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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. I was just about to post this myself. Now I know that I'll definitely be buying a Vita.
  2. From what I've read, the Vita will be using its own media (which shouldn't be a surprise considering it's Sony. They say it will be able to play the downloadable PSP games, but no news that I've seen mentions anything about using UMD games on the system.
  3. Aye, it does. The current SE-Rs use the same 2.5 liter engine that the Altima uses. The Spec-V version, which mine is, also has a six-speed manual and a limited-slip differential. Sadly, the front grill which you mentioned was only around for the 02-03 model years. Those two years also had nicer rims than the ones that my SE-R has. Mine's a 2005, by the way. The SE-Rs have been around for a while, since around the 1991 model year or so.
  4. Too bad that it was actually Robotech music and not Macross music.
  5. I have six gigs of ram in my computer and I don't think I've ever seen it go beyond being half used.
  6. In the Auroran's defense, I don't recall a single scene where the helicopter mode was ever even used. I would imagine that the copter mode would only be used in an atmosphere.
  7. It's a good thing modern eject systems work even at zero altitude!
  8. The only Final Fantasy game that I wound up hating so far was VIII. That could change, as I haven't yet played I, II, V, and IX.
  9. I really wish that I could "unsee" that!
  10. It's still an impressive set. If I had the space to put it, I'd definitely buy it.
  11. I have to say, the PAK-FA is one sexy-looking plane in my book!
  12. Is it just me, or does the gruffness in his voice sound really, really forced?
  13. This video made me wonder. Did they use the idling F-15 engine noise for the Valkyries' idling sound, or do most fighter engines sound the same?
  14. This is definitely my favorite show of this season. Every episode has left me feeling happy and unable to wait for the next episode. Btw, wolfx, Rin is actually only 6 years old.
  15. Well played, Duke, well played!
  16. While not a battleship, another cool warship to visit is the HMS Belfast in London. I was able to visit it about 5 years ago. Unlike the New Jersey, the Belfast was completely open to the public.
  17. No, the two shows are completely unrelated. Dammit, I thought you were talking about Southern Cross...
  18. In other words, they've made a real Haro.
  19. That was definitely an awesome trailer! I'll certainly see this movie when it comes out.
  20. Yeah, every computer that I've built has had WD drives in them as well. In the 12 years that I've been building my own machines, I haven't had a HDD fail yet, either.
  21. That poor GT-R! Why is it that the idiots of this world wind up being able to afford cars like those?
  22. I know someone who's probably going to be dropped by their insurance company. It's pretty funny to me how so many expensive cars were involved in a single accident!
  23. The New Jersey is right in Camden. I find it a bit strange that the New Jersey is the only one of the Iowa class that's actually in the state that it's named after. So far, I've been aboard the New Jersey twice. From what I understand, it's still under restoration. The two times that I was there, the lower decks still weren't open to the public. I'd love to see the New Jersey's engine room one day.
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