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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. Is that mail-order only? I haven't seen it in any of the toy/model shops I've visited during my stay here in Japan.
  2. Why the hell is the 1/500 2199 Yamato model so hard to find? Did Bandai stop producing it? It's actually starting to piss me off, especially considering that I can find plenty of old Gundam models from the early 80s in stores, but not a kit that is only a year or so old! If I knew that I was going to have such a problem finding it, I would have bought it at NY Comic-con and lugged the thing to the X-Japan concert last October. Even worse is that I can find the expansion kit for it all over the place, but not the main kit!
  3. Far from. The track ball was invented and first used during the mid-1950s.
  4. The Akiba Yodobashi is one of the first places I looked for it. I haven't hit all the shops in Akiba yet, so I still might find it there. I did find the first 4 blurays for 2450 yen each. They had all 7, but 5-7 were priced for twice as much.
  5. I'm definitely thinking of picking up that Gatlantis carrier. I keep seeing it at a few of the stores here in Tokyo. Haven't come across the 1/500 Yamato anywhere yet, I'm sad to say.
  6. I just discovered that the Tokyo Game Show will be taking place while I'm in Japan! I guess I know what I'll be doing on September 19!
  7. Tochiro's picture is from the end of episode 3 of Macross Plus.
  8. It figures that the event would happen a few days after I leave Japan!
  9. Milia will always be number one in my book. There's just something about girls with green hair!
  10. These damn delays are driving me nuts! Dammit, HAL, stop screwing around and start working on your damned manga!!
  11. I'm going to have a tough time deciding what Gundam models to buy when I'm in Japan next month!
  12. Right you are, Mr March! My favorite comical piece from that book is the one where Hikaru's VF-1 is crashing through the bridge's window and you can see Gloval booking it towards the exit.
  13. On the flip side, I once heard a track from the DYRL soundtrack playing in a segment of Late Night with David Letterman.
  14. I believe that you can find some episodes (if not the entire series) on YouTube.
  15. It's a shame, too, as I rather liked quite a few of the designs that came out of Reconguista and would have loved to see some 1/100 kits of them. I generally like to keep my Gundam models limited to the 1/100 scale, but will settle with 1/144 if there isn't any other options.
  16. Is it just HLJ not having them or was Reconguista In G so unpopular that they didn't bother producing any 1/100 scale kits for it?
  17. Update: I will definitely be in Japan this September. I plan to do a couple of days in Kyoto, so making a side trip to Osaka to see the exhibit shouldn't be a problem!
  18. I'm hoping to be in Japan in September and will definitely have to check it out if I do go!
  19. I wish that I could have seen this in person. The only Avro Vulcan that I've seen was the one on display at the Royal Air Force Museum.
  20. frothymug got it with DuelGundam. He's still up to his usual schtick and has been called out on it.
  21. So, I ran into this little gem of a quote while reading the thread, "What are you watching right now?" on Anime News Network: "I don't bother with metaphors since they are useless" Anyone want to guess what former member this is?
  22. I don't think that I've ever chosen any particular side when it came to console wars. I owned both a SNES, and a Sega Genesis, with the Genesis being first, followed by the SNES about a year later. Hell, I even owned a PCEngine DUO!
  23. With 100+ episodes, it looks like Legend of the Galactic Heroes is out of the question, huh?
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