3 has some kind of price protection plan. Some stores will refund the difference if the price drops within a certain amount of time (usually 30 days) after purchase. It certainly doesn't hurt to ask.
  15. Doing the raw/subs download thing right now. At the moment this seems like the only choice considering BSS' sub has it's video/audio out of sync.
  16. Ooo! I like what I see!
  17. Could any of this excess weight have something to do with the much stricter safety requirements on today's vehicles?
  18. What funky codec is anon using? Anytime I try to play one of their Gurren Lagann files I only get the audio portion only. Plus, the audio itself stutters as it play. I have all the current codecs that I know of.
  19. If I wanted a Corolla, I'd be looking for one Although knowing my luck, if I was trying to find a Corolla I'd run into the same problem. When I was first interested in looking for an S14 I had no idea that they were so coveted, escpecially since everybody and their brother seemed to own Civics.
  20. The biggest thing I hate about S14s (particularly the Kouki)is trying to find one that won't cost me and arm and a leg.
  21. I never knew that this OVA came out before the TV series! I always thought that it came after.
  22. Threads like this always give me a good laugh. I'm always amazed that people get bent all out of shape because someone thinks that a movie that they loved was the worst thing ever filmed.
  23. Please tell me that you're being sarcastic, wolfx.
  24. Try the anime Planetes if you want totally realistic space travel. Planetes even obeys the fact that there isn't sound in space. In the case of the SDF-1, transformation moved the position of the main gun's power coupling so that it was connected the coupling from the main gernerator. Prior to its disappearance, the fold system was the link between the main gun and the main generator. With the fold systems gone, the transformation was just simply moving power couplings around instead of making new cables. Artwork in Perfect Memory explains the transformation process much more clearly than the show does.
  25. As a general rule, new anime shows usually start in either April or October. October is the most likely start of this new Macross series.
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