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Capt Hungry

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Everything posted by Capt Hungry

  1. Nice rig Andy. Your case looks very similiar to mine, cept' I don't have the fancy window. 1. Antec 1080 SOHO case w/4 fans Antec 430W PSU P3 800EB Asus P3V4X mobo 512 MB of Crucial PC133 SDRAM 40 GB Maxtor 7200 RPM ATA100 HDD (running at ATA66 since my mobo only supports ATA66) PNY Geforce Ti 4400 w/128MB Linksys LNE100TX Nic ESS 1869 soundcard 56K generic modem Creative 52X CD-ROM 2. Generic case 250W Compusa PSU 333Mhz Celeron Asus P3B-F mobo 512 MB of PC100 SDRAM Diamond Viper V770 TNT2 Ultra w/32MB 10 GB Maxtor 5400 RPM HDD 3.2 GB Fujitsu HDD Creative 52X CD-ROM Linksys LNE100TX Nic 3. Generic case 250W generic PSU 700Mhz Duron MSI K7T Ultra2 mobo 512 MB of PC100 SDRAM Gainward Geforce2 Ti 450 TV w/64MB Generic 10GB HDD D-Link DFE530TX Nic Generic 52X CD-ROM Comps 1 and 2 are connected to a Linksys 2 port KVM switch......... I am such a geek.
  2. Nice work! Garoquel did one like this too.
  3. Nice avatar there dna! Thanks to all of you for the info on the song. Much appreciated!
  4. I sincerely hope that Hasegawa will in fact make the 11. Good karma!!!!!!
  5. Good. There was just such a weak story there. After watching episode 4 last night, I am really digging the closing credits song. Anyone know the artist and or name of the song? And it's sung entirely in english.......although, I think there may be some engrish in there too. "She's incredible math" or something along those lines........should it be "incredible man"? Whichever, very cool song.
  6. More GiTS goodness to look forward to. I started watching Stand Alone Complex this weekend. Looks pretty cool thus far, although the third episode seemed kinda pointless to me............. I also like the Tachikomas, but I am not sure about the cutsey personalities they seem to have.
  7. Saweet!!!!! I especially like the tinting on the canopy. Gotta really learn how to do this!
  8. Don't think it's risque, but it does look as though she's wearing pasties. Nice work!
  9. Speaking of the Great Froating Head - I picked up Kawamori's design works book for Cyberformula GPX. It's pretty cool. It's laid out the same way as the Macross design book, albeit, not quite as thick.
  10. Sounds like someone hangs out at 3D Realms forums some times. Joe Siegler is always locking threads over there and it's usually something along the lines of: "Welcome to Locksville, population - you."
  11. These are two decent Shirow sites that I have found recently: Shirow site, seems it was last updated February of last year..........it's a decent site. Motorballer's site - this is also a good site with some pics and he seems to be keeping it UTD. Last update was 10/18/03.
  12. I do. I like how the nose of the 11 is incorporated better, IMO, in her outfit. And how come no one has done a MAXL yet?
  13. Mason-Largo...........interesting, hadn't heard that afore. Edit in: very interesting read there Yellowlightman. Thank you.
  14. Good karma to all of you in the vicinity of the fires.
  15. Thanks so much for these write ups! Things make more sense to me now. Haven't gotten issue #8 yet...........might just wait and get that when #9 is available.
  16. I remember Priss being rather pissed at the thought of being an idol singer.
  18. A few notes about BGC 2040: - While the animation is better, the violence level is severely watered-down. I forgot who broadcasted this series in Japan, but I bet it's TV Tokyo (the same people that didn't want blood on NOIR). - BGC's strongest point was its music. Apparently, 2040's weakest point is its music. (And don't get me started with Akira Sudo's remake of "Konya Wa Hurricane.") - 2040 changed the character traits to a point where many of them are hardly recognizable. Priss is a quiet schizoid unlike the original's spunky, hotheaded chick we've all grown to love. Sylia is a rampaging psychopath instead of the original's calm, intelligent character. Linna seems like a brat in the new version. Leon was a smart-ass with a keen sense of humor; the new Leon is just a dick (probably even gay, since he's not asking Priss for a date). We used to laugh at Daley pretending to be gay, but the new Daley is plain boring (maybe because he really has a thing for the new Leon). Thanks for the info A7. I may have to check out an episode or two just to see.
  19. That would be me, Cap. There was a guy that used to post here, can't remember his handle but he used to post in pirate speak or some other strange vernacular. (Yar matey, etc) He was 45 or 46 at the time.... I think that I remember that guy...................
  20. That would be me, Cap. Nice to know that I am not the only one around here who is up there age wise.
  21. Wow. You got lucky, I paid $100 for mine. I remember when I first stumbled across BGC in a video store. I was just beginning to discover anime, which was not an easy thing to do in Portland, Maine. I was blown away by the first episode. I rented the entire series as I was able to find them in the store. My fav episode is still #6 - Red Eyes. I love it when it seems that Priss is about to be squashed, and the Typhoon 2 motoslave containing her back up suit arrives. It was just very cool to me to think that mecha like that would be so autonomous to be able to operate the way it did. The other thing is that it looks cool........ BGC will always be high on my list of most favorite anime. I still have all the episodes on VHS in the nice plastic clamshell covers. Have to admit that I have been curious about the newer series.
  22. Dude. Good karma to you sir!
  23. Thanks BoB!!
  24. Soon to be 36 (approx a week and a half). Who's the other MWer whose in that 36-45 category with me?
  25. Jupiter Effect: Influx For those of you who have Unreal Tournament 2003, here is a mod that appears to be influenced by Macross and Virtual On. Makes me wish that I had UT2K3, so I could at least check this out. Sounds kind of cool. Not sure if this was brought up afore, but I found out about it in Computer Gaming World.
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