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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. Speak for yourself, but I wouldn't be the least bit embarrassed stepping out of an Aventador!
  2. This is truly sad news. I remember meeting Toren at the second Anime East in 1995. He was also one of the first Americans that I had heard of involved with the anime/manga industry. These past few weeks has taken so many people in the anime/manga industry at such young ages.
  3. Apart from the hands, most of the differences are in the cockpit. Instead of having three separate instrument panels, the movie version has one, larger panel; instead of having the traditional HUD on top of the instrument panel, targeting and other data is projected directly onto the inside of the canopy; the main control stick is moved from the center of the cockpit to the right side of the cockpit; the transformation levers have been removed and all the modes are changed with the throttle control. There also may be some mechanical differences as well.
  4. I remember reading reviews of my car, 2005 Sentra SE-R SpecV, that said that it suffered from torque steer, yet I haven't noticed any over the past 5 years that I've been driving it.
  5. I like the Nadesico movie, too. Hell, when a friend of mine decided to postpone a trip to Japan together, I kept with the original dates because they coincided with the movie. Unlike the Nadesico movie, the Nadia movie does nothing to continue the story. In fact, all of the character growth from the series is totally absent as some of them wind up behaving much like they did in the beginning of the series.
  6. Beltane70

    Macross 30

    It's killing me that I can't afford to buy this game right now, killing me! I just hope that I'm lucky enough to still find the Super Galaxy Box Edition without spending a fortune when I actually can afford to buy it.
  7. I'm with Gubaba and the feeling old bit! I was in my early 30s when this was on Cartoon Network.
  8. You're not missing out on anything by not seeing the movie. Nadia is one of my favorite 90s anime, but the movie wasn't. I had the opposite opinion and thought that Nadia was dumb when I first heard about. Once I started watching it, my opinion changed.
  9. It's rather depressing, especially since they all seem to be in the same age group as I am. In just over two months, I'll be the same age as Kaoru Shimamura was.
  10. Only, it's not hair, just hair-colored.
  11. I don't see why people are complaining about being able to see other people playing PS4 games or the other social abilities that the system will be able to do. It's not like you MUST or HAVE to use those features. Like the PS2 and PS3, I probably won't buy the system until they release a game that I really want.
  12. Just about everything in Macross is vulnerable to nuclear or reaction weaponry. It's not the temperature of the atmosphere that's the issue, it's the temperature generated by the friction from going through the atmosphere that's the problem. Despite being at around -85 C on average, most meteors burn up in Earth's mesosphere.
  13. I'm sold on the Cosmo Zero! At 1/72, I'm guessing that the size will be similar to Bandai's VF-25 kits?
  14. I think that Yamato 2199 gives Unicorn a damn good run for its money. I love the animation for both and it's really hard for me to say which one is better.
  15. I think it's lame that they even call it a Corvette! The car doesn't invoke a Vette feeling in me.
  16. Despite the fact that they like to write it as Vividred, it would be Vivid Red since the main character's color when using the Vivid System.
  17. That is by no means a small kit, not by Gundam standards, at least. I have the 1/144 scale Kshatriya kit, which is actually pretty large despite its scale.
  18. I didn't have any problems with the site, either. I wonder why you did, mech. Now I'll have to go and watch that scene to see if the binders move the way you said. Heh, wonder why I never noticed all the times that I've watched the first episode of UC?
  19. I haven't played a Persona game since the first one released in the US on the original Playstation. I have Persona 2 for it as well, but never started it.
  20. What I love about Sidious is that he's always totally enjoying himself as he fights!
  21. I'm sold, if the price is actually in that $170 region. I have the 1/144 Bandai kit, but really wanted the Kshatriya in 1/100, which Bandai didn't make. The only thing that seems a bit excessive is all the moving part on the binders. I don't remember them separating in the OVA like they do on this model.
  22. I just watched last week episode, and it was awesome to see Sidious in action. He isn't the Sith Lord for nothing!
  23. Why do people continue to post this strange rumor as fact? The original voice actor for Bright Noa in Gundam died in 2006 and all of the shows that the actor played characters in replaced him with new actors to fill his spot. The current Gundam OVA, Gundam Unicorn has Bright Noa as a major character, so I don't see why they'd refuse to use Hikaru in any new Macross projects if they wished to just because the original voice actor in no longer living.
  24. That is a really awesome piece of artwork!
  25. I've been enjoying the new show, Tamako Market. It's a complete 180 from the two fairly dark shows, Psycho-pass and From the New World that. I've been watching. I totally love the talking bird, Dera Mochimazzi, who's played by the same voice actor that played Isamu in M+.
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