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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. The MG ReZEL model is the one kit that I'm allowing myself to buy on my upcoming Japan trip next month.
  2. Hey, I never had a problem with "Planet Dance". I must be weird, right?
  3. I just finished watching this movie this evening. I originally intended to just watch the first few minutes of the movie to see if the copy I downloaded would work properly. Instead, I got hooked and finished the whole film in one sitting. I can't wait until I see the second film. I'll definitely be buying the Blu-ray next month when I'm in Japan.
  4. The funny thing about Tokyo is, that despite the fact that most street don't have names, I've never been hopelessly lost there. I've been lost plenty of times, but somehow always managed to find my way.
  5. That's a pretty good question, Valkyrie, I was actually wondering the same. Although, for me, it won't be as a big an issue, since I'm sure my friend has a computer where he is.
  6. Which version of What 'bout My Star? There is two, you know! Hmm, I didn't know that King Arthur's sword was in Macross!
  7. Beltane70


    That's disappointing to hear. I'd definitely buy a VF-0D if they produced one.
  8. Cool. I have both of those, too! In fact, my Maross Gold Book is also my prized possesion, escpecially since I have it autographed by Kawamori, Mikimoto, and Mari Iijima! As much as love the Gunbuster toy, my prized toy is actually the SOC Black Salena from Nadesico: the prince of darkness.
  9. I'm currently playing Final Fantasy XIV and happened to see a character named Hikaru Ichijyo and Ranka Alto. Does that count?
  10. So says the guy who wrote higher instead of hire in the sentence, "The groups of artists and designers were working under work for higher or freelancing.".
  11. Hmm, I wonder if I should try to find it when I'm Fukuoka next month...
  12. Supposedly, episode 15 was nothing but filler and has no actual importance to the plot of the series. At least, that's what I heard from a few people, so I can't say if this is true or not. Also, from what was said, I believe that the episode won't be on this new release, either.
  13. I just mentioned in another thread that I'll be in Fukuoka next month visiting a friend. If you're going to be in Fukuoka between the 15 and 20 of November, I'll be in the area.
  14. While not visiting Tokyo, I'm going to Japan next month to visit a friend for my vacation. This will be the first time that I'm visiting Japan without going to Tokyo. This time, I'll be staying in Fukuoka.
  15. I was actually pretty happy to see the main characters of Appleseed on there!
  16. Now I'm convinced that you are constantly wrong on purpose!
  17. When the art looks like crap, yes, they don't have a right to draw anything Macross. Rick in that one panel looks like someone bashed his face with a brick. If the artists actually know how to draw decently, people wouldn't be complaining.
  18. God, that song is so simple that even I understood it with my very minimal knowledge of Japanese! Strangely enough, Gubaba, the damned song seemed to go quite well with your animated avatar!
  19. A good point in how well Voltron is remembered than Robotech is the fact that a Voltron parody has been featured on Robot Chicken. A Robotech parody has yet to even be mentioned on the show.
  20. I'm about to pop Reach into my 360 right now.
  21. Isn't that one of the many versions of the Lovely Angel from Dirty Pair?
  22. You know, as much as I love Nissans, why do we keep getting ugly cars from them these days? I want Nissan's designers from the 90s back! And why can't they release this instead?
  23. After seeing the previews for the next season, making us wait until January was cruel and unusual punishment! Good to hear that we only have to wait about four weeks now.
  24. I think you're wasting your breath there, Seto. Oh, great, now Yui's posting her ideas on rt.com. This should be entertaining.
  25. You know, I may just go to NYAF that day to see the movie. I'm already going to be in NYC that day to see the X-Japan concert, so I may as well go see it.
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