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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. You know, I never really associate Tohru Furuya with Macross, so I always totally forget that he played Feff in Macross II. There's two characters that I comes to my mind when talking about Tohru Furuya. Those two would be Amuro from Gundam and Kyosuke Kasuga of Kimagure Orange Road.
  2. If we're talking Akira Kamiya, lets not forget two of his other fairly known roles of: Shutaro Mendo from Urusei Yatsura and Shun Mitaka from Maison Ikkoku
  3. I'm not totally sure if he was uncredited or not, I tried looking for his name in the credits for that episode and didn't remember finding it. I could have missed it, though.
  4. Arihiro Hase (Hikaru) had a bit role in one of the episodes of Super Dimension Century Orguss. If I recall correctly that role is uncredited.
  5. It is pretty scary that we pretty much have a real-life EVE! God, I live Megazone 23!
  6. You really don't appreciate how huge battleships are until you've been on one. I've visited the New Jersey twice and I still can't get over just how impressive it really is. I've also been on the HMS Belfast in London. While not a battleship nor as huge as one, it was still a pretty impressive ship!
  7. Oh, if anyone needs it, I managed to wind up with a second copy of Macross Ace 4. I forgot to tell my friend that I already bought it online, so he wound up buying the other copy on his recent trip to Japan.
  8. I'm just happy that they're shortening the length between releases! I hated waiting six months between issues.
  9. Yeah, I saw that Kitty Hawk, too. I actually do want to get just out of the sheer weirdness of it!
  10. My current (okay, it's been the same for at least a year now) desktop.
  11. Huh? Where the hell did he come up with that?
  12. That would mean that Tommy would have to acknowledge that he was beaten. Going from what I know, that's not going to happen anytime soon, if at all.
  13. I'm going to guess that they're being licensed individually, considering that it's about two years or so between releases.
  14. I actually can't decide if I want The O or not. On one hand, I already have the HGUC 1/144 kit. On the other hand, it would be kind of nice to The O in the same scale that I have the Zeta in.
  15. Who knows, maybe the new series will be better than the original. As someone who was never a fan of the original, the remake has nothing to lose in my book.
  16. There's nothing wrong with buying a $60 dollar car. I bought 1980 Pontiac Phoenix off of one of my sister's friends for $50. I only had it for about two months, but was actually able to get $1200 for it as a trade-in.
  17. Seeing your pictures, Phyrox, makes me realize that I want a MG kit of the Zaku III!
  18. Even though I won't be able to attend the convention, I definitely want to buy a shirt! Hurry up, payday!
  19. You still have two more missions to go, Chowser.
  20. I believe the only Jegan kit for Unicorn Gundam is the Stark Jegan which is a totally new kit.
  21. Yeah, I really have no interest in this film. It looks like it just doesn't have that Robin Hood feel to it.
  22. I don't think you'll be disappointed, Bri. I really enjoyed Kyoto when I visited there five years ago.
  23. This'll be my first time as well. It will also be the first time that I've been to Japan without staying in Tokyo.
  24. I'm trying to go sometime this year, but this time around I'll actually be skipping Tokyo and staying at a friend's place in Fukuoka.
  25. I'll have to check that place out the next time I visit Tokyo.
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