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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. I remember that game being hard as hell for me. Cool kit, though!
  2. Cool, just scored a new item. I now have my own little Ai-kun. I just hope that I didn't lose him when the server apparently crashed.
  3. I'm in! I just wish I was able to get myself some cool Macross gear. oh weell. Hopefully everything finishes downloading before the concert begins!
  4. I remember seeing MOSPEADA toys in Toys R Us back in the early days. In fact, back then, Toys R Us had quite a lot of anime robot toys back then. I remember seeing robots from Dorvack, Dougram, Dunbine, and a few other robots that I don't even remember the names of. Hell, I remember even seeing a Dancouga toy in a Kaybee, too.
  5. Very impressive work. Your VF-27 looks gorgeous!
  6. How the hell have I not heard of that first song until now?
  7. I'd certainly go to the panel if I was there. I could use a good laugh!
  8. The only thought that usually runs through my mind when I see picture of a Veyron is, "why the hell is that sing so freaking hideous?". I haven't seen one in person, though.
  9. I see Lamborghinis where I live often enough that it isn't even a big deal. I get more excited when I see a GT-R around than I do with a Lamborghini or a Ferrari.
  10. After four years, it finally happened. My Xbox 360 Elite just decided to die. However, it did so without a RRoD. Instead, the system just freezes after about two minutes or less of operation. Originally, I thought it was an issue with Dungeon Siege III, as the first time it froze was in the middle of playing, but the system continues to freeze even with DS III removed from the drive.
  11. I even remember a fan dub, I believe, using Gunbauster. In it, they had the Exelion as the SDF-4.
  12. It's really sad to see this plane meet this fate. Thankfully, none of the crew were seriously injured.
  13. I find the new series to be very reminiscent of earl 80s mecha shows like Vifam or Xabungle. I'll certainly give AGE a chance.
  14. At least with the live-action Evangelion movie they had some pre-production work to show, unlike absolutely nothing for the RT movie.
  15. Looks like they're grasping at straws again at rt.com http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/read.php?id=2119503&forumid=31 Now they're speculating that the RLAM may be getting delayed because of WB's plan to produce all of their tentpole productions in 3D. I can't believe that they think that the RLAM is a tentpole production. A tentpole to what, a pup-tent?
  16. I don't understand why a MG V2 Gundam would be that difficult. They had no trouble releasing a 1/60 scale version back in the mid-90s. Would it really be that hard to scale the V2 down for 1/100 scale?
  17. That's not the kind of news that I wanted to hear about the Kshatriya!
  18. Ah, I had a feeling that this may have been the case. I'm in the New York broadcast area which never showed the show you were talking about. At the time that Star Blazers aired here my family didn't have cable, so we never got the Philly stations until after.
  19. What region of Jersey was this, as I don't remember anything like the show you described?
  20. Yes, Okita's ship was red, the model is just painted differently, as is the torpedo destroyer. Same ships, different paint jobs.
  21. What a dark ending to the series, then!
  22. Hasn't Futurama taught us anything? DON'T DATE ROBOTS!!
  23. Not to mention that the optional feet look like they way they did in the TV series.
  24. I think there was also a Macross Plus top-scrolling arcade game as well.
  25. I'm going to guess that Transformers 3 is being rushed to theaters this summer because Paramount must still be quaking in their boots. Anyone want to bet that we'll probably see Transformers 4 and 5 before we see the Robotech live-action movie. Oh wait, that won't happen will it, since there probably never will be a Robotech live-action movie.
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