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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. Very nice work! I hate you for being so talented!
  2. I'll probably be picking up the MG Full Armor Gundam Unicorn next weekend when I'm at Katsucon. I'm still hoping that they'll someday produce a MG Kshatrya, despite the earlier mentioned difficulties of producing such a kit.
  3. So, how many of us, have already ordered their PS Vita? I have!
  4. I actually like both the VF-1 and VF-0 pretty much equally. Both machines look pretty damn awesome to me.
  5. I would wager to guess that the Dragonar that you got is probably one of those Hong Kong DVDs? I've always been wary of those after borrowing a few from a friend and seeing some pretty bad English subtitles. I remember watching Orguss and the subtitles were almost unintellegible. Giant Gorg looked to be pretty good judging by the few episodes that I saw.
  6. Despite being an anime fan for almost 30 years, I haven't even seen Layzner yet. I've known about it since the beginning of my anime interest, but kind of dismissed it due to the stupid reason of not liking the mecha designs. Now that I'm older and wiser, I should rectify this situation! I'm also really disappointed that Dragonar and Giant Gorg were never finished by the fansub groups that I saw doing them a few years ago. Plus, I really need to catch up on my viewing of L-Gaim. I've been downloading the episodes, but haven't watched any of the episodes since the mid-30s.
  7. I know some people think that the robots in this show are hideous, but I actually really like them. I think they're pretty unique and different from anything else that's out there.
  8. My morbid sense of curiosity will have me attending the Robotech panel at Katsucon this year. Who knows, maybe it'll even give me a good laugh!
  9. I'd say that Flit grew up pretty damn well! I also like the fact that Flit's son is a few years older than Flit was at the start of the series.
  10. Nice, areaseven! I've been looking for that kit for years. I saw it in the dealer's room at a convention about a decade ago, but unfortunately, didn't have the money to buy it. I haven't seen it anywhere since. I haven't even seen it in the dozens of stores I've been into in Japan.
  11. The most interesting thing to me about Tiger & Bunny was the fact that all the superheroes had corporate sponsors!
  12. I haven't painted a Gundam model in years!
  13. It's a sequel, but it takes place 12,000 years after the Aquarion TV series, allegedly. Wait, I'm not the only one on this site that ejnoys K-ON!
  14. Despite living only about 10 miles away from Lakehurst and passing it on my way to work, I never get to see any of the planes from there flying around.
  15. The only difference was that humans already existed on Earth in BSG as opposed to Gall Force where the two survivors where the very first humans on Earth.
  16. I keep forgetting that I have a WAVE 1/100 LED Mirage injection kit sitting around, still unbuilt in its box. I really need to build it one of these days!
  17. Maybe so, but how many people (barring any of us) watched Gall Force to even know?
  18. Wow, I really love Mikimoto's rendition of Sheryl!
  19. From what I've read, the second generation of the series is supposed to start this month.
  20. Damn, I'm jealous! Not that I can complain, though, since I paid 4200 yen for my copy a year ago.
  21. I'll just wait a few years down the road and hopefully see this in a used shop on one of my visits to Japan. Right now, as much as I really want the set, I can't afford it.
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