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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. To this day, I have yet to see Yamato's third season. Bolar Wars never aired where I live.
  2. I watched episode 14 last night. Along with a new opening and closing, the episode adds even more interesting questions. I can't wait to see what happens next week!
  3. Plus, she's scheduled to appear at this year's Otakon in Baltimore later this month. I'd say that's enough to squash any rumors that she's disappeared from the industry!
  4. I could've sworn that I recently read that she's returned to voice acting.
  5. I actually enjoyed the Endless 8 arc, especially considering that I was right about what Kyon had to do to end it.
  6. Today seemed to be expensive car day. In the span of about 10 minutes, I managed to spot a Ferrari F430 and two Aston Martins (I only saw them from the front and have no ideas on the actual models), one of which was a convertible.
  7. I'm not overly concerned about the possible edits, but I would like the film to be unaltered. Besides, I'm sure most of us have older versions of DYRL, so if we really need to see the movie in its original format, we can always watch our old copies.
  8. And what spoilers do you want, Keith?
  9. If Total Eclipse continues to be like the second episode, the show just may be up there with my favorites. While the first episode was a bit light on the mecha action, the second more than makes up for it. We finally get a good look at the aliens in this series. They're kind of reminiscent of the bugs in the Starship Troopers film or the aliens in Blue Gender with there being a few different classes of aliens. Even though the one promotional picture shows two female characters, there is also a male protagonist that has yet to be introduced, but going from the second episode, we'll likely see him in the third. I also really like the mecha designs for the show. They actually look like they'd belong in an Armored Core or Front Mission game.
  10. 105? Jeez, my first Sentra, a 1992 E model had 110 HP and that car was completely stripped.
  11. Beltane70

    Macross figures

    I own a grand total of two Macross figures, Mylene and Minmay from the Macross Half-age Girls series. I picked them up in Narita airport of all places while on my last Japan trip in November of 2010.
  12. One of these days I'll get around to buying the Macross. I think I'd definitely go for the kit version, as I love putting things together.
  13. You probably want to stay out of the Rosamia Badam and Chara Soon room as well! Now a Sarah Zabiarov and Beltorchika Irma room I'd be all for!
  14. I finally got to see an Aventador in person this evening when I went down to the beach. While it's a bit dark due to my phone's flash not being too bright, I did manage to get a picture of it.
  15. Just finished watching the first episode of "Total Eclipse". It looks like it's going to be a pretty good mecha vs aliens show, at least to me. We haven't gotten a really good look at the aliens yet, but I'm pretty sure that we'll be seeing them in the second episode.
  16. What, am I the only "old" person around here who isn't jaded when it comes to today's anime industry?
  17. Nah, It's not an age thing. I'm 42 and still find plenty of new anime to watch and enjoy. I find that I love quite a few of the newer shows just as much as I love the older ones.
  18. Well, I just rewatched the last episode and turns out that it was only the DVD/Blu-ray that the message was about. We don't actually know what there wasn't an episode this past Thursday, it could be just something as simple as the network showing it having a special.
  19. There was some kind of message that showed across the screen during the last episode. I'm assuming that it was mentioning that there wouldn't be an episode this past week.
  20. As a resident of NJ, I'm really looking forward to this next year. Watching that video, I recognized the entire course and have driven those roads many, many times.
  21. Oops, what I meant to say is that Frontier is the only Macross series that I've seen that actually gives a specific date for every episode. I forgot to add that to my original post. I really hope that I'll be around and with full mental faculties in 2059 to watch Macross Frontier during the dates that the episodes are supposed to happen. Episodes 6 & 7 supposedly happen on what will be my 89th birthday!
  22. It'll be great to see all the details that I've been missing since I first saw this film 25 years ago.
  23. Glad to see that you liked it as much as I did. It's always great to see a show that totally changes the formula of its genre.
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