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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. Other than the four thin parts that extend from the bow, I didn't see any other parts that I haven't seen in any current Lego set. Either way, it's still awesome and something that I've been wanting to make for years!
  2. It's actually not "Dogfighter", it's "戦いの運命" "Fate of the Battle" (if Google translate is correct). It seems that the whole scene was a collection of DYRL BGM.
  3. I think pretty much everyone That was the only real problem that i had with the film. Other than that, I really enjoyed it. The biggest surprise for me was noticing I know, lame that I'm mentioning something so trivial.
  4. I have no clue what I just watched!
  5. And Hideaki Anno. That's awesome seeing members of the anime industry getting some recognition by an American-produced film.
  6. As a fan of the show, I'd say, yes. Yes you were.
  7. Funny that this movie should be mentioned. I was just talking about Stalingrad with a co-worker this afternoon!
  8. Thanks about that bit of news on the Geara Doga, Indigo! I was beginning to think that we'd never see a MG of it. I forgot about the Massala, though! Do want!
  9. I won't be happy until there's a MG of this. And the Geara Doga. And the Jagd Doga. Why must you torture me so, Bandai?
  10. This thread has reminded me that I really need to get around to replacing the battery for the storage memory in my PCEngine DUO!
  11. While it certainly isn't my favorite episode of the series so far, it also isn't a deal breaker! Hell, I've seen worse episodes in shows that I like even more than this!
  12. Is it strange that one of my favorite things about Macross the First is Shammy?
  13. I'm part of the DYRL faction! The reason why I like the DYRL fight better is because Max and Milia are more evenly matched. In the SDFM version, the fight was too one-sided for me.
  14. No, you're caught up with what's been released on video in Japan. Episodes 15-18 aren't on home video in Japan yet (save for the very limited blurays that are sold in the theatres).
  15. I finally got vol 5, making my collection of Macross the First tankobon complete! I'm actually enjoying the divergence from the TV story, myself. Even thought Kaifun is in this version, he doesn't seem to have the same personality as his OSM counterpart, though I suppose it may be too early to tell at this point.
  16. I probably have that booklet somewhere, myself!
  17. What was I, chopped liver?
  18. As far as figures go, I'm holding out for a decent Makoto Harada one.
  19. I just finished watching this and must say that this was probably the most messed-up part of Evangelion that I've seen. I totally mean this in a good way! Can't wait to see how the fourth film is going to close the Rebuild series!
  20. So, that's what Amuro and Sayla do in their spare time! Dress up as Char and play with swords!
  21. While Space Thunder Kids may have been a single film, it's designs were certainly ripped off of several anime shows! In the preview alone I noticed three right off the bat; Gundam, Yamato, and Crusher Joe. Hell, they even went as far as using Yamato's music!
  22. I'd be too afraid to start watching anything on SyFy these days just knowing that if I start to like something, it'll probably get the axe!
  23. I never read the manga myself, I've just seen it in the manga section of Barnes and Noble.
  24. I have to remember to type the title as Valvrave, not Valverave! I guess you weren't aware that Attack on Titan was a manga first.
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