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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. Are we talking battloid size or fighter size?
  2. There's always a chance that the monsters aren't acting alone, or could also possibly possess human or near-human intelligence.
  3. The Appleseed movie is missing many of the elements from the original manga, which is tons better than the movie. Also, Briareos is not a robot, he's a cyborg, hence the reason for the cough. While most of Bri is artificial, he retains most of his original internal organs.
  4. That F-18E picture looks like it just may have been taken at Lakehurst. I live only 20 minutes from there, but have yet to see any F-18s flying around.
  5. I can only say one thing... Hurry up 2008!!!
  6. The bulge just in front of the F-18's canopy is its gun. Other than that, I don't know the answers.
  7. Worst rims ever!
  8. I just finished watching this series earlier this week myself. I really loved how each Contractor had to make various remunerations for using thier powers. April definitely had the least troublesome one.
  9. Mission 10 is seriously pissing me off. At the rate I'm going, it'll take me an entire month to beat it. I swear, they should give you the option to fly a helicopter, if even only to go through the tunnels!
  10. That's a pretty awesome card. If I didn't already have the 8800GTS 640MB card in my computer, I'd definitely buy this card!
  11. It doesn't take long to learn how to drive stick. I learned how in a mere half an hour, and I'm one of the worst coordinated people in existence! I was taught how to drive stick at a car dealership when I bought my very first manual-transmission car.
  12. Hey, the new GT-R could look worse. Granted, I would have loved if they released the prior generation back when the GT-R was based off of the Skyline coupe. All I know is that if I win the lottery, I will be buying the new GT-R!!
  13. Actually, they are candy toys. In the description on the add, it does say chewing gum in katakana just before the yen price.
  14. Fantastic news! I can wait until the new spring anime season for Macross Frontier!
  15. Nvm, I found it!
  16. Hmm... Both links supplied only goto the first part. Any idea about the second?
  17. I'd love to see a Vulcan in flight. I never even knew this plane existed until this summer when I visited the RAF Museum. Even on the ground the Vulcan looked quite intimidating!
  18. Any ideas on how they're handling the audio portions of TurboGrafx-CD games? I haven't downloaded Gate of Thunder because I'm afraid that the awesome soundtrack of this game may be missing.
  19. Was that your poor Xbox, wolf?
  20. How not unlike the X-wings making the trench run!
  21. Those figures are quite awesome, I agree!
  22. Yes, David, yes they would. PS: I hope everyone doesn't mind if I add everyone to my Xbox live list!
  23. Wow, I can't believe it's been 25 years already! Happy Birthday, Macross!!
  24. Finally joined the 360 family this past weekend! Add my gamertag to the the list. It's Beltane0070 (I can't believe that there's apparently another Beltane70 out there!)
  25. Episode 25 disappointing? You're a hard man to please!
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