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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. Very nice Zs there! I've always wanted to own one, but sadly can't really afford to treat one right. My personal favorite is the 90-96 model year.
  2. I like the suit, but it looks it belongs in the Appleseed universe more than it does Starship Troopers. I always picture the power armor in Starship Troopers to look much bulkier.
  3. God, that's an old game! I think it's one of the first Playstation games that I ever had.
  4. It's only bigamy if he tries to marry both of them. No laws against fooling around with more than one person if single!
  5. Thanks. I couldn't remember if he was part of that plan even though I had seen the episode only a few weeks ago.
  6. Well, valid, you just walked into one of the biggest mysteries of the Macross universe. No one knows for sure what the real continuity is. Some say it's somewhere between the two. Not even Kawamori has come out and said what's fully official.
  7. Do you have to destroy everything on the Vajra Battle Frontier. I think I've destroyed all the major parts of it save for the beam cannon arms. Am I missing some other main part or is it actually requiring you to destroy sub-parts as well?
  8. The two biggest things that bothered me about Roslin was taking Sharon and Helo's daughter away from them, and trying to rig the election. It was pretty cruel to make Sharon and Karl believe that their daughter was dead. Granted, Adama (At least I think he was involved, but don't remember if he actually was or wasn't) and Dr Cottle are just as much to blame for going along with it. Plus, I don't know if it's part of Mary McDonnell's acting style or not, but Roslin's facial expressions always seems so smug, escpecially when she's being questioned about her actions
  9. How do you call forgetting things that someone said two seconds ago as excellent short-term memory?
  10. I can't remember if I even transformed my VF-0A or not. I think I did when I first got it 3 years ago, but I'm still not entirely sure. It's been sitting in fighter mode since then, so I don't know if it had any issues or not.
  11. I've been re-watching the show as well thanks to BBC America. More correctly, I'm only re-watching from season 2.5 on. This is actually my first time seeing the mini-series and the first season and a half. I didn't really think about it before, but now that I've seen the series from the beginning, I've come to realize that I really, really hate Roslin!
  12. Robotech really are delusional! http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/read.php?id=2133253&forumid=17 The comic mentioned in the thread is said to be "heavily influenced" by Robotech, yet the comic's creator says that Macross Plus and a few anime titles are the main influences for it. Man, I so want to throttle people over there until they understand that Macross, especially anything after SDF:M is not Robotech! I know it's a lost cause, but it still make me feel better!
  13. I'm going with this one as well, since the silhouette in the picture lacks the extended shoulder of the Capule.
  14. I found myself enjoying "Open Ranka", myself. I think it would be awesome if we had the technology to do concerts the way they do in Macross. Just think what a Pink Floyd concert would be like if we had the ability to do a Sharon Apple or Sheryl Nome style concert!
  15. That sounds like something that Clarkson and May would do to Hammond!
  16. I would have loved to see the reaction to my post beyond my banning. Are they like, "OMG! Someone's speaking the truth, hurry up and ban him before someone catches on!"?
  17. So a whole two people will be seeing the new robotech movie? Oh, how I envy them!
  18. Well, it looks like I've finally met the RT.com ban hammer. I guess listing a bunch of anime series that were brought to the US and aired before Robotech and without Carl Macek's help was too much for them. They even deleted my post. The only thing left of it is the list being quoted by MEMO where he says he remembers all those shows. I guess the real straw that broke the camel's back was me minimalizing Carl's importance in bringing anime into the US. The truth really does hurt, doesn't! The only disappointment I have is not knowing who did actually banned me. I'm putting my money on McKeever!
  19. You know, I'm really liking the enemy mecha design in this show!
  20. Still no ban for me despite asking if HG lacked the desire, talent, or financial ability to create something completely new.
  21. Today was a horrible day. Until I got home from work to find a package waiting for me! The special edition box set was worth every single penny. I spent a good 45 minutes gushing over it before I even started watching the movie! All that I can say is that the movie was well worth the long wait. The only thing that will make it better is subtitles. My film clip was from . I'm so glad that I didn't get stuck with one of the anti-piracy clips!
  22. Even, I who has remained relatively quiet on rt.com has been tempting the banhammer fate!
  23. I got the email this afternoon that my set shipped today! I should see it waiting for me by the time I get home from work! I'm guessing that the company that I deal with actually gets their merchandise prior to their Japanese release dates despite being located in New York.
  24. I have no need of the A&E box set. I already have what I want, all three shows in their original Japanese format.
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