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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. I'll likely be getting the Destiny PS4 bundle this Friday in celebration of paying off my car.
  2. You won't be disappointed, renegadeleader1. Dougram is consistent throughout the series. I still have to watch it subtitled. Dougram was the first series in a long time that I watched totally raw.
  3. I saw it about a week after it was released in Japan. I have a friend who goes to Japan on a regular basis and he bought the LD right when it came out.
  4. No. The writing on the box says that it's a non-scale PVC figure. I know it's a bit strange to call a spaceship figure, but that's what the company that makes it says it is.
  5. They're not that big. The one on the right is only 22m tall. The two on the left were made on Earth, while the bigger three were produced on Mars.
  6. China does say, "stop calling me 'class rep'", to which Sei apologizes. Plus, it's technically possible for them to be 20 since you can be two different ages in the same year, depending on how precise you want the six years to be.
  7. I'm going to assume that Misa's hair color is just following the normal anime trend of not actually meaning anything. Just look at how many fully Japanese characters in other anime sport blond, or any other color other than very dark brown or black.
  8. I rewatched Southern Cross about two months ago and never once did I see the Auroran use the helicopter mode.
  9. I did the same just now! The Vulcan is definitely an impressive aircraft! I had never heard of it until I saw one in person at the RAF museum back in '07!
  10. I thought this whole thing was pretty unethical from day one!On another note, I totally agree with Seto about Treiz. He's definitely rt.com's most delusional member of the boards that's not a moderator on the site.
  11. Not a single one of my friends have any interest in Robotech! They'd probably laugh if they heard about this Kickstarter if they haven't already. I love how desperate that last update sounds!
  12. At $250 I'm glad that I got the Dunbine DVDs as they were released! The only thing I don't have are the boxes
  13. It's nice to see that the really long gun barrel is included with the Sidonia robot!
  14. I first saw DYRL at a Creation Convention in NYC in November of '86. A dealer was showing it at his table and I happened to notice it while the first battle scene was playing. Having seen Robofech before, I recognized the Valkyries, but not the scene, plus the fact that the animation quality was significantly better. The dealer informed me what it was, but I sadly didn't have enough money to buy a copy at the show. Needless to say, I went home and asked my parents for money and ordered a bootleg copy of the movie. I've been hooked on anime ever since then!
  15. Wait, I thought that Robotech was alive and profitable! This KS project seems to say otherwise. Okay, I couldn't type that first part with a straight face at all.
  16. We still have quite a few arcades here in NJ. Most of them aren't dedicated to solely video games, however. They're also mostly located in the beach towns, though there is Yestercade in Red Bank.
  17. Saw an Osprey in person for the first time. I was actually a bit surprised on how it sounded different depending on its position from me. When it was headed toward me, it sounded like a large helicopter (which is what I first thought it was until I actually saw it). When it was moving away from me, it sounded like a jet. It was also a bit louder than I thought it would be.
  18. I'd only buy this release if it was on bluray since I already have the ImaginAsian release.
  19. In "Firefox", it was only the weapons that were thought-controlled. The pilot still had to physically fly the plane.
  20. Macross Plus, anyone? http://www.nbcnews.com/science/weird-science/flight-fancy-piloting-planes-mind-control-n124566
  21. I just hope that it will be around long enough for my finances to return to a point where I'll be able to afford to pick it up.
  22. I hope it won't be too too long before we get a completely brand-new chapter!
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