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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. I have no problems with the new XIII game. I enjoyed both XIII and XIII-2. Lightning's Return looks pretty interesting to me, so I plan on buying it when it's released.
  2. I certainly did. I laughed the moment the line was delivered!
  3. At least you've finally seen it!
  4. David, David, David, you're totally forgetting that CCA was a movie, not an OVA. Don't mind me, I love to nitpick!
  5. Simply amazing!
  6. Beltane70

    Macross 30

    The kanji in the arrow pointing down from Sharron's picture to the other characters means "brainwashing".
  7. I really need to see these in their entirety!
  8. Despite liking some of her Macross Frontier songs, I don't think that May'n is that good a singer. To me, she sounds a bit nasally and that she's straining to hit the high notes. As far as Macross songs go, I find that my favorites are sung by either Mari or Chie.
  9. I've always loved the ending of Orguss! This was actually my third viewing of Orguss. I had first seen it raw about 20 years ago, my second viewing was with a really poorly subtitled Hong Kong bootleg set (it was so bad that after the tenth episode, they started calling Kei "Jackie"). This third viewing was the first time that I was able to see the series with subtitles that made sense. I'm still on the fence on if I want to be brave enough and watch the dub of the first 17 episodes of the series. I saw the first episode back in the 90s and remember it being pretty bad.
  10. My favorite Macross song has been and always will be "Do You Remember Love?".
  11. I finally finished Orguss and I'm happy to say that there were no problems on any of the discs!
  12. Some people are just never happy. I love the Rebuild movies as much as I love the original series.
  13. You like it, renegade, just admit it! I really need to watch that series again, even if it's just to see the opening!
  14. I'm half way through watching Orguss, thankfully with no bad discs as of yet. Only three more to go!
  15. She's a new character in the Macross The First manga. She replaces the head engineer from the original TV series.
  16. I wish that I could be playing Halo 4! Unfortunately, finances have been tight these past few months.
  17. That episode was on TV in February of 1980, hence the reason why Yoda wasn't in the episode. Out of all the episodes of the Muppet Show, this is the one that I remember watching the most from its original airing.
  18. If I remember correctly, I got the individual discs. I'm going to guess that I'm doomed!
  19. I wonder if these designs were intended for Escaflowne in its earliest concepts since Asturia, Fanelia and the Zaibach Empire are the names of the three main kingdoms in Escaflowne.
  20. ImaginAsian was the group that released Orguss on DVD in the US. I have the entire set, but have yet to watch it. I just hope that I don't have any of the problem discs, especially considering how long I've owned the set for!
  21. So, what are you going to say if the Endeavor should be unlucky enough to get destroyed in an LA earthquake?
  22. I don't see this as a bad thing, either. Merging with Disney hasn't seemed to hurt Marvel at all.
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