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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. I just finished watching the first episode of Valverave The Liberator. Going by first episodes, now it's a bit hard to decide which series I'm liking more, Valverave or Gargantia. However, Majestic Prince is definitely in last place out of the three mecha shows this season.
  2. Based on the first two episodes, this seems a lot more like Nadesico than Gundam Seed. I don't think that this series is going the serious route. The only part of it that reminded me of Gundam Seed is the character designs, but that's no surprise since it is the same character designer.
  3. I've never complained about Hirai's designs. Not until now, though! His designs for Majestic Prince are probably the first ones by him that I'm really not too fond of.
  4. I totally loved the first episode! The main characters mecha looks a lot better in the animation than it does as the toy that was shown. The aliens from the beginning battle reminded me a lot of the space monsters from Gunbuster.
  5. The only thing the Andromeda really needs is AA guns. It had, what, one pair on each side of the bridge?
  6. It's not like your reasoning is any better. It's obvious that other people noticed Gargantia since there are people talking about it on other forums. I was being specific to myself, not others, so I don't see how you can answer for everyone else.
  7. I'm just trying to figure out how the hell Gargantia went by unnoticed by me for so long. For months I saw a couple of things for both Majestic Prince and Valvrave, yet Gargantia managed to sneak by me until just before it started airing.
  8. I just finished watching the first episode of Gargantia. It was 1000 times better than Majestic Prince's first episode!
  9. I've probably said this one hundred times, but this is the best remake of anything, ever! The original Yamato as Star Blazers was one of my first anime loves and a show that I watched almost religiously when I was about 8 or 9 years old. It's obvious to me that the staff of this new version loved the original as much as I did. I hope that after this is done, they go on to make an updated version of Yamato 2!
  10. Your Cosmo Zeros look awesome, Dobber!
  11. All I usually get to see flying over my house are C-17s and KC-10s. Oh, McGuire AFB, why couldn't you have at least one fighter wing stationed at you?
  12. I'm not too fond of those wheels, myself. But I guess that's what aftermarket parts are for.
  13. I swear that they modeled the raven's monster form after the AFOS from Macross Zero!
  14. It's really weird seeing you guys mention Bill Rogers! I've known him for almost 20 years now. We were actually in the same anime club at Rutgers University in the early 90s.
  15. Welcome to the world of Yamato, Duke!
  16. I can't wait until the movie comes out, but that won't be until next winter. WHY MUST THEY TORTURE ME SO?!!!
  17. I haven't started it yet, but I've finally managed to get my hands on the first 24 episodes of SPT Layzner. Yeah, I know I'm about 25 years late to the party!
  18. What's even better is that we get it the same day here in the US! Wait, was that Warwick Davis that I saw?
  19. No, you're not. I actually enjoyed both Aquarion series. I even own one of the Soul of Chogokin toys from the first series.
  20. Actually, she's in a series now, called, "Problem Children Are Coming From Another World, Aren't They?", which I believe is about to end.
  21. That's because it's not. That's the theme song to the show Kotoura-san, which just happens to be sung by Megumi Nakajima, who played Ranka in Frontier. The maker of the video just put the Frontier characters over the opening animation of Kotoura-san.
  22. Nice! A friend of mine is over in Japan right now and will still be there when this comes out. I'll have to have him pick me up a copy.
  23. A Japanese PS2 will work just fine on your LED since both the US and Japan use NTSC.
  24. If you're talking about the song sung during the battle against the main Zentradi fleet in the TV series, it's "Love Drifts Away" which is a totally different song than the one used in the final battle of DYRL, which is called, "DYRL".
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