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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. The partnership between CR and Funimation ended.
  2. I can’t believe that there wasn’t a single post in this in all of 2018! I could’ve sworn that some of those posts from 2017 were posted last year.
  3. While I’m not sure exactly when they replaced it, but Lakehurst has a new display plane at its entrance.
  4. If I remember correctly, the Andromeda and the rest of the EDF ships were largely automated in the original Yamato 2.
  5. I wonder what the chances of them rescuing the license for Maison Ikkoku. Sure, I can find Viz’s release fairly easily, but the prices of the sets past the first three are ridiculously expensive!
  6. It's been a while since I've watched Orguss, but I don't remember them ever mentioning the Emaan's lifespans. In the Wikipedia for Orguss it does mention that Emaan women are only fertile until age 18. Maybe that's what you're thinking of, Seto?
  7. The original did the same thing, though, so this isn't anything new. The WMG was only a big deal in the original Yamato. It stopped being so the moment that Arrivederci Yamato/Yamato 2 introduced the Andromeda and the rest of the Earth fleet. The only thing that changed was the number of ships.
  8. The 1/500 2199 version is an awesome kit. Funny thing for me is that I couldn't find the kit in any of the stores in Japan when I was there in September of 2016. I actually had to order mine from a place in the US once I got back from my tip!
  9. Sucks, don't it? At least we'll be able to see the Macross: The Art exhibit that's currently running at the Tezuka Museum!
  10. Really disappointed that the concert isn’t in early August when I’ll actually be in Japan!
  11. Would it be correct to assume that they'll keep the Voltron name on the Japanese sets as well?
  12. I'd still take the Frontier fleet even with its Vajra problem!
  13. And here I am just being happy that there's finally a 1/100 Jagd Doga model!
  14. No, it isn’t. The original voice actor for Oberstein, Kaneto Shiozawa, passed away in 2000.
  15. I see that someone really likes Dancouga!
  16. Nice! Guess I’ll have to pick these up when I go to Japan this summer!
  17. I don't recall having any problems with that kit, kajnrig.
  18. A few months ago when I was selling my house, the realtor complimented me on my Star Wars toys. Problem was, I didn’t have any. What he saw was the Gundam 00 Raiser, Gundam Dendobrium, and Shin’s VF-0A with Ghost Booster.
  19. Micross Gamma.
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